Everyday you see allegations that Bush is a fool, an idiot, he's stupid, incompetent and so on. In truth it's a mixture of his act and what lying
with virtually every breath he can muster is doing to his brain he when tries to talk. The incompetence that's become the legacy of his presidency,
and it's all an act to coverup their true intentions so they can get away with mass murder.
Lying takes up serious brain 'computing' power. Memories are embedded in the physical structure of the brain. When lying, instead of the
subconscious easily conjuring up an embedded memory directly from the unconscious brain (where it's stored / associated) and into the conscious mind,
a 'twirling of the cognitive kaleidoscope' is required to articulate the lie while crossexamining it with all of the other lies the person has
commited on the topic. The comparison between simply reciting something you know (or think you know) is true, compared to when you have to consciously
engage in a lie, is like comparing a grape and a watermelon. www.google.com...
With Bush this is interesting because what few people seem to remember is that he used to be able to lay down the 'law' in some debate... long
before he 'won' his true career of constant and ongoing lies and deception that is. See for yourself, the 10 year difference (short video): www.adbuzz.com...
And then there's the Bush we all know today:
But isn't Bush just some backwoods good 'ol boy? No, he's an ivy leaguer. He might be a chump style cut and run type who likes to do a little
partying, but that's not the issue with Bush today, even if he does resort to drinking from time to time these days with all of the emotional baggage
he's carrying around from this presidency (even if he didn't have anything to do with 911)... him being the president surely has him on the best
brainboosting nutritional suppliments, and so on, and we all know Bush is the type to go jogging regularly and so on.
The backwoods good ol boy routine is Bush's impersonation of how he views American's, most particularly those he's trying to have self-identify
with him. He's laughing in their faces. His entire act in one carefully crafted and groomed by some of the world's top propagandists. If you doubt
that then you have much to learn about the spectre of politicians and presidents.
People say Bush and his administration are stupid. Arrogent is more like it. People allege that "CT'ers" consider Bush and his administration
stupid and incompetent in attempts to refute allegations that he/they could have had complucuty in 911. I would tend to think that CT'ers would be
inclined to not fall for their incompetence game, as that act is the entire 'justification' for how 911 'was able' to happen, and how they could
have possibly "skrewed up" so bad taking us into Iraq etc. Instead of Iraq being an idiotic accident, it was a carefully crafted plan that was
planned long before Bush became president, and the planners even included his brother Jeb over at PNAC.
[Full PNAC writeup
[Good recent ATS thread here]
There's a choice documentary specifically about and titled "Stupidity". In it they study the entire spectrum of stupidity, and the important view
they present is how smart people like comedians use stupidity to be successful. The part important for this discussion is the surprise twist ending
where they assert that perhaps GWB could be using stupidity to achieve "success".
You are correct. Bush is far from being an idiot. I have told people that repeatedly. The man has made a political career off of people who considered
him "dumb." As one democrat in Texas said when Bush made his bid for president in 2000, "Go ahead, think of him as a fool. If you nderestimate him,
he will crush you." I can't remember what Democrat said it, but I clearly remember him saying it.
I couldn't find anything about that, but I did happen across a truthdig article on that "10 years later" video I linked above, and it has some
great comments under it:
As a 30-year veteran of the PR trade, let me tell you sumpin’. It’s easy to give any moron talking points and stand them in front of the cameras
to recite them.
What’s hard is to get them to say them clearly, honestly, accurately...when they either don’t believe them, or don’t understand them...or are
under so much pressure that they can scarcely function. www.truthdig.com...
That source and it's comments covers most of the angles.
It is obvious to me that no matter how you look at it. George W. has secured himself a place in the history books. He is NOT an idiot. He may have
views that are different from those of the general population. He may also not be liked by some of the population. However he has set a new scenario
on the political front. Never before have we seen a president with the willingness to try his own methods of policy, regardless of pulic opinion. This
is a new page in history, and the guy people are calling an idiot turned the page.
Good post Ignorant Bliss, BTW love the video.....Awesome
Thanks. I hope this one gets some flags because this is a major fallacy that affects millions in not billions worldwide.
He may be the worst president ever, but too few give him the credit as being the greatest president ever that he is in so many
regards. Great doesn't mean Good.
Originally posted by theutahbigfoothunter
It is obvious to me that no matter how you look at it. George W. has secured himself a place in the history books. He is NOT an idiot. He may have
views that are different from those of the general population. He may also not be liked by some of the population. However he has set a new scenario
on the political front. Never before have we seen a president with the willingness to try his own methods of policy, regardless of pulic opinion. This
is a new page in history, and the guy people are calling an idiot turned the page.
Bigfoot, the thing is, I am not sure that he turned the page to anything positive. I mean, in a sense, Bush has been the closest thing to a dictator
that the U.S has had since FDR, no offense to anyone who likes FDR, but the guy was close to a dictator.
I suspect many of his decisions may very well have consequences that are not very beneficial to the people.
Bush is a fool. Thats why they put him as president. Hes not the one running the show. Theres youtube videos of Bush and Clitnon being makeuped and
rehursing their speeches like it was spoon fed to them. The men behind him we shoudl worry about. Your a fool for calling people fools for beliveing
bush is a fool. He is a fool people are right. You're just putting blame on bush. Hes a puppethead.
Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
"If this were a dictatorship, it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator,” www.jamglue.com...
Well, I did mention that I probably wasn't getting the quote exactly right, but thanks anyway.
Originally posted by rrahim1
Bush is a fool. Thats why they put him as president. Hes not the one running the show.
No, Bush is not a fool...But he is a very good "yes-man" for obeying his "advisors". Too bad we can't get people into the government that
would be just as good at obeying their Constitutional Oath as well as they currently obey those (the "advisors") who don't take the Oath.
Originally posted by rrahim1
Your a fool for calling people fools for beliveing bush is a fool.
You're offended because you maintain that he's not a fool. Sorry i should have preempted this scenario in the OP. Well that makes me one too,
because there was a long time that I thought he was too. I also used to be ignorant. I even lived the reality where I thought Bush was the bombdigity.
At least we all can all agree that he's the bomb, as he's so 'good' at overt militaristic imperialism.
I'm pretty sure that was said by William Shakespeare. I don't think Bush is a fool, but he does come across as a bit of a moron from time to time.
I'm not American and I'm in Asia and he's viewed as a moron by most people I chat with out this way, sure there are people pulling his strings and
writing his speaches as with most leaders. But it's when he's asked a simple question and he just looses it. It's like a dodgy robot from from a
60's B movie "Fail to compute" and the steam shoots out of it's ear-type-holes and it's tin foil hat falls off.
Ah heck - it's not as if any of the other politicians are really any better though.
I think anytime you have a man, I don't care what his level of intelligence, trying to come up with answers for actions that are not really his, he
is going to appear to be a bumbler.
Look, I have pretty much come to the conclusion that Bush is a decently intelligent man who is having to answer for the decisions of his "handlers."
Many of the things that Bush has done since he has been in office are not actually based on his ideas. I think he has been highly influenced by the
likes of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and,yes, Colin Powell.
Everything that they have poked and prodded Bush to do has come home to roost and Bush is the one that is left standing holding the eggs. How is he
supposed to not be a bumbler in such a situation? How would you react in such an ordeal? Can you honestly say that you wouldn't fumble, bumble and
stutter while trying to explain a plan that was not your own?
Is if you create a plan.... you decide on decisions.... about this plan....
when your quized and queried about it, you'll know the ins and outs of it..
i mean after all you came up with the plan..
but when someone else comes up with it, and tells you how to go about it...
tells you the lies you need to use to convince the masses to continue the plan... when your quizzed you only have those few tid bits of information
that ' the plan maker ' advised you on.
thus why he keeps using the same few words/phrases to answer every question or allegation.
Agitated, very true. I really think that the movie "Manchurian Candidate" could almost pass for Bush's presidency. The guy at times is almost like,
"Why am I saying what I am saying?"
I don't necessarily buy into the whole mind control thing, but I think the guy has been tampered with. I really do.