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Who were the men in hard hats leaving WTC7 as it fell?

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posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
You don't need bolt cutters to shut down power.

You use bolt cutters to cut bolts.

i work in the electrical field and alot of times high voltage, and even low voltage panels and disconnects need to be padlocked to keep from people tampering with them or getting themselves killed. so if u want to turn the power off you have to cut the lock with... you guessed it. bolt cutters

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 05:47 PM
If it was shortly before WTC 7 fell, please explain to me WHY they would need to cut electrical power.
It was already cut much earlier.
You should really read all NIST reports, quite a few surprising things to discover, since it is quite difficult to shut up everybody involved in that massive investigation. Lots of clues laying around there.

Not one of you asks yourself if any firefighter would be willing to aim his water at places under working current?
And WTC 7 was the building erected above the existing power station for the whole of lower Manhattan, including all WTC towers.
The CONED power station. The first one to be shut down in the morning.
See the existing conversation between Giuliano and CONED engineers in the NIST reports.

The floor above it was immensely reinforced with HUGE beams and columns, before they build WTC 7 above it.
Not one of them were left standing.
If that was a "normal" collapse, these would have been left standing.

Around 2 pm all rescue personnel was ordered away from the building the first time, and 2 hours before it fell, nobody was allowed to be in a 3 block radius from it.

So, what time stamp to this video?

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