posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 12:04 AM
This being my first thread I don't expect alot of posts, however the main problems I have with 911 are as follows:
1. The Pentagon- lots of photos, diagrams and the like have been posted and continue to be analysed on other threads with little progress toward a
consensess that the majority can agree on other than theres not enough info to proove 757 or no 757. Feel free to try and suggest otherwise here.
2. The day of the attacks- Does anyone else feel that in the very least the actions of people in positions to do something while we were under attact
were negligent if not treasonous? This has bothered me from the begining, 8:46 first plane hits WTC (previous terror target) no apperent action taken,
buisness as usual, 9:02 second plane hits WTC, president sits in classroom for almost 8 minutes, then leaves to set up national address in another
room at the same school. Seems if action was taken earlier Flt 77 may have been intercepted before hitting the Pentagon at 9:37.
3. WTC 7- No jet fuel, damage to one side of building, fires burning office furniture, computers, paper, still hot enough to cause complete collapse
in less than 10 seconds? Simply unbelievable!!
Being a father of two these questions with no answers haunt me nightly. Why is the evidence that would put these issues to bed being witheld from the
general public? Are we the People not worthy of the truth? Any and all discussion on related threads is welcome, bless you all.