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We Are Accepting Submissions for Newsletter Featured Articles

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posted on May, 6 2007 @ 08:18 PM
I wouldn't include an image in the part of the article that is being e-mailed out. I imagine that would put quite a strain on the servers. As far as including an image in the body of your article, I would think that would be okay as long as you remain within the t&c, and also follow our guidelines for posting images; ie no posting copywritten images etc...

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:53 PM
Thanks WOS, that's very helpful of you to say.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 12:16 AM
So are we not supposed to involve images with our entires? Or, are images a go? If so, what are the limitations to images counts and their sizes etc?

[edit on 26-5-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 12:46 AM
Um, the submit an article link isn't working, and i'm trying to submit...

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 12:52 AM
The e-mail submission form seems to be down temporarily, you can submit your article later, or if you have it ready submit it via the complaints forum, include "Newsletter Submission" in the subject line.

The newsletter submission form should be fixed soon.

[edit on 26-5-2007 by UM_Gazz]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 03:41 AM

I sent the second half to William One Sac just in case there's a character limit with that entry form.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 03:43 AM
What is the weekly date/time limit for entires?

Shouldn't here be an extra 4 slot of entries for related resource videos?

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 04:08 PM
So did one send out this week? I hadn't activated my subscription as the email for it went into the bulk box until I found it yesteraday. I didn't even know mine had been accepted or posted last week until I seen it mentioned in teh upper "flagged" bar of 3 at the top.

My other question is do the flags from those posts count towards our WATS total? My email special was posted by unlike the others that I noticed.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 01:14 AM
So is this thing done? I didn't notice any in the email I got the other day.

I hope not. I surely wasn't done submitting choice materials, I was only one accepted entry away, but I've been busy on new video projects and such. Planned on submitting some key elements, and also in tying my 2 previous together.

I really had to look for this page, knowing it was in here somewhere. Maybe you guys should make this element more in your face. It seems easy for people to forget about certain elements here at ATS, with all the features, just think back on the WATS voting for example.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 05:18 AM
Where can I read this newsletter?

Do I have to subscribe or can I just read it?

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 07:34 AM
You subscribe to the newsletter. Click here, the ATS Homepage, and on the left side under the iTunes thing you'll see the spot to subscribe.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 10:26 AM
OK, is the system up and running now?or are we to still go through the suggestions route as earlier indicated by Um_Gazz?

Also, is the newsletter aimed mostly at the political scene, and conspiracies on such topics, or are all aspects of ATS discussion still viable?

And last but not least, in order to bring out the latest information in any given article, a deadline for the weekly submissions would be helpful. I realize that a certain amount of time will be involved in choosing the articles, but stale news is not really news.


posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by NGC2736
OK, is the system up and running now?or are we to still go through the suggestions route as earlier indicated by Um_Gazz?

The system is up and running, so feel free to submit an article any time you'd like.

Also, is the newsletter aimed mostly at the political scene, and conspiracies on such topics, or are all aspects of ATS discussion still viable?

Any ATS themed topic is okay for the newsletter.

And last but not least, in order to bring out the latest information in any given article, a deadline for the weekly submissions would be helpful. I realize that a certain amount of time will be involved in choosing the articles, but stale news is not really news.


There is no deadline for articles. Keep in mind that newsletter submissions do not need to be breaking news. You can write about any topic, put your spin on it, etc... The article will go out in the newsletter, but will also be published here on the site. That is where all members will have a chance to discuss your article. Thats not to say you can't submit breaking news, but there is a chance it won't be published in a timely manner. If you want to post breaking news, I would suggest doing so here on the board in the appropiate forum, then perhaps write an article with your opinions and ideas, and then submit that as an article.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by NJE777
Where can I read this newsletter?

You can read some of the older newsletters here. I am sure SkepticOverlord will begin archiving the newer newsletters at some point.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
So is this thing done?

Not quite sure what you mean. But if you are asking are we still accepting articles, the answer is yes. As far as the WATS thing goes, I really don't know.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 12:03 PM
WOS, thanks for the quick information.

About the deadline, I was thinking not so much of news in the sense of released statements from outside sources, but more in line with being current on something such as the Great Drone Debate.

But, I will do with what has been provided, and thank you for all the info. I am only thinking along those lines, but may take a stab at it soon


posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 05:33 PM
Not knowing the deadline was why I had so many posts above thinking I had just hours to finish (Friday night) and get my piece submitted. Turned out I had all weekend that time.

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