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9/11 Truth: A Movement of Disinformation

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posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by saturnine_sweet
As clear as mud. The title is a challenging statement, backed up and detailed by the text that follows. Thus...your attitude and approach don't really make a great deal of sense.

This will be my last post about this none sense that you started by trying to impose a dictator fashion on me.

I read your whole post, and the context of your post is summed up into the tittle of your thread, this is how a thread works.

This means that to address this thread, i can use the name of the tittle and then talk about that concept in a perspective that i consider to be related to the context of your thread which is summed up into your thread tittle.

Now i think you understand this by now and realize that by me talking about how i believe that the official story of 911 is disinformation. It prevents people from finding information on the subject because they are mislead into believing lies. Because of this, they don't look any further, therefor a disinfo movement.

This means that i am very well on topic, and had you realized this when you read my post about my opinion on disinformation you would have not tried to dictate me into not posting on your thread. You deemed my opinion to not be the same as your opening text... of course it's not gonna be, because you know what... we are all different and we all have the right to our individual opinions... the topic of this thread is disinfo movement, you said what you think is disinfo and then the rest of us followed and said what we think we consider to be disinformation. This means that to be off topic my post would have to be off topic and in this case, it was not.

End of rant.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 04:11 PM
mmmk. I can at least see where you were coming from now, even though it still seems a to me. And I apologize if I seemed to try to dictate the thread, I merely attempted to redirect it towards to primary thrust of the discussion, rather than having it deteriorate into another 9/11 melee.

posted on May, 17 2007 @ 02:16 AM
We have to start somewhere don't we? Home is the fastest and quickest way to get justice if justice is to be had. How do we know our whole leadership structure isn't just being constantly threatened by foreigners looking to put down the fisticuffs with us? and the worlds worst people are currently manipulating for there own satisfaction of having power, rather than use power to make positive and lasting change for the cause of the populace, not the hidden agenda of the black magic occult from which a man would come. But its all so coincidental all of it now huh?

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