posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 02:43 AM
Everything that exists is a physical reality with one truth to it's existance. Wood is wood, Metal is metal, and so on. Each has a distinctive
molecular structure, not two, but one physical and proven truth to it's existance. The same is true with the rest of the universe, what is out there
also has one physical reality and truth. There is in fact somethng out there, and closer than you would think. The reality is there are some human
forms here that have a special connection to the physical truths, some are well advanced and some know they are connected but are still singular and
not aware of their specific role or purpose. Even though human, they are connected, but that understanding is limited to many of them at this time.
They have special gifts, and are not the same as the general population so in effect although the blend in well, they also stand out in many other
ways such as their knowledge without education levels and just know the info but don't know where it came from situations. There is much more,
however this is just a brief posting. You know who you are, and many of you have more advanced understandings, try to share them with those who are