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I have no sympathy

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posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 06:58 PM
There is only one reason to own a handgun in the united states, and one reason only; The genocidal warmonger gun nuts who actively want a shootout with the ATF own guns. Lots of them.

If these loons didn't have guns, there would be no real reason for anyone else to, either. But so long as we have schlitz-soaked trailer park "revolutionaries" muttering about killing off all the "ay-rabs and librulz," while claiming the 2nd amendment applies to them because Moses, er, Charlton Heston says so, I'm rather forced to maintain my own couple of weapons. Mostly because I'm a vindictive sort of guy who doesn't plan on letting any yee-haw numpty live through trying to "cleanse 'murika" of my presence or whatever.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
There is only one reason to own a handgun in the united states, and one reason only; The genocidal warmonger gun nuts who actively want a shootout with the ATF own guns. Lots of them.

If these loons didn't have guns, there would be no real reason for anyone else to, either. But so long as we have schlitz-soaked trailer park "revolutionaries" muttering about killing off all the "ay-rabs and librulz," while claiming the 2nd amendment applies to them because Moses, er, Charlton Heston says so, I'm rather forced to maintain my own couple of weapons. Mostly because I'm a vindictive sort of guy who doesn't plan on letting any yee-haw numpty live through trying to "cleanse 'murika" of my presence or whatever.

My weapons are to keep the Crips, Bloods, Latin kings and their ilk out of my house. No they are not firearms, they are much more quieter, and more physiologically damaging

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 07:15 PM
man,i like when people from other countries like to tell us why we have so many violent crimes. Handguns were outlawed in the UK in '97,but as of '01 it seems handgun crime is up.

Sure is a good thing the UK banned handguns. People might be killing each other if they hadn't.

I also laugh when i watch t.v and see soccer "football" games in europe,specially spain. Rioting,trampling,beatings all because a team lost. Very civilized.

Guns aren't the problem. Its crazy people. Lets ban crazy people and be done with it
. Whether that crazy has access to a gun or not,if they set their mind to it,they will kill whoever it is they set out to kill.

If the VT guy's mental problems had shown up in his file,he wouldnt have been able to buy those guns. Who knows,he might have just blown up the school instead.

I can guarantee you,getting rid of guns wouldn't solve any nations crime problems.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 07:38 PM
instead of taking away people's guns I propose stricter background checks and more thorough ways of keeping guns out of the hands of sickos. For regular, law abiding people this would not affect them. The NRA shouldnt even oppose that, I mean who wants psycho's (like the VT guy) to get guns as easily as he did. ANYONE who has been committed should be banned from having guns, the end.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by steve22
instead of taking away people's guns I propose stricter background checks and more thorough ways of keeping guns out of the hands of sickos. For regular, law abiding people this would not affect them. The NRA shouldnt even oppose that, I mean who wants psycho's (like the VT guy) to get guns as easily as he did. ANYONE who has been committed should be banned from having guns, the end.

I agree, just like canada, you can have guns, but you need to register them under intense scrutiny.

a freind of mine was arrested and charged once while his application was processed. it was immediatly stoped, and since being let go on the charges he has had a very hard time getting it reprocessed. and i think thats great, he doesnt hunt, he lives in surry BC, i hope they never give him a gun liscence.

the problem with guns and america IMO is that there is so much corruption all the way down the line. it is a buisness to lock people up in the US, people make money off that, and that is risky. Harper has put forth bill asking for the same thing, and im outraged. Dont they see what kind of cycle this creates?

Intrepid? what do you have guns for? you live in toronto? do you go to the range often? how about triathelete? Im curriouse.

I dont want to brag about canada too much, but there is no messing around here with the cops. they will get your %ss.

there are no entrapment laws really, if they can figure a way of getting info, they will do it, and they will convict you on it.

there is no "oh the address was wrong on the search warrent, I cannot convict this man with this warrent," uh uh, in canada the the prosecutor will likely move to change the address right there in the courtroom and it will all be dealt with in 5 seconds, back to conviction.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 09:54 PM
I've read this whole thread, and there are some odd things in here.It seems that using such a tragedy as an excuse to berate America is low, by any standard.

And the telling people in another nation how to set their laws and actions is on par with America's own King George and his determination to force 'democracy' on Iraq.

Many of the arguments for the banning of guns are not well thought out, and are the result of reaching the decision based on what you are told by your leadership.

While America bashing seems to be an up and coming sport, I notice that whenever there is a need for some muscle, we're your new best friend.

There are many things wrong with the American political system, but one of the things keeping our elected robbers in line is the fear of going too far and the bloodshed that might bring. Their blood.

And if we were so indiscriminate about shooting, how come the revolt hasn't occurred? Could it be that we patriots use guns as a last resort. (Of course, that shoots (pun intended) down the idea that we can't use guns responsibly.)

And Walking Fox, please refrain from the redneck/hillbilly stereotypes. I live in rural Arkansas, and I don't appreciate your remarks. I find that people like you are afraid to gay bash, owe money to someone named Rabbinawitz, and have relatives in Poland. That only leaves folks such as myself to be a target for your low brutish form of humor.


posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 01:15 PM
A reply from the "yeehaw" section of the country. Nice little stereotyping rant there, 'fox.

You rant and rave when your freedoms are supposedly abridged, but have no issue with trying to stifle mine? Do you see the hypocrisy there? I certainly do.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 02:39 PM
This post is yet another reply from "yee haw country." I was born and raised in California, lived there 50 years but moved here to NE Tennessee 2 years ago. Dumb hicks? I don't think so. They know enough to have survived at least 500 years of living in a most inhospitable part of the country, the dirt has zero nutritional value (Yes, I've measured, and I do mean zero), the winters are long, cold, bleak and harsh and the soil is so rockhard that it takes a sledge hammer to plant a small tomato plant.
I have had numerous people offer their expertise when I there was something I didn't know how to do. And they DON'T make fun of you for being a city slicker and not knowing anything about the country; unlike Walking Fox who feels a need to insult us "yee haws".

Now on to the topic: We've got some pretty rugged mountains here and lots of countryside. That also means we have lots of wild animals. Everyone here has at least a shotgun. One simple reason is that we don't want mountain lions getting after our horses, foals, goats, chickens and pets. If I heard a mountain lion on my land, the first thing I'd do is grab my shotgun and go after that lion - I would be inconsolable if anything happened to my horse or cats, for one.
Another reason is that, because we live in such rugged territory, it could take the police up to 15 minutes to get here. By that time, if I had an intruder, I'd be dead.
Yet another reason is that this county is the poorest county in America and people often need to go out and shoot a wild turkey or some such, just so they can put food on the table.

So, yeah, a shot gun is absolutely necessary here, and I'm an educated, intelligent California liberal who used to be anti-gun, but living here has convinced me that there are a number of good reasons to own at least a shotgun.

posted on Apr, 22 2007 @ 04:12 PM

Its pathetic and it goes to show that a country that is meant to be the leaders of the world, still have attitudes that are more akin to the wild west. You are a trigger happy war mongering nation and its no suprise that the rest of the world sees you that way

When they do come for you, you'll wish you had a gun. If those teachers had a gun, they might have saved the lives of many people that day.

Go lookup DRUGS and mind-control if you really care to see how America leads the world today.

[edit on 22-4-2007 by sweftl337]

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 12:55 PM
It's called Freedom...

Why didn't we abolish airplanes after 9-11.

Why don't we abolish cars after a car crash.

Then we can abolish knives, Negative thoughts, the pen.

After all that we can sit back and get robbed by the criminals who will still have all these things.

You aren't helping you are only weakening the rest of us.

posted on Dec, 20 2016 @ 10:03 PM
You seem to have a lot of troll style threads just designed to make people argue with you, and deliberately seem to take the provocative side of every issue, pretty much the definition of troll.

Many of your posts seem to be on different sides of the political spectrum, which means that you're probably not really grounded in any issues, you just want to prod people by taking the most ridiculous stance you can on the most hot button topic on the site.

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