Submit Articles For The Email Newsletters
The vast majority of the changes we've applied to ATS over the past few months have been focused on giving more and more editorial power to our
members. The most noticeable has been in the reformatting of the
site main pages to reflect the important
threads you flag, and hot threads you reply to. This user-determiend approach has recently been applied to the rebirth of our
Weekly ATS Email Newsletters, and now we're extending it even further.
Member and Guest-Authored Featured Articles
The new
Email Article Submission Form enables any member
and guests to
submit a superior article that touches on the numerous "conspiracy" and "alternative" topics discussed on ATS.
In short... we're looking to our users for the highest quality, scholarly, and supremely thought-provoking "conspiracy" and "alternative" content
available... then broadcast your effort to a large and growing list of subscribers.
There are two weekly slots available for featured articles. If your submission is accepted,
it will be sent out in a dedicated featured article
email to our 60,000+ subscribers. (If you're not subscribed,
click here).
And... if you're a member who has submit three or more articles that have been accepted for newsletter publication, you will be rewarded with your
own dedicated "Conspiracy Master" forum on ATS, where you can share in the revenue generated by the Google ad impressions in your forum.
Submission Guidelines and Information
Original, Previously Unpublished Works: This service is for the submission of previously unpublished and original pieces
authored by you. It is acceptable to update or otherwise expand upon preexisting articles, postings, or other intellectual property you have
Promoting Your Efforts: If you're part of an organization with a focus on "alternative topics," we encourage you to create
highly engaging scholarly submissions, that provide our members and subscribers with a unique insight into the topical focus of your organization. You
may provide links to your group's website and related online content in "Part Two" of your submission, or in the link fields.
Real Name: If you're not a member of, we ask for your real name and email address in order to consider your
submission for publication. We will confirm your submission via the email address you provide. If you're not a member, we encourage you to join, as
you'll have an opportunity to engage with readers who appreciate your work. Members: We do not require the real name of ATS members who provide submissions, however, we encourage you to
consider providing it. Your real name greatly enhances the perceived credibility of your article.
Member Reward: Members who submit approved and published articles receive a bonus of 20,000 ATS points. If you submit three or
more approved articles you will be rewarded with your own "Conspiracy Master" forum where you can earn real income from the visits (your submissions
will be moved into your forum).
Links: We encourage you to provide links to online content that helps to provide context and/or confirmation of the points
raised in your article. Links are not required, but help.
ATS Threads: You will enhance your chances of being accepted for publication if you create a highly engaging and scholarly
article that expands upon the issues covered in relatively current threads on ATS.
Review: Your submission will be presented for all ATS staff to review and comment. ATS Admin, William One Sac, is the "editor
in chief" of the email content team and will use the comments provided by staff members to select approved articles for publication. Please do not be
discouraged if your submission is not approved, we are striving for both a high-level of superior content, as well as a good variety of subjects. If
your submission is not accepted, it may simply mean we have too many that cover the subject area of your article. We will make every effort to inform
you of the status of your submission, and the reasons it may have been rejected.
Editing: We reserve the right to make edits in your approved submission that may include grammatical alterations, structural
alterations, or rejection of one or more links.