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We Are Accepting Submissions for Newsletter Featured Articles

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posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Submit Articles For The Email Newsletters

The vast majority of the changes we've applied to ATS over the past few months have been focused on giving more and more editorial power to our members. The most noticeable has been in the reformatting of the site main pages to reflect the important threads you flag, and hot threads you reply to. This user-determiend approach has recently been applied to the rebirth of our Weekly ATS Email Newsletters, and now we're extending it even further.

Member and Guest-Authored Featured Articles

The new Email Article Submission Form enables any member and guests to submit a superior article that touches on the numerous "conspiracy" and "alternative" topics discussed on ATS.

In short... we're looking to our users for the highest quality, scholarly, and supremely thought-provoking "conspiracy" and "alternative" content available... then broadcast your effort to a large and growing list of subscribers.

There are two weekly slots available for featured articles. If your submission is accepted, it will be sent out in a dedicated featured article email to our 60,000+ subscribers. (If you're not subscribed, click here).

And... if you're a member who has submit three or more articles that have been accepted for newsletter publication, you will be rewarded with your own dedicated "Conspiracy Master" forum on ATS, where you can share in the revenue generated by the Google ad impressions in your forum.

Submission Guidelines and Information

Original, Previously Unpublished Works: This service is for the submission of previously unpublished and original pieces authored by you. It is acceptable to update or otherwise expand upon preexisting articles, postings, or other intellectual property you have created.

Promoting Your Efforts: If you're part of an organization with a focus on "alternative topics," we encourage you to create highly engaging scholarly submissions, that provide our members and subscribers with a unique insight into the topical focus of your organization. You may provide links to your group's website and related online content in "Part Two" of your submission, or in the link fields.

Real Name: If you're not a member of, we ask for your real name and email address in order to consider your submission for publication. We will confirm your submission via the email address you provide. If you're not a member, we encourage you to join, as you'll have an opportunity to engage with readers who appreciate your work. Members: We do not require the real name of ATS members who provide submissions, however, we encourage you to consider providing it. Your real name greatly enhances the perceived credibility of your article.

Member Reward: Members who submit approved and published articles receive a bonus of 20,000 ATS points. If you submit three or more approved articles you will be rewarded with your own "Conspiracy Master" forum where you can earn real income from the visits (your submissions will be moved into your forum).

Links: We encourage you to provide links to online content that helps to provide context and/or confirmation of the points raised in your article. Links are not required, but help.

ATS Threads: You will enhance your chances of being accepted for publication if you create a highly engaging and scholarly article that expands upon the issues covered in relatively current threads on ATS.

Review: Your submission will be presented for all ATS staff to review and comment. ATS Admin, William One Sac, is the "editor in chief" of the email content team and will use the comments provided by staff members to select approved articles for publication. Please do not be discouraged if your submission is not approved, we are striving for both a high-level of superior content, as well as a good variety of subjects. If your submission is not accepted, it may simply mean we have too many that cover the subject area of your article. We will make every effort to inform you of the status of your submission, and the reasons it may have been rejected.

Editing: We reserve the right to make edits in your approved submission that may include grammatical alterations, structural alterations, or rejection of one or more links.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 11:40 AM
I'm wondering if we can resubmit things that went largely unoticed, but were "original" pieces by 'us', if we add to them or whatever?

I ask because one of my goals is that Conspiracy Master forum, and certain key threads like my "A-Team" thread seemed to have gone under the radar, and I'd assume it would be worthy here (if it's non I'm curious why to know what we're talking about here).
But moreover, most of the threads I put up over about the last month (which I had to make in several posts each) would have been submitted this way had this feature existed.
For example:

One thing I must confess, and inquire about regardless of the answers to the top questions, is how much different must my post be between here and my lowly Myspace blog? I generally post different content there (alot of reposts or videos for example), but some of my authored pieces I bring here, most I havent. I either try to change or add to them, often modifying the structure, or my other method is to post an original / draft sort of version HERE, and then reform it for a later blog (at myspace) from what I learned/etc from the debate here, and anything else I came up with after the original posting. Or Vice Versa (mostly applies to the past). For example I left many things out of the ATeam post, and I havent even actually posted any version of it at myspace. I hope this hasn't been too cocky, it seems that whenever I do a short citation thread linking directly to the myspace blog / etc it gets ignored; plus this seems more spam like / selfpromoting in my view as I'm forwarding people to my myspace presence, and I like it here.

So I've been curious how I should be approaching this...
1] For general conduct
2] To remain considerable for the Conspiracy Master Title
3] In light of this new feature

I can meet that 3 post challenge here anyways really I guess, depending on the criteria that is.
Thanks, and good show.

EDIT: One last thing, what sort of character limits are there (6500 is a drag) or will there be multipages for long articles?

[edit on 23-4-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 12:37 PM
Obviously, we're not looking to republish existing work, but provide a high-profile medium for new material from our members and expert guests.

If you're submission is highly derivative of some preexisting material of yours, it would end up being a judgement call as we compare your submission against any others for the same time period.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:21 PM
For me, the most attractive thing about this site is the groundbreaking initiatives, and the careful guidance and committment behind the scenes that makes them possible. This is yet another excellent feature. I am very much looking forward to reading the submissions. Thank you

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Ok, now that I clicked on the submission link I see that there is a 6000 character limit. So obviously it's best to write a completely fresh article within those limits, and then link in the resources in Part 2, rather than use [External Source] [Quotes] and so on. Sorry about the questions from ignorance

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Parse error: parse error in /home/abovetopsecret/public_html/forum/email_submission.php on line 253

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:44 PM
Now my only question is: if we submit say 3 or 4 choice pieces in one week, but only 1 is selected that week, would the others, if deemed choice, still be "spooled" for the next weeks prospects?
I ask because I have quite a few raw bits I'll probably be submitting, but I'm afraid to exhaust my choice subjects..

I'm assuming you guys wouldn't have one guy dominating an entire weeks worth of the 2 available slots, plus the content/topic issue will be shaping the material accepted.

[edit on 23-4-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
I see that there is a 6000 character limit.

The character limit is for "Part One" of your article, the content that is sent in the email to subscribers. We want to respect our subscriber's inBoxes and not send anything too large.

When they click through from the email to ATS, they will get Part One and Part Two, as one post in your submission thread.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
Now my only question is: if we submit say 3 or 4 choice pieces in one week, but only 1 is selected that week, would the others, if deemed choice, still be "spooled" for the next weeks prospects?

We're just getting started, so I imagine it "all depends" on what we're getting, and the timeliness of what we get.

Naturally, we'd want to spread the wealth and limit repeat authors to no more than twice a month.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:31 PM
Is it possible you could apply the points into the BTS total.. perhaps to clear a hypothetical deficit

What topic/topics are you most interested in? Anything in particular?

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:33 PM
Gotcha. What I was looking for.

[edit on 23-4-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
What topic/topics are you most interested in? Anything in particular?

I would like to see something intelligent on 9/11 conspiracies that focus on the global political power plays, and not bombs, no-planes, or TV fakery.

I'd also like to see some historical analysis comparing some proven conspiracies to the current gaggle of mysteries surrounding the White House.

Interviews with popular conspiracy theorists would be awesome.

After that... anything ATS-related and well-written has an outstanding change of being accepted.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
I would like to see something intelligent on 9/11 conspiracies that focus on the global political power plays, and not bombs, no-planes, or TV fakery.

I'd also like to see some historical analysis comparing some proven conspiracies to the current gaggle of mysteries surrounding the White House.

Working on something as we speak. I think it stands a chance of blowing everyone's socks off.


posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 03:44 AM
I just submitted a 6,000 character original piece of my own. I'd like to encourage everyone to dig deep and do something original for this renewed effort. Fresh material will encourage greater interest in ATS. You can say a lot in 6,000 characters.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 05:00 AM
I like the idea of members and non members being able to submit articles for publication in the ATS newsletter. Personally I wouldn't know what to write about and I am more of a political rather then a conspiracy buff. Plus I am a lousy proof reader just to add icing to the cake.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 07:56 PM
Hey! Just got another email from ATS

The Truth About America's Domestic Disarmament Policy by Justin Oldham

Nice job, enjoyed reading it.

Looking forward to seeing more of them.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 11:22 PM
SkepticOverlord would an article that has a political focus along the lines of some of the higher quality discussions on AP be acceptable ?
Cheers xpert11.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 12:33 AM
I will drop xpert11 a note. Maybe I can help him with his conspiratorial spin.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by xpert11
SkepticOverlord would an article that has a political focus along the lines of some of the higher quality discussions on AP be acceptable ?

If it's purely political in nature... maybe not. If you can focus on a political scandal... certainly.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Apologies if this has already been covered - what is the policy on including images or image links? Is this permitted?


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