posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 12:47 PM
^ Interesting.
I do not believe it would be all peachy in the afterlife. If there is evil in the after life(& there is), it won't be as good as you think it to
As for your mom...homie...I am a very inquisitive creature because of the life I've lived...let me put it like this...sometimes you think you know
when you have no idea.
Why does that have to be your mother? Why can it not be someone/something else? Because it sounded like your mother?
Perhaps your mother thinks it's great...when she really has no idea.
Please understand though...that when I ask questions, I am not answering them(well not all the time...& this is not one of those times), as some
people do.
I ask questions to help enlighten the people that do not. No one is sure about what will happen next or what's going on there. There is no fact that
that was your mother. I'm not saying that wasn't your mom, I'm saying you or anyone for that matter won't know that. You may know deep down &
that's good, 'cause you should, but do you really?
Like I said...I'm just trying to get you to think about things thoroughly, I could be very wrong about my questions.
My father firmly belives the saying "On Earth as it is in Heaven". He thinks that there is corruption there. He thinks that there are great, wise,
kind beings there, aswell as greedy, power hungry evil beings. There are sects, there are cultures, practices...gangs. There are Liars & truth
speakers. I do not know how true this is, but I believe it. I could be wrong, because, like I said...I do not know, I can only believe/speculate. But,
let me sum up what I believe like this...if my father is right...I wouldn't be too surprised!
[edit on 26-4-2007 by sdrawkcab]