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More Disclosure??? - U.N. Debate The Issue Of Making E.T. Contact

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posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 11:30 PM
"They" have already made contact.

Have none of you people ever researched crop circles? I mean, c'mon....
Tangible scientific proof of physical changes in the plants, the soil, the magnetic fields, etc.
Encoded math theorems no one has yet discovered, encoded geometry that is statistically coorelated with the musical scale, sacred geometry, transcendental numbers such as the square root of 2, square root of 3, PI, PHI and the square root of 5.

Are humans making them? Of course. But not all of them. This is proven if you care to read a little bit. If you care to read a lot, you will discover more than you currently imagine.

Time to wake up people!

In Peace,

[edit on 24-4-2007 by jammerman]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 01:40 AM
CROP Circle Ship

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 01:54 AM
Note I haven't read all the new threads since I logged off yesterday, so this post is without thought to those.


I wrote ufodigest because it seems that many sites are refferin to them about that UN story.
He sent me a mail back and it goes like this:

That article was put out as a press release and it was published by our website over a year ago. Someone has found the article and has reposted it with a link to my website. All of my news stories for the past year has an address similar to:

Sorry for the confusion but it looks like an old story because it it. But you can still contact the links at the bottom of the article for new material/info.

The Today: April 24, 2007 date is today's date and changes daily. It is not the date the article was published. All news stories have the hour and day the article is posted.


11L6 Maple Road
Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5V4
[email protected]

So... old news I'm affraid. But that would mean that there has to be atleast some kind of acknowledgement from UNs side, and even a written statement about it, having seen how much they actually document and put out to the public.
I noone can find those links, I will quietly sit back and wait for reply to the emails I sent the UN

EDIT: Lol... as wrote this I got a letter from the UN directing me to their Outer Space Affairs
I will get on them right away.

[edit on 25/4/07 by flice]

[edit on 25/4/07 by flice]

[edit on 25/4/07 by flice]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 02:05 AM
Interesting links you found Shadow... but I myself have reached a point where text and "evidence" from another conspiracy/ufo site isn't enough, even if they are quoting official people.

I think we should take our level of investigation a notch up and start hitting the involved persons of institutions directly with questions, as we are doing now with the UN.
I am cofident that this will lead to more precise and conclusive results.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 02:20 AM
I agree Flice, it is what we did with the Vatican thread...
Im still waiting for official responses, but i did get that email from the British Catholic SSpokesperson that i posted..
Looks like there is something to this story though.
I will definitely be doing more research.
Great work Flice by the way..
Sometimes the most obvious directions are the best way to go.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:27 AM
The UN Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) was established in 1959 to review the scope of international cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space, to devise programs to be undertaken under United Nations auspices, to encourage continued research and the dissemination of information on outer space matters, and to study legal problems arising from the exploration of outer space. With President Bush's Vision for Space Exploration, the European Aurora Program, JAXA 2025, to name a few, nations are once again reexamining their outlook on space exploration. Similarly, the UN must also reassess its priorities and outlook on all space activities, if it wishes to remain at the forefront of discussions about how we use and interact with space.

At the invitation of CSIS's Human Space Exploration Initiative (HSEI), new UN COPUOS Chairman, Gérard Brachet, addressed these developments and the future of the UN's role in space as part of the CSIS Global Space Agenda series. Vincent Sabathier, senior fellow and director of Space Initiatives, introduced Brachet and moderated the event.

The CSIS Global Space Agenda is a forum provided for interested national parties in current and emerging space-faring nations to discuss their progress as well as potential interest in engagement with other groups. Given the recent resurgent interest in space exploration around the globe – from renewed visions and commitments for exploration programs to bold new space programs in all space faring nations, it is now time for international reengagement to harness cooperation for the lasting benefit of exploration. These meetings of the Global Space Agenda are intended to augment existing dialog among international partners by providing a new, neutral venue for discussion, one in which all interested sectors can communicate openly and directly with each other.

Potential interest in engagement with other groups????

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:41 AM
Site for UN coordination for out of space activities..
Pretty good site with a lot of publications.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by masterp
And somehow the logo of United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs is similar to the United Federation of Planets
No, you have your dates switched.

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs was created some 8 years before Star Trek, so they just used part of the UN logo to give it an "official" look.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:15 AM
I may be doing something wrong, but I can't find anything on the UN site that could be related to that article on UFOdigest.

I can't find anything about a "Decade of Contact" or about "investigation into extraterrestrial life".

But I have found this:

At the 464th meeting, a special presentation was made by the representative of IAA on the IAA position paper on transmissions to extraterrestrial intelligence. The Committee, on the basis of the presentation, agreed that the Office for Outer Space Affairs should retain a copy of the position paper on file for review.


And this:

38. The view was expressed that the issue of the international process relating to possible communication with any eventually discovered extraterrestrial civilization, as had been discussed in the context of the presentation by the representative of IAA (see paragraph [...] above), while not necessarily requiring immediate action, should be given serious consideration in connection with the future work of the Committee and its Legal Subcommittee.


posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:23 AM
Nice finds Armap, definitely something the UN are thinking about and debating.
It is relevant and interesting that they are actually talking about it.
For the UN to be even discussing such matters draws me to think of the growing realization of the reality of Extraterrestrial life.
The time of ridicule and ignorant debunking has passed.
Noone should be afraid to discuss and debate such things any more.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:51 AM
One thing I forgot to mention is the date of those documents.

The first is from 9 June 2000, the second from 14 June 2000.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
One thing I forgot to mention is the date of those documents.

The first is from 9 June 2000, the second from 14 June 2000.

So again past tense
but let's wait it out and see what they reply about their current situation. They have lots of matters to discuss so to think that planning of a 3rd degree event is no. 1 on their list probably isn't likely.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by BlaznRob
Win 52....

I'm curious as to where you saw these things? Is English your second language, and you mean you see these things happening in the future? Do you mean you've had a vision of the future, and you're speaking of what you saw? Was it in a dream?

Just curious...

I had a stroke in 2005, where a blood clot developed in the left side of my brain. I had to learn to use the right (PSI) side of my brain.

I had a series of OBE's after the stroke, which leaves no room for doubt that World leaders are not ultimately in charge.

Since then, (and even before, but I was in denial), I get telepathic communications from ET. I also have remote viewing abilities, and I was not sure what I was seeing, till I found the answers, right here in ATS.

I have stoped questioning what I am seeing and being given.

The truth is here, a lot more of it than most people accept.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 09:54 AM
I also experienced OOBEs whilst drifting off to sleep or while relaxing, i grew to be able to control it in a limited fashion..
I have not however been in direct communication with E.T.s although i know sometimes someone is in the room at night when im in bed.. i can sometimes here talking, the other night i could hear someone writing..
Sounds crazy doesnt it??
Thats what i thought at first.. but after investigation i dont believe this to be so.
It hasnt made me paranoid.. But Astral projection and remote viewing are a very real phenomena..
I see lights also sometimes but i dont know what they are..
There was a lot in the room one night and i even awoke my Girlfriend and we watched them for a few minutes amazed and just went back to sleep.
I sometimes feel a breeze which some call a psychic breeze.. i also do not know what that is..
These are some of the reasons i am so curious about things..
Seeing the Black triangle was another significant event for me..
It was very close to me and massive, hummed like a giant bee.
All of these experiences have increased my awareness and have turned me from a hardened skeptic in to a solid believer..
Think what you wish about me, but everything i have said is true.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 10:53 AM
All those years of feeling outcast and an overwhelming burning of not belonging here, as each day goes by, seem justified that little bit more, the sanctuary, solace, comfort, I find in these boards although will never explain fully, at least I know i`m not alone, I too have come to accept and no longer tear myself to bits inside, it`s not finding the answers, it`s coming to terms with them.

P.S. Those that have experienced the shapes etc in their bedroom whilst looking at the ceiling, if you squint and can manage to get a correct balance of light, you will see the same type of patterns that appear as crop circles.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:02 PM
And now we have the whole "Earth like planet" being this was "planned" or just coincidence, we still have a new planet which is very much like Earth.

Also i just heard on a radio station that these two guys who work for a firm which has contracts with the Defense department has written a book about surviving and preparing for an Alien invasion.

Or i could be paranoid?

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:32 PM
This stuff seems to be just the works of some guy's imagination really. In otherwords, some journalist wrote some crap which is obviously fake. Just read what others have posted as well and you see this stuff was posted more than a year ago.

I find it hard to believe to take any of this seriously with that in mind. And even if it is, I believe this is just the work of some group that believes aliens are visiting Earth yet lack any actual proof.

Go figure.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 07:52 PM
Is UFO Digest just trying to capture headlines as I can't find anything recent and I'm mad as hell searching for an hour to come to the conclusion somethings amiss on UFO D's story.

Their links (UFO Digest) supporting the story are junk re the UN. Web search shows some UN interest years and years and years ago. Couldn't find anything on the UN Website that's on the docket or in motion.


posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:01 PM

[edit on 25-4-2007 by gsxraddict]

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 06:58 AM
I did read somewhere that the UN will be the NWO. I also read somewhere long ago that disclosure was to happen on the 60th Anniversary of Roswell and on 7/7/07 that day will have arrived. Should be interestig to see if anything happens. Who knows.

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