posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 11:02 AM
I used a basic translator here in one of his interviews..
He states it is a sin not to believe in U.F.O.s
Seen the importance of the affirmations, we use this space for a deepening but in order not to bring back the complete text of the interview to the
demonologo Monsignor Corrado Balducci, realized from David Murgia and resumption from the daily paper “the Time”, of 19 past January.
Many had been till now the “admissions” of the demonologo of the Sede Saint, than in its declarations it had openly shown to believe to the
possibility of the existence of extraland intelligences. In this interview monsignor Balducci “it raises the shooting”.
Here the text:
UFO, averse and other shapes of life in the universe, between truth and fiction, truffatori and ciarlatani, but which is the position of the Vatican
on these “mysteries” and above all the catholic faith chip ax that ours is not the single world for which the Messia it is sended in order to
redimere the men? To these interrogated to you it answers monsignor Corrado Balducci, demonologo and expert scientist in ufologia which the Sede Saint
he has asked to study this phenomenon “with the eyes of the faith”.
Monsignor Balducci, the UFO and the averse ones exist indeed or are alone inventions of imbroglioni?
Not to believe to the UFO and the presence of other living beings is sin. Their existence is not only tried gives approximately a million testimonies,
between which also those of many scientists atheists, but also it is confirmed from some brani of the Sacred Writing that in some points clear the
presence of extraearthlings.
As an example?
Salmo 23 that it recites: “Of the Getlteman it is the Earth, the universe and its inhabitants”. Hour, because the salmista has intentional, after
to have cited the Earth, to remember also the universe with its inhabitants? This wants to say that the presence of other living beings is sure. Also
the theology is in agreement with this thesis.
In that sense?
We cannot sure assert that the angels, the demons or the same Madonna use of astronauts in order to move but it is true that the infinite number of
stars, the solar systems and the galaxies has been created for the Gloria of God and would not have sense that all this is only for we, that we
inhabit one of smallest planets of the universe. For this I am not only convinced that there are other worlds inhabits you from advanced beings also
to we, but also that that is possible, verosimile and above all desirable.
It could be clearer?
The presence of averse in the universe, even advanced to we because not only more intelligent but also because little sinners, would justify the jolt
that is between we men and the angels. Lucrezio wrote that “nature facit saltum” (the nature does not make knows to you) and therefore, in the
providential order of the creation, God it has thought well to create also other beings.
It turns out that they have been knows to you that they have asserted the existence of the UFO?
Saint Pio from Pietralcina, as an example, than who asked to it if the extraterestri existed truly, has answered: “The onnipotenza of God does not
limit to the single planet Earth. In other planets other beings exist of the creatures and that do not have sin like we and that they pray God”. But
the list is long. Quite a famous theologian as Niccolò Cusano asserted that “not there is star from which we are authorizes to exclude the
existence to you of other beings, also various from we”.
In our situated one other regarding articles are present affirmations of Monsignor Balducci on the extraearthlings.