posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 02:22 PM
There have been a couple of us who have been trying to point our that we have been under martial rule for decades, now, and that the constitution is
suspended and has been since the 1860's. The other guy is now in prison, and will be for several months, over tax issues. Considering the Founding
Fathers went to war over, what, 15% taxation, we are being extremely patient to the point of being cattle.
The argument over liberalism and conservatism plays right into this particular conversation, don't you think? Forget the two main parties, as there
is nothing now but Democrats and Republicrats, but consider the basic positions of the two philosophical positions. It is the liberal position that
has ushered in the need for greater societal control by the government and the higher taxes, not the conservative one. But that doesn't mean that
the conservative-minded people are the salvation of the nation, either. One can have conservative opinions and not have actual knowledge,
particularly historical knowledge, with which to arm themselves inb the fight for the nation's survival. Without it, what good is it? I firmly
believe that if liberals had the truth and also accepted it, they would no longer be liberals. Not the rank and file members, anyway. And, if they
had it, they would not run around calling Bush a conservative, because they would then know that he is not one.