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Mohamed Atta and the 'Rosetta Stone'

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posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 01:34 PM
OK, where are YOU getting your information. I am not hopping from foot to foot. I misquoted something I read and I am trying to still prove my point. I am not running from this in anyway.

THey went to Portland to hope to bypass additional screening at Logan. Atta selelcted for CAPPS. Plane leaves and Atta and luggage arrive in Boston.

Also, I did find a link that states there were boarding delays though i am sure you will discredit it somehow..

The flight was regularly scheduled for takeoff at 7:45 a.m.[2] However, boarding was running behind schedule, and at 7:45 a.m., lead hijackers Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari were still boarding the plane. In the rush, Atta's bags were not loaded onto the plane in time.[3] Ultimately running 14 minutes late, the flight finally took off from Logan International Airport at 7:59 a.m. from runway 4R.[4] At 8:13:29 a.m., as the aircraft was passing through 26,000 feet over central Massachusetts, the pilot responded to a request from Boston Air Traffic Control Center to make a 20° turn to the right.[4] At 8:13:47, Boston Center then instructed the pilots to ascend to a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. The aircraft never responded to this request.[4] At 8:16 a.m., the aircraft levelled off at 29,000 feet.[4]

It departed at 7:59. Flight 175 also left 15 minutes late from Logan. They were backed up that morning it looks like, huh?

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by esdad71Also, I did find a link that states there were boarding delays though i am sure you will discredit it somehow..

My source was the 9/11 Commission Report, which clearly states that Atta boarded between 7:31 and 7:40 (actually 7:39). A detailed analysis of the supporting material can be found here. There is no mention of boarding delays or baggage loading delays, and Flight 11 pushed back on time. The fact that it was subsequently delayed on the runway is not relevant.

Are you suggesting I should set aside the 9/11 Commission's findings in favour of wiki?

ETA: spelling

[edit on 26-4-2007 by coughymachine]

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 03:52 PM
Since there is no mention, does that mean it did not occur?

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by esdad71Since there is no mention, does that mean it did not occur?

It doesn't mention that there was a ban on pink unicorns boarding that day either... Just kiddin'

I think it is reasonable to assume that, given the access the Commission had to all available records, had there been a problem with loading the baggage on to Flight 11, it would have either been reported in its final report or else contained within this supplementary document. However, no, I accept that the lack of such a report is not proof that there was no delay.

And we're still left wondering why he packed his will into a bag he intended to have loaded onto a plane he was planning to crash. That he encouraged the other hijackers to do likewise suggests to me that, whatever 'mission' they thought they were on, it wasn't one that was likely to result in the complete annihilation of their bodies and belongings.

ETA: clarify

[edit on 26-4-2007 by coughymachine]

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Great thread C-eye! It's good to see some quality research going on still.

I had always wondered at Atta's bags - why he packed what he packed and why it was left behind. Either could have explanations but are twoo oddities together. To avoid argument I'll call bags left not too odd after all, but his Koran, I think a fuel onsumption calculator - which I'd think he'd use onboard, and have no use for stowed - etc. This is very odd, in the hold or left behind.

It's also quite sloppy as planted evidence. Maybe Atta paid someone to keep it there to look like a sloppy plant-job? Goes in the category of "did Hani Hanjout just ACT liuke a bad pilot?" and looks like an intended follow-up psyop attack - we couldn't've done this but you know who did... This is what COULD be argued tho It'd be hell to prove... Just a thot...

That said I thinks it's illustrtive of a larger pattern - as with the trip to Boston, strange violations of Operational Security rules - as if they weren't operating in OUR reality but in a TV show or under some protection - isolated, invulnerable, inevitable.

Are you familiar with the USDA loan story? Atta, Florida, Johnelle Bryant, throat slittling threats, Bojinka becomes 9/11? Or so we're told?
My piece on it

Again great work, great back-n-fort.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by coughymachine

And we're still left wondering why he packed his will into a bag he intended to have loaded onto a plane he was planning to crash.

[edit on 26-4-2007 by coughymachine]

Someone answer this

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 03:56 AM
I think there are only four possible answers:

1. The evidence was planted
2. Atta did not know he was about to commit suicide
3. Atta did not board Flight 11
4 Atta did board Flight 11 but Flight 11 was not the plane that hit the WTC

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 03:04 PM
I think it is simply everything that they had in the apartment they lived in that was personal and as per the operation they left nothing behind. When he checked in the baggage, he figured that they would be destroyed when Flight 11 hit the WTC.

The reasons for the baggage left were

1. CAPPS held the baggage on a transcontinetal flight.
2. Baggage was simply late. This is Logan we are talking about.
3. It was planted.

Lets look at all 3 and see what is the most likley to have occured.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 04:07 PM
I don't agree with your summary at all.

Al Shehhi left documentation in a hired Mitsubishi, which was left at Logan on 9/11. If your theory is correct, this too should have been carried aboard the flights.

But let's pretend, for the sake of argument, that this theory is worth exploring. How do we explain why they carried their wills with them if they did so knowing it was to be destroyed?

There were no delays whatsoever at Portland. We've established this a long, long time ago.

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