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Anonymous Bigfoot Footage

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posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 09:15 AM
Not sure what to think of this blobsquatch. Could be anything, really. Their reaction seems genuine and the fact that they try to get a second shot of the thing is something new.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:20 PM
Well it looks similar to the Patterson Bigfoot becuase it seemed to be female (breasts) but not sure why they didn't film the creature for longer.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 01:39 AM
Great Stuff! Well, I say that with a healthy dose of scepticism. This is one of the better videos we've seen lately. Yes, it's still pretty much a Blobsquash, but at least you don't have to squint your eyes and tilt your head to the right to spot it, like some other videos.

The issues I have:
1. Is this the actual quality of the video or is there something better with the owner, i.e. is this a cellphone video, or other?
2. The fact that the video was supplied "anonymous" is a problem, because any such material gets more credibility if we have background on the cameraman. What does the cameraman have to hide? Or is he scared of being ridiculed? Most people know that there's money to be made in any good Bigfoot video, yet this person is not interested in money. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
3. Why does the cameraman (men) stop filming? They take a couple of seconds of video, then turn around to go? This is the most suspicious behaviour, as most people would hang around and get as much video time as they can. And sure, he (they) may be scared, but people are less inclined to be scared when they're in a group. And they can't be that scared if they're running towards it to get a better shot?
4. Who/what is BEAST (Bigfoot Educational Academy of the Southern Territories)? I've never heard of them, nor am I able to find a site that even mentions them?
5. Is Bigfoot sitting next to a campfire making s'mores?
Bigfoot is really behaving strangely. Comfortably sitting, playing with a pebble, looking around - at 0:09 looking directly at the camera man - but he/she doesn't notice the men, even though they're talking loudly (why don't they whisper?)... Bigfoot's animal instincts really aren’t what it used to be.

I'll wait for further developments before I make my final judgement, but right now, I'm leaning towards fake.

Quick on the pick-up, Bartleby!

Edit: Grammar

[edit on 24-4-2007 by Gemwolf]

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 02:12 AM
Too me it looks like the first time the camera gets a decent focus on the Bigfoot, it looks like it is scratching it's back up and down on the tree. (like it's scratching itself)

Quite good footage

However all the points made by you Gemwolf do cast a shadow as to it's authenticity.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 04:09 AM
Looks like a bear to me. I'm guessing there is a reason why we dont see any zoom in footage or longer: It got up and walked away on 4 legs.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 06:43 AM
To me the men video taping this seem to have a northeast accent. They look to be so close to this creature. You would think if it was a wild animal it would have ran off or made a movement that it was frightened by these men. If it was me that found this in the woods and once my eyes focused on it I would then be frightened, and say "Lets get out of here", and while running off I would most likely think to myself "Did I really just see that?" ... I would go back for a second glance, then once I confirm what I have seen I would run like the wind LOL.

I found another Bigfoot video from Feb 2007. The people in this seem sincere. Not sure if it has been posted.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:46 AM
The people shooting the footage made a LOT of noise. There's no way in hell the ever-elusive creature would calmly sit there through the ruckus.

I call bullpucky.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 10:14 AM
Can anyone capture the shot and zoom in to get a better look?

I must say its frustrating that the shot only lasted for seconds. I would think the normal reaction for most people would be to either run or stay as still as possible while the creature was stationary.

I do agree with the earlier poster that its most likely a bear scratching it back on the tree.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 10:37 AM
I'm not sure what that thing is, but it doesn't look like a bear scratching its' back. IMHO, it looks more like an ape sitting down and kicking back.

I wonder just how far away the cameramen were. They seemed to be making quite a bit of noise, and the creature did not seem to hear them.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 10:49 AM
I lean towards hoax as well.

Gemwolf nailed pretty much all the 'grey areas' in the video.

It would be totally out of character, based on eyewitness accounts, for the great elusive Sasquatch to remain in full view of the camera for any length of time considering the noise they were making.

You couldn't really hear anything else BUT the guys filming.

The overall movement of the said creature just doesn't look right.

It sort of reminds me of the old shows in the 70's where they would have a fake Gorilla as part of the show, the actions never resembled an actual gorilla only that of an actor dressed up as one.

Keep em coming, there's got to be an undeniable one coming out soon.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:12 PM
Either it was a hoax or it was very bad footage of a real bigfoot. Either way, it doesn't prove anything.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 09:05 PM
I get the chills just seeing this footage. This footage is almost identical to the creature I have seen in South Weber, Utah. it is smaller and thinner than the traditional sasquatch. These things exist !

The closest thing I have come up with on the internet is Orang Pendek.

I have seen something similar to this in action and they are ninja-like in the way that they move. Lightning fast! You don't want to be anywhere near them.

I don't know if this video is fake or not, but I highly doubt it. Whatever that is, it looks very similar to what is being spotted in South Weber quite often.

Great Post!

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 09:32 PM
looks kinda fake to me. By the way what were people talking about..."I don't see anything" and then sound cut off... fakers

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 08:43 AM
There's one thing that I keep going back to and that is if this footage is indeed hoaxed, the perpetrators sure did an interesting job. I mean, most of the hoaxed footage out there takes it's lead (inspiration) from the PG footage- that is- a fleeting glimpse of "something"; "something" striding through/within/behind foiliage; "something" large and out of focus, moving in the periphery. The fact that this footage abandons this template intrigues and puzzles me at the same time and is making me lean towards genuine. I mean, I'm not saying it is a sasquatch but whatever it is, it's just sitting there, acting similar to some sort of primate (or bear) in repose.

Bottom line, I can't seem to imagine the hoaxers going, "all right now, what should we do?" then instructing their man in a suit, if it is a man in a suit and not a bear or a unknown primate, "okay- just sit there and enjoy the scenery. We'll do the rest".

And in regards to the guys who filmed the thing and their reactions- they seemed perfectly normal to me. If I were just out hiking in the woods and I came across something like this that's definitely out of place- I wouldn't be in the right mind enough to turn on my volume control. I'd probably freak out, run and make a ruckus. On the other hand, If I were a Bigfoot Field Researcher and I stumbled upon this- that would be a different story. I'd most likely steady my hand and keep it down to a quiet whisper as I filmed.

And then become famous!

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 09:01 AM
I'm also voting hoax on this one.

They are making way to much noise for the alleged BF not to react and to keep dropping the camera while moving I don't get.

There are just too many red flags here.

Sorry, anonymous "BEAST" people.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 10:01 AM
I know it has been talked about before but if I saw a bigfoot I would shoot it if I had a gun yeah I would be scarred to death but I would shoot it and be famous for the rest of my life even if it runs off after I shoot it it's blood will be on something and a sample of that blood would be proof right? In my eyes there is no good reason not to shoot it unless you know it is really your buddy billy in a suit.

I agree with bartleby having a guy in a suit just sitting there does seem odd for someone try to create a hoax but I think it is a hoax

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 10:16 AM
looks like out-takes from that beef jerky commercial that has Bigfoot in

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by theutahbigfoothunter

I have seen something similar to this in action and they are ninja-like in the way that they move. Lightning fast! You don't want to be anywhere near them.

LOL, I'm not disagreeing or discrediting what you saw, but the dude in this particular video definitely does NOT have 'Ninja-like' qualities.

More like an average commuter waiting for a bus.



Have you posted your experience on here any where? It sounds interesting and I would like to read about it.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:58 AM
Grailkeeper I haven't posted that particular instance on here yet but I will be sure and do so soon my friend. And after looking at the footage again I am laughing myself you ARE so right! Hilarious! But, no. In all reality I saw something similar in shape size and build, just a little smaller, and It was SO FAST! What I saw actually scared me not because of anything but the speed in which it ran and sprung down a hefty embankment. The agility and speed let me know just what it was capable of, and it was frightening. Oh my gosh though I am still laughing. The subject in footage is not enthusiastic at all. I am in agreement grailkeeper!

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 01:00 PM

but the dude in this particular video definitely does NOT have 'Ninja-like' qualities.

I agree with you, though it's not like the bigfoot was a danger to them lol....

It would be totally out of character, based on eyewitness accounts, for the great elusive Sasquatch to remain in full view of the camera for any length of time considering the noise they were making.

You couldn't really hear anything else BUT the guys filming.

The overall movement of the said creature just doesn't look right.

They are making way to much noise for the alleged BF not to react and to keep dropping the camera while moving I don't get.

There are just too many red flags here.

Maybe this bigfoot is old in age.

Perhaps he/she is blind and deaf and doesn't like to stand while eating beef jerky, or just to old to get up and run when threaten. Most mammals all have the same basic types of senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste, some more highly developed than others. Though, no matter how developed our stimuli is, the senses do deteriorate over time, that is unless they are taking anti-aging medicine lol.

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