posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 05:50 PM
Well, I can only speak for myself. And I live just next door to the People's Republic of Berkeley, on the Left Coast. So perhaps I'm not the best
person to answer you.
But on the other hand, maybe I am, as America is by no stretch of the imagination homogenous.
Do I want to rule the world, or my country to do so? NO. We can't even rule ourselves! Living in certain cities can be like living in a war zone, we
have record numbers of homeless, considerable numbers of people have no health insurance ... I could go on and on and on. But I personally think that,
before we go try to rule our neighbors, first we must look to ourselves. And "ourselves" are in a sorry state of affairs.
Am I informed? More than I want to be, and probably less than I should. Suffice to say I wouldn't trust the government a millimeter. However, I also
think that it's largely incompetent and isn't as dangerous as people want to think it is.
What do I want for my future, do you mean individually? I want my living nightmare in family court to resolve -- positively for me and my kids. But
nationally, I'd like to see a more socialist-like form of government where the weak and defenseless are given the help they need and we keep our
noses out of other nations' business until and unless invited in. Key word: invited.
Needless to say, our current foreign policy moves nauseate and embarrass me.
I lived abroad for four years, and all I heard were questions like this, and personal attacks trying to hold me responsible for my government's
misdeeds. I am very aware of how we're seen overseas and I do not like it one bit.
The problem is that, though we are supposedly a democracy, we are actually a republic run by big corporations and their pet politicians. The elections
every year are mostly for show it seems to me sometimes. The Republicrats are pretty interchangeable as far as I can see, I call them the "Same
Guy/Different Suit." It's all to keep the masses placated while the corporate robber barons yank the golden chains of the country.
I have voted for only two Democrats in my entire life, one because I actually fell for the "don't throw your vote away" baloney that comes out
during key elections and threw in for John Kerry. I will NEVER do that again. I will continue to vote my conscience, which tends to run with either
the Green or the Peace and Freedom Parties. The other Dem I voted for was our local congresswoman, because she was the only one to speak out against
the war in Iraq way back in the beginning. She's a Dem by convenience I think, not in fact.
I think the EU is going to go the way we've gone eventually. I think all federal governments' ultimate goal is to gather power unto itself. It will
take a while, but someday I believe the EU will be corrupt and money-hungry just as our own federal government is. The "states rights" will be
subsumed with the federal prerogative. So I don't think a federal government with Canada and Mexico added to the mix on top of our already
overly-federal government will do much of anything but make an even bigger headache than we already have.
My core beliefs in politics are: fix our home and ourselves FIRST. Then look and see who else in the world can use a hand.
And I don't think that such is possible under the present system as it stands.
[edit on 27-4-2007 by MajorMalfunction]