posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 02:57 PM
This sort of thing is the tip of the iceberg as far as food and contamination go.
Putting aside contamination of humans for a minute, pet food alone is frightening. I do research on land hermit crab diet and nutrition (my hobby is
hermit crabs, yes, I'm a geek). I've become the person that hobbyists come to for advice on what is and is not acceptable food for their crabs.
When my cat had to be put to sleep for liver failure, I did research on pet food and what goes into it. And it is SCARY. Dead, diseased zoo animals,
roadkill, rancid meat from the supermarket (complete with the styrofoam and plastic wrapping), dead pets from veterinary hospitals (complete with flea
collars) and all sorts of other nasty things get thrown into the rendering vats. Frankly, I was not surprised by the fact that animals were suddenly
dying from tainted pet food, I was more surprised that this sort of massive horror hadn't happened sooner.
Big agribusiness sells substandard food, usually tainted with pesticides and overdoses of fertilizers. To read some of the sites from the organic food
movement is terrifying. One article I remember reading was talking about expired batteries being plowed into the fields and contaminating the food.
I personally believe that a lot of the increase in autism and behavioral disorders such as ADD are caused by impurities in our food. Need I even go
into how the government is careless of the individual when the fortunes of big businesses are at stake?
Perhaps this is why society is turning to crap. People are what they eat. And we're being fed crap.