posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 06:10 AM
I have to say I haven't even watched any of the news on this because it is just to sad. I know it happened, and I had an idea on why it happened the
minute I heard about it. My oldest daughter came home from school that day and seen it on the news, and she said "That kid must have been picked on
and it destroyed him"
Like I said I do not know the full story and that is because there is enough crap in this world that I already have to deal with and I didn't want to
see it. I did however just watch that video out of curiosity to see what the killer had to say himself and it sure sounds like this kid was tortured
and didn't get any respect. If he had mental issues (which I'm sure he did) then he slipped through the system of family, church, school and more.
It happens far to often.
I have always taught my children to never be mean or cruel to anyone as it can carry on a lifetime to the person you said it to. The outcome could
hurt you and to remember it DID hurt them.
What a shame (nodding my head)