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Girl, 5, raped, killed with her jump rope

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posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
I hope they catch the person responsible, I hope I havnt hurt any investigation by posting the story.

she accidentally killed herself. there's no crime committed, they're not looking for anyone. you didn't accidentally hurt the case.

Originally posted by interestedalways
This is from the article you linked from the NY Daily News

totally missed that. thanks for pointing it out.

Well this is truly bizarre, I had just read the article before submitting it.
Now it appears to be different. Well I apologize for posting this if this was an accident. Maybe this thread can go away like a glitch being corrected on the ATS Matrix by the mods and we wont ever know this was even posted.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by xmotex

Beyond the shock and horror of it, what is the point of posting these stories to ATS? What is there to debate here? Is there anyone here who isn't going to agree that this is awful?

We can come up with a new horror story like this every day, unfortunately, but I'm not sure how it's relevant to ATS's mission.

Ok here is something to debate about. If prostitution was legal in this country would horrific crimes like rape still occur at the rate they do. If it were legal, sickos like this could actually get laid and maybe just maybe our children would be a little safer.

Well now that I have read the thread fully dismiss the above if needed.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by Starwatcher]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:43 PM
the quote about the mistake was in my article, not yours. your article was from Monday, today's Wednesday. Three days for the cops to sort out what happened and for the ME to do his/her job.

No matrix glitch. no web shenanigans. just an older article being updated with newer facts.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:48 PM
I have a feeling that this is a case of a greedy media outlet, looking for a profitable shock & horror tale, that misrepresented the initial story in order to sell papers, and then changed the story when they realized how badly they bungled it.

I'm telling you, people love hearing this stuff, sick as that sounds.
Outrage and indignation sell papers and grab big TV ratings.

On statistic missing in thematrix's post is a telling one: the vast majority of child molestation cases involve a family member.

But you won't see that in any of these horror stories: "internet predators" sell papers, the drunk pervert uncle doesn't.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 05:14 PM
Oh my god, second thread today like this...

Thats so sick and wrong, wtf is wrong with people?! How the hell do you actually do such a thing and live with yourself?!

What kind of can't ponder murdering someone so innocent. The person had to have had mental issues.

I feel sick...

EDIT: Wait...okay so this is an accident? Okay...well...okay...

[edit on 4/25/2007 by Kacen]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 05:28 PM
Oh I don't know, there may be a little more to it:

"This is really one grisly murder" a shaken investigator said.

and then:

Officials with the city's Administration for Children's Services took custody of several children in the apartment last night. Ford said Monique's mother recently began attending college and working at a Gap store.

Only poor people have the pleasure of having the state take custody of their children in a tragedy like this one. So there has to be back tracking to justify the removal of the kids.
In addition, police are notorious for not wanting to incite panic, and have even been known to withhold information in order to bait suspects.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by clearwater]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:24 PM
The second the other inmates find out what this guy did, he becomes Bubba's personal *SNIP* doll.

All I have to say about this. He deserves the punishment he'll get from the other inmates in prison because sex offenders and rapists get the most abuse from other inmates while in prison. Ironic isn't it? Who knew, prison with morals!

This didn't have to happen to a 5 year old girl. We can't turn back time as much as I would like, we can only take pliers and a blowtorch to the guy who did it.

Shattered OUT...

Mod Note: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

Even though this was an accident, my feelings about a possible crime that would involve the situation of the original assertion of rape still stands, I believe child molestors will die horrible deaths at the hands of fellow inmates and is well deserved.

I'm sorry for the parent's loss of such a precious child. Accidents do happen.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by ShatteredSkies]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by xmotex

Beyond the shock and horror of it, what is the point of posting these stories to ATS? What is there to debate here? Is there anyone here who isn't going to agree that this is awful?

There is always someone who tries to rationalize or condone these things. I guarantee you, before this thread is completed, or closed, or whatever, there will be someone who will try to loot at "the other side" of this incident.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:50 PM
And some scumbag in Utah also killed and raped(in that order) a five-year-old girl.

See especially: the underlined sentences:

...Fornicators and the enemies of sex are abundant in the Infernal Worlds.

Homosexuals, lesbians, the henchmen of Lilith, who sterilize themselves and women who use contraceptives, devolve within the Infernal Worlds.

The supporters of induced abortion and the women who wilfully abort are also seen in the sphere of Lilith.

Male and female adulterers of the world are also found in the sphere of Nahemah.

The Great Illuminated Beings, that is to say, Sabaoth, fight in order to make the multitudes of the Left comprehend the crude realities of the facts.

Unfortunately, the multitudes of the Left think that they are doing very well.

This terrestrial humanity has reached the maximum of perversity.

Humanity frightfully devolves in this instant of mundane crises and total degeneration.

This devolving terrestrial humanity is entering into the submerged mineral kingdom in surges.

Human beings will destroy each other amongst their own selves in a horrifying way, if the expected cataclysm is delayed too long.

Unquestionably, the ego becomes more and more complicated as time passes.

The complicated ego becomes terribly malignant.

Frightfully, this terrestrial humanity has already failed and will become more and more perverse through time.

To live normally upon the Earth will be something more than impossible within a short period of time.

Malignity will be so great that within a short period of time, human beings will, in fact, have two thoughts in their minds: First, to kill; second, to be killed.

Very shortly, in the direction that we are going, death, assassination, vice and perversity, multiplied to its maximum, will reign in every house.

The great catastrophe that is expected has converted itself into a non-delayable necessity.

Only the great catastrophe can save us from the most horrifying terrors that the ego will let loose over the face of the Earth.

We presently have no more hope, except for the universal blazing Fire.

- Samael Aun Weor

[edit on 25-4-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:51 PM
This is very odd- I'm sure there has to be more then what was mentioned in the article. But no matter how you look at it accident or no that little girl is still dead and nothing can change that. Something happened and I hope those cops search deeper for the truth.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Tamahu,I always like your posts because you bring some spiritual clarity to the issue.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:01 PM
Legalizing prostitution would not do anything to decrease these sorts of crimes. They aren't committed by people looking to "get laid". These are crimes driven by hate, purely and simply.

They are ego-driven, it's a way to show the victim, in the most heinous way, that they are powerless. Sex is merely a byproduct of the powertrip, a way to stamp their brand into the victim. The pleasure is derived from the exersize of power, not the sexual act itself.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Tamahu,I always like your posts because you bring some spiritual clarity to the issue.

Thank you.

That is what we need most right now.

As Goethe said: "The law of the woeful and severe man acquires fights and is agitated. What he needs the most is what he knows the least...

And it may sound like "my way or the high-way", fire and brimstone, etc.

Nevertheless, the facts are overwhelming; such as stories like the one in this thread were posting in.

Either work toward Mastery, or burn in the Universal Blazing Fire that is about to wipe out this perverted humanity.

The wise North-American Kabbalist Manly P. Hall, who was cited by the great Master of the White Lodge, Dr. Francisco A. Propato, said in his book of Occult Anatomy of Man, the following:

"Those who will be incapable of lifting the fire of the spinal medulla throughout their Sushumna canal, will be cast aside into a lateral kingdom, similar to that of the present apes (monkeys, chimpanzees, etc.)."

In other words, those who don't work on transmuting and eliminating their lust, will inevitably fall into nature's arc of devolution.

Guys like the ones that this thread is about will be suffering in the Hell-Realms for many, many eons.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by seagull
Legalizing prostitution would not do anything to decrease these sorts of crimes. They aren't committed by people looking to "get laid". These are crimes driven by hate, purely and simply.

They are ego-driven, it's a way to show the victim, in the most heinous way, that they are powerless. Sex is merely a byproduct of the powertrip, a way to stamp their brand into the victim. The pleasure is derived from the exersize of power, not the sexual act itself.

The ego is the result of lust(desire).

Anger and hatred are based on frustrated desire(and ignorance of course).

So when one feeds lust(the root of desire) over successive lifetimes, the result is that the egos(such as hatred) within one's psyche just get bigger, stronger, and more perverse over time.

So whoever it was that mentioned prostitution as a solution.., just know that prostitution will only make things worse.

Transmutation(the Middle Way) is the Key to positive change.

Suppression and indulgence are always harmful.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:39 PM
I through thinking I'm a pessimist, I'm darned near optimistict compared to some of you. Yes there are bad things happening in our world, no denying that. Yet for all the bad, there is an equal amount of good out there too. Small, and not so small, acts of everyday kindness that go unreported, unrewarded, but always appriciated. The kindnesses that help us to make our way through the morass that is our everyday world.

You may not see it, because of the concentration on the bad, but its there nevertheless.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by seagull
I through thinking I'm a pessimist, I'm darned near optimistict compared to some of you. Yes there are bad things happening in our world, no denying that. Yet for all the bad, there is an equal amount of good out there too. Small, and not so small, acts of everyday kindness that go unreported, unrewarded, but always appriciated. The kindnesses that help us to make our way through the morass that is our everyday world.

You may not see it, because of the concentration on the bad, but its there nevertheless.

See this:

...If you look at just one tiny aspect of Buddhism, of course it might appear too much for you. But Buddhism is not just about one or two small things; it is not some tiny philosophy. Lord Buddha explained the nature of every single phenomenon in the universe. At this stage, I have had about nine or ten years’ experience teaching Buddhist philosophy to Westerners and experimenting with how it fits their minds, mainly in the one-month meditation courses we hold each year at Kopan Monastery in Nepal.

In these courses we try to explain everything, but I have found that if we talk too much about the negative side of things, students completely freak out. Not all of them, but many do.

They say, “These lamas emphasize the negative too much. Why don’t they talk more about the positive? Buddhism isn’t only about delusion and suffering. Why do they teach us this negative stuff day after day?”

But the thing about Buddhism is that before you can put yourself into the positive path to liberation, enlightenment or God—whatever you want to call it, the name doesn’t matter—you have to know how your negative mind works.

If you don’t understand how the two extreme negative views of overestimation and underestimation function within you, how can you correct your actions and put yourself into the right path? Therefore, it is crucial to know the negative aspects of your nature. Actually, if you comprehend the evolution of your negative mind from beginning to end, you’ll feel very comfortable. Conversely, if you don’t know how it works, you’ll finish up thinking that negative actions are positive.

Moreover, if you try to practice the path to liberation without a solid grounding in what is positive and what is negative, a simple question from someone challenging what you are doing can completely derail you. You might get confused and give up. That’s the sign of a weak mind. You have to see the totality of the evolution of both the negative and the positive mind.

Some people assume that Buddhism is probably a nice religion that always talks diplomatically and sweetly about holy things. When we start teaching Buddhism to beginners, we don’t begin by talking about holy things. The first thing we explain is the basic nature of your present mind—what’s going on down here, right now—not Buddha up there.

However, at this point, I would like to say one thing about the nature of Buddha. As I mentioned before, some people with a limited knowledge of Buddhism think that while Christianity and other religions say that God is only one, Buddhists worship three Gods. Actually, if you understand the true nature of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, you’ll know that there’s no separation between them. Buddha is Buddha; Buddha is Dharma; Buddha is Sangha. Accepting Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as the ultimate refuge does not contradict the unity of God...

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:59 PM
I'm not sure if you were aiming that at me, and if you were, why? I would agree with all, or at least most of what was said there. I don't pretend to understand Bhuddism, it's mostly outside my frame of cultural reference. What little I do know I respect.

As it, the quote you posted, said; we all seek enlightenment in our own special way, and recieve it the same way. If you meant by concentrating too much on the good to the exclusion of the bad, you may have a point, but the reverse holds true as well.

If that's not what you meant, well then I'm totally confused

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 08:04 PM
Your correct about focusing on the negative too much.

It can certainly be counter-productive.

I was simply pointing out, that ignoring the negative too much can lead to results similar to, or worse than, focusing on the negative too much.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 08:08 PM
Nice to see that I actually caught that.

The topic was horrific but the past few exchanges with both you and Speaker have been informative and, well, fun.

To both of you, if I have enough left, bright shiney Way Aboves.

Nope. None left. My good thoughts instead...
. It's my bedtime, gotta go to work in a few hours. I look forward to our next chats.

[edit on 25-4-2007 by seagull]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
what is the point of posting these stories to ATS? What is there to debate here?

My question exactly.........................

Terrible things happen every single day.
Mass murders and war crimes I think are ATS related, but every single unwarrented death on the planet?

Do we need to have them posted on the boards? I do not see how they bring any discussion forward beyond saying how unthinkably terrible it is............

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