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We the Sheeple...

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posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 12:04 AM
This being my first thread I don't expect alot of posts, however the main problems I have with 911 are as follows:

1. The Pentagon- lots of photos, diagrams and the like have been posted and continue to be analysed on other threads with little progress toward a consensess that the majority can agree on other than theres not enough info to proove 757 or no 757. Feel free to try and suggest otherwise here.

2. The day of the attacks- Does anyone else feel that in the very least the actions of people in positions to do something while we were under attact were negligent if not treasonous? This has bothered me from the begining, 8:46 first plane hits WTC (previous terror target) no apperent action taken, buisness as usual, 9:02 second plane hits WTC, president sits in classroom for almost 8 minutes, then leaves to set up national address in another room at the same school. Seems if action was taken earlier Flt 77 may have been intercepted before hitting the Pentagon at 9:37.

3. WTC 7- No jet fuel, damage to one side of building, fires burning office furniture, computers, paper, still hot enough to cause complete collapse in less than 10 seconds? Simply unbelievable!!

Being a father of two these questions with no answers haunt me nightly. Why is the evidence that would put these issues to bed being witheld from the general public? Are we the People not worthy of the truth? Any and all discussion on related threads is welcome, bless you all.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 01:14 AM
Watch 911 Mysteries you can get it on Amazon

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 08:19 AM
What would qualify as evidence that would put these issues to bed?

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 08:32 AM
The gov;t could release:

- All video and Audio currently being withheld... thousands of videos and photos that FOIAs have been filed for.

- They could release certified steel samples for investigation.

- They could release the COMPLETE testimonies give to the 9/11 Comission.

- They could release certified WTC "dust" samples.

- They could release the ORIGINAL FAA AC Controller audio tapes.

- They could release the black box data and voice from all flights.

- They could release the DNA "evidence" of the hijackers.

- They could release photos or videos of the hijackers IN THE AIRPORTS.

- The NIST could ANSWER QUESTIONS AS ASKED regarding the work they did ON OUR DOLLAR.

- Same with FEMA.

- NIST could release the details of their computer modeling, design and arch. drawings used for their reports.

- Pentagon could release their surveillance tapes of a plane hitting the Pentagon (They have a very sophisticated surveillance system whatever happened was caught on tape).

That is just off the top of my head.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 08:56 AM
Explain this then- Why was Fema at the WTC's the night before the attack?
Explain the strange noises going on on certain floors?
Why was there suddenly gray dust on the furnature and the windows?
Explain the strange power downs and emergency drills?
Why was some of the beams were at a 45 degree angle with a smooth surface?

All of this is on 9-11 Mysteries.
Silverstein changed his insurance weeks before the attack. So he cashed in on 7 billion dollars.
And guess who was on the WTC securty? Marvin P Bush that's our dear George's baby brother and his cousin Wilt Walker III.

Who would have thought!!! What a shocker- People I'm telling you wake up. 9-11 was more then just terrorists attacking us.

But there's more

Quote from Silverstein-

"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

Insurence fraud
I don't know how much more proof you need.

WTC 1 2 and 7 was demoed. Remember they were steel. If the building really did collapse due to the fire then why didn't the WTC core stay intact? All three buildings collasped on itself straight down. A controlled fall.

Charges should be brought up against Silverstien, little Bush and Walker. But it won't happen I bet becuase one their drowning in money and two people won't speak up about it.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 11:31 PM
President is quoted in the months after as saying something along the lines of: When I watched the first plane hit, I thought to myself now theres one messed up pilot.

First of all theres usually two pilots. So both were "messed up"?

Weather that day: Clear and sunny.

757's are equiped with proximity and low altitude alarms.

The idea you can dismiss plane hitting a building using the Presidents "logic" is a little naive don't you think?

At the very least if I were President, with Air National Guard experience, I would put in a call to nearby air traffic controlers to see if there were any reports of malfuctioning air craft prior to impact, to make sure it wasn't a terror atack.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 12:17 AM
I'm sry to say this, well maybe I'm not I don't care anymore. Anyone who still believes the official story is either completely stupid, completely in denial, or are purposely trying to spread the lies...

I sit back and wait for the predictable replies...


If you're stupid, go educate yourself.
If you are in denial, wake the hell up.
If you are lying, just go away. (like Howard did)...

(sry Mods, now I've got that out I'll refrain from such outbursts. I'm OK, I'm calm, I'm FREAKIN' RELAxed, OK?)...

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 12:29 AM
I appreciate your bluntness Anok, it is refreshing. I too have lost it here on accasion, just ask Caustic Logic. I don't believe the official story either and am just trying to dig deeper into the minds of the sheeple that are holding on to it with sweaty palms and a sick feeling in thier stomachs.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 08:27 PM
Today President Bush claims the Dems are telling the military how to fight the war on terror. Does anybody else see the hypocracy in this statement? The Iraq "War" was won in months, it's the occupation most of us are tired of. The president has been given special powers and the bennefit of the dought for long enough to acheive some progress, yet this administrations way of using (telling) the military to fight this war suck! Moral is low, casuaties continue to mount, how long will we sit and wait?

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 08:30 PM
Thanks to Pootie and Leyla for your input here!!

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 09:00 PM
So anyone who disargrees with your favorite theory isn't welcome? So much for free exchange of ideas. Enjoy your self congratulatory love fest then.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 09:21 PM
Intresting post Seagull. I believe some coinsidences are profound> I play a little guitar and sing, my first born daughters' name was O'Reilly Mae, her favorite song that I played for her was Seagull by Bad Company. She passed away from complications resulting from cerebral palsey at 5. I feel blessed to have known her. My user name comes from the belief that she lives forever. Thanks for the post that reminded me of her!!

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 06:51 PM
Then I am happy I could bring back a good memory of times with your daughter. Would I wrong to offer, however belatedly, my condolences? We may disagree on many things, but one should never have to suffer that sort of loss.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by seagull
We may disagree on many things,

Thanks, it's been almost five years now and I'm doing OK. Please explain a couple of areas that we may disagree, the most important from your perspective. Just so you know, I didn't vote for Clinton or Bush I find them both lacking in morals, and inept at securing our country. Which ofcoarse means I voted for Perot and Nader in that order. I also have a brother in law serving in Iraq at this time also. I was raised in a military family, so the war (occupation) is a main concern of mine.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 08:57 PM
Dear infinityoreilly:

Since you quote Robert Plant as your signature saying, I figured I had to post something!

If you want to see which threads an ATS member has started all you need to do is mouse-click directly on their username. You’re addressing some fundamental questions about 9-11, which aren’t easily answered. So you’ll probably have to read a bunch of posts in many threads to find what you’re looking for. But the answers are there, I mean here on ATS.

I for one happen to carry the conviction that WTC-1, 2, 6 and 7 were nuked (assisted with thermate cutting charges). Here’s an image of the often forgotten WTC-6 (building on the left with hole), WTC-5 (the Northeast Plaza Building) and WTC-7 (as rubble pile) in the center-back.

Also, here is a famous sequence of pictures showing the WTC-7 being dropped.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 02:45 PM
I'll agree ground zero looks like a nuke went off, however there were numerous helecopters in sky around the towers when the first collapse happened, one was within 100 ft or so, caught by a few videos I've seen here on ATS. So your basement placed nuke with the upward spreading cone of focus should have knocked out the eletrical in these craft and they should have fallen out of the sky!

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