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Who were the men in hard hats leaving WTC7 as it fell?

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posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11

Originally posted by groingrinder

Well, people worked to rescue people and clean up the mess for months, and never used dusk masks, so are you telling me that the guys down working at Ground Zero were all fools, or that dusk masks are just a precious commodity and in short supply?

The EPA told them all that it was fine to breathe. They shouldn't have listened to a federal agency. That's the bottom line, because they were lied to. That dust was filled with asbestos and all sorts of microscopic shards of steel and all kinds of very unhealthy particles, people were coughing up blood, and no one bothered to even tell them about the dust, let alone bring in dusk masks, which are not at all expensive or hard to come by. Do you think that was acceptable? Do you think it's acceptable that the EPA hasn't even apologized, let alone be investigated or anyone fired?

[edit on 27-4-2007 by bsbray11]

what ever the reason for not wearing the air was called "safe" or not was just plain idiot thinking.
ever work for any plant or manufacturing facility and you would know to wear protection in that enviorment.
Firemen have much higher rates of cancer
they KNOW the smoke is would be an idiot to believe otherwise as it goes against all common sense and their training and their high cancer rates.

Condolezie Rice is directly behind the lies that the air was safe

just to keep the topic in hand the building seven collapes is controlled demoliton...the guys in the hats are merely city workers

Stupidy and the universe are infinite Einstein said

[edit on 27-4-2007 by junglelord]

[edit on 27-4-2007 by junglelord]

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by bluesquareapple
I actually went downstairs and checked the area which houses our electrical stuff and ran into the safety manager. It's an OSHA regulation requiring the cage to be padlocked if there's no one inside the cage working on the equipment. If they were racing to cut off the power, they would no doubt have needed a bolt cutter..

I don't know where you live or work, and I know OSHA is federal, but here in MI, you CANNOT BLOCK ACCESS to the main breakers in any structure... You even have to post signs and paint an outline on the floor showing where NOT TO BLOCK in our plants.

So, to kill the mains inside the building you would not need them.

How would you turn it off in an emergency?

There was however a power substation in there and I do not know how the power company handles those.

cuold have been guys from the power company doing "something' to the substation... BUT if this was the case there MUSTY NOT HAVE BEEN MUCH SMOKE, HEAT OR FIRE IN THE BASEMENT where they would have been working...

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Pootie
I don't know where you live or work, and I know OSHA is federal, but here in MI, you CANNOT BLOCK ACCESS to the main breakers in any structure... You even have to post signs and paint an outline on the floor showing where NOT TO BLOCK in our plants.

There was however a power substation in there and I do not know how the power company handles those.

I live in NJ. The breakers aren't actually in the caged off area, as they are not farther than a few steps outside my office. Not sure what all is back there, (should've asked while having the conversation.. ignorance on my part) I just see the "High Voltage" signs every day entering and exitting the building.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 03:14 PM
Dear Everybody:

And hello to you bsbray! Every once in a while someone starts a really important thread on ATS. This is one of those moments, one of those threads of great significance.

Those guys in the video — with the hardhats — are the ‘Village People!!’

Alright, now is not the time to be funny. Again and again we hear cries for what those with ‘hands-on’ involvement in the demolition of the WTC’s might have looked like. Well here you have it, a crystal clear video with recognizable voice and faces of men walking away from a building about to unexpectedly and unexplainably fall down. Will someone please find these guys and haul ‘em off for further questioning already!! Naw, ain’t never gonna happen of course.

The crew chief or whatever who does the talking in the film is the one who at least knew that WTC-7 was “coming down”. Perhaps he was only parroting what someone else told him. But then we should ‘talk to’ his source. But here I go again… Dreaming, as if 9-11 hadn’t been an inside job. Larry Silverstein gets to say ‘pull it’ all day long, and walk away with billions of dollars after having over-insured a leased piece of property by three times its replacement value.

A small digression here. I know you don’t want to hear this but the 9-11 rescue workers are sick from breathing alpha particles (=helium atoms looking for two electrons). Even coal miners don’t develop the kind of illnesses 9-11 site workers are suffering.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
If I recall correctly, we called in several employees of our NY office for the entire night and next few days to "stand by" for assistance with elevators of nearby buildings.

So you didn't actually do anything, you just sent guys in case they had to do something to elevators in neighboring buildings?

I'm starting to realize how speculative this subject is, so I'm about to just forget the whole thing, there's no telling who those guys are without actually talking to them.

I've had a pretty rude awakening, though, in regards to how no one cares when the EPA lies and has 25,000 people become seriously ill and dying. That's several times more than the number that died in the towers. I would've worn a mask myself, sure, but these are the people that worked the site to save lives, and you guys are hand-waving off their respiratory failures, and their deaths, that were a direct result of EPA incompetence at the very least. This just goes to show me that you guys really wouldn't care if 9/11 was an inside job.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 04:13 PM
I am not exactly seeing those workers walk out of 7 World Trade.

Who is to assume that they aren't working outside, at the post office, the verizon building, or some other building in the area? Why do they have to be directly related to WTC 7?
Is it just because someone in the audio is commenting about it?

How do we know that the person talking is even associated with these workers?

Well, perhaps if you "believe" hard will mean something. I feel that is the only way this clip could be relevant.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
I am not exactly seeing those workers walk out of 7 World Trade.

No, you're seeing them walk up the street with WTC7 right behind them. The striped building on the right is 101 Barclay.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 04:27 PM
Dear bsbray:

Now you’re ‘scaring’ me. By even thinking about ‘forgetting the whole thing’.

It doesn’t matter who these guys are. Electricians, elevator workers, whatever. The key here is their statement “this building is about to come down!”. Why, WHY did they know or suspect that? Those very words are all-out incriminating.

No one knows better than you bsbray, how unbelievably strong WTC-7 was built. You’ve studied the plans more than anyone. WTC-7 is your ‘specialty. So you know it’s unreasonable for anyone to anticipate its collapse for reasons other than CD. Your video link is a bulls-eye piece of conspiracy evidence.

On side note — why do fires always seem to break out in the most ‘sensitive areas’. Where was the burning going on again at the WTC-7, on which floors? (Answer, those with the most to hide.)

Greetings and please keep nourishing this thread.
The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11

I've had a pretty rude awakening, though, in regards to how no one cares when the EPA lies and has 25,000 people become seriously ill and dying. That's several times more than the number that died in the towers. I would've worn a mask myself, sure, but these are the people that worked the site to save lives, and you guys are hand-waving off their respiratory failures, and their deaths, that were a direct result of EPA incompetence at the very least. This just goes to show me that you guys really wouldn't care if 9/11 was an inside job.

Incompetence -- YES! Just the EPA? NO! Here take a look at this quote:

"The EPA inspector general recommends EPA adopt new procedures so its public statements on health risks and environmental quality are supported by data and analysis. Other recommendations include developing better indoor air cleanups and ways of handling asbestos in large-scale disasters."

GEE, YA THINK!! I am glad that at least in a post-9/11 disaster the Inspector General was able to iron out that troublesome little policy...ya know, about data analysis and stuff.

I have a link to the whole article, it really makes the Federal Bureaucracies look ..well, Incompetent.

The link is from CBS News so I am not so sure how credible it is.. I know, I know, not nearly as credible as prisonplanet, or infowars, CBS being Mainstream media controlled by the Gawd-like Gubertment and all.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11

Originally posted by GwionX
I am not exactly seeing those workers walk out of 7 World Trade.

No, you're seeing them walk up the street with WTC7 right behind them. The striped building on the right is 101 Barclay.

Yeah..AND? That is what I am saying: "I am seeing them walk up the street."

Not out of WTC 7.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods

It doesn’t matter who these guys are. Electricians, elevator workers, whatever. The key here is their statement “this building is about to come down!”. Why, WHY did they know or suspect that? Those very words are all-out incriminating.

He says the building is coming down could mean anything, did you notice that people were being PULLED back away from the building because theres the possiblity that it may collapsed? Remember the media from abcnews and bbc and where they got their info from?

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 05:08 PM
No Kidding! On 9/11 I was watching the news closely all day, I knew WTC 7 was unstable, and likely to collapse...that's what was being reported, that is what the FDNY had been saying all day. I am sure that on the ground the building's lack of stability was even more obvious.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by GwionX]

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 05:19 PM
From their body language, they know its coming down. They're moving in a "I don't want to be near THAT any time soon" kind way, IMHO.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 05:21 PM
Saying the building is “coming down” doesn’t just mean “anything”. In the context of a structure it means only one thing — to disintegrate.

But you’re right, people were being pulled back that day from WTC-7. And the media was conditioning the public about ‘instabilities’. And if 9-11 had been a ‘real’ terror attack, we would be most interested in knowing who exactly had the uncanny clairvoyance to predict unlikely events.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
From their body language, they know its coming down. They're moving in a "I don't want to be near THAT any time soon" kind way, IMHO.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

I got that same impression too, but I also got the impression that they're walking away from having finished something. I could be seeing what I want to see here, I'll admit that, but it seems as though they've just finished doing something, and they're moving away from the WTC7.

Do we have a timestamp for this video? If the people are electricians or elevator maintenance, wouldn't they have been sidelined and cleared out of Ground Zero early during the day? I assume this isn't before the collapse of the towers, damaging WTC 7, otherwise it's just completely outrageous, but if it is - why are electricians or elevator maintenance or any civillian workers still in and around the area?

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 05:35 PM
Please, all of you whom are so adamant about the WTC7 building being demoed, who have not seen 911myths, click here. Besides the fact that demoing 7 makes absolutely no cohesive sense with the "truther" argument (and please don't bother replying with links between Silverstein and Bush, when you enter the 100 million plus realm, you can link a lot of people), why in the hell is people walking out of a burning building with dust masks over their mouths a weird coincidence?! The reaching and distortion tactics "truthers" use to fit their own agenda are frightening.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by PartChimp]

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 06:23 PM
You're entitlled to your opinion, as are we all, but there is hard evidence that WTC7 was a CD, and NO ONE has yet challenged LaBTops research.

It surrounds seismic recordings of massive pre-collapse events prior to WTC1, 2 and 7 collapses (approximately Magnitude 2.1 on the Richter Scale). Impossible in any situation except a CD.

Kudos to LaBTop for the detailed research: LaBTop Thesis

NO ONE has challenged this, including NIST (if I understood correctly). It is completely un-debunkable.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
It doesn’t matter who these guys are. Electricians, elevator workers, whatever. The key here is their statement “this building is about to come down!”. Why, WHY did they know or suspect that? Those very words are all-out incriminating.

I have a video clip of people running away from the Twin Towers as explosions can be heard coming from the bases, and one or two people said something to the effect of, 'those buildings are going to blow up'. I don't think everybody was turned off to the idea of explosives being in the buildings, but I agree that questioning is at least in order for those guys.

No one knows better than you bsbray, how unbelievably strong WTC-7 was built. You’ve studied the plans more than anyone. WTC-7 is your ‘specialty.

Not really. I'm not even aware of any plans. There is a huge lack of information on WTC7's internal structure, probably for good reason.

Closest I've found to good info is a handful of blurry construction pics from an episode of Modern Marvels, but they show some massive columns and beams:

Originally posted by GwionX
On 9/11 I was watching the news closely all day, I knew WTC 7 was unstable, and likely to collapse...

Exactly, you watched the news. Those geniuses even knew when it was going to collapse -- early! Yet the experts were all baffled by the total lack of precedent, and there's still no formal explanation, or even a fleshed-out working theory. That's not odd at all, huh?

Just keep your eyes glued to your set, man. Everything will be alright.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 06:44 PM
I have been gathering the same evidence.
the seismic activity is undeniable proof that something is not right in denmark
let along the basic physics of freefall and the collapse time of the three towers...its way to fast.
8 to 10 seconds is actually freefall velocity.
given even .5 second per floor with 110 floors it takes at least 40 seconds to fall.
for one day all the rules of physics were suspended....
yeah right

[edit on 27-4-2007 by junglelord]

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 07:14 PM
If anyone here understands physics, tell me how all of the core columns of WTC7 could be driven into the ground without exerting energy.

Surely it takes vast amounts of energy for those core columns to be crushed as they were, but if it was simply because the building was falling into itself, then the energy would have COME from the building falling, there would be an energy sink on the potential/kinetic energy of the mass falling, and it wouldn't have accelerated at free-fall.

It's impossible to exert any significant amount of energy, and still fall at a free-fall, and yet there would HAVE to be significant energy expenditures to crush the building into such a small pile.

Is there anyone here who's had physics recently enough to actually understand this, and realize there's a problem?

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