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What would a full scale Russian invasion look like?

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posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 01:06 PM
I say we get nukes ready and nuke them first, frankly. If my country goes down I want everyone else to go down too.

Frankly I'd like to see an alternate-history cold war story where the USA turns into an insanely anti-communist fascist Illuminati country, commits genocide against communists and invades the Soviet Union...yeah...I already have that in mind...

I just wish I was good at writing stories...

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:13 PM

China in response to the America's invasions detonates a low earth orbiting E.M.P satellite over Kansas City, Kansas causing the destructions of 99% of all electronics and blinding or destroying American/allied satellites......America is blind and ready for the taking with no clue of who is attacking.......This is where you pick up..............

An unknown terrorist sleeper cell takes advantage of the distraction in kansas city and places multiple "dirty bombs" hidden inside laptop computers in NYC...

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Blueridge if you ever get a game like that published TELL ME! Heck that sounds interesting to say the least.

As for invasion and the like: Well no one ever knows what others can and cannot do. Part of war is keeping the other clueless as to your TRUE capacity while keeping up a false front. Besides, if Russia and China wanted to invade for some UKNOWN BEYOND ALL REASONING CRAZED LUNATIC ideal then they would move equipment here bit by bit. International waters would allow entry to Mexico without intervention and if they did it quickly and quietly they would be able to build up small "sleeper" forces till the main army began to arrive in the larger "tanker" ships. There are several ways to invade the USA, but the MOST devastating would be to move your army INTO the USA slowly like Mexicans cross illegally and settup small "HQ's" all over the USA and when the invasion time is ready: the supplies are waiting, the HQ's are in position, the special ops are on the move and tanks are rolling across the boarder. The USA would be in so much turmoil from domestic attacks they would be to thinned out to move to the boarder without sacrificing major cities and almost the whole of the countryside if done wisely.
The advantage Russia could take (or China) would be causing domestic problems and turmoil to divert attention.

The day China and Russia advance across the boarder: Be afraid, be VERY VERY affraid. They care NOTHING for losses, fact. They care NOTHING for the lives of those they are attacking. It would be a slaughter of both sides. Chinese wave attacks followed by Russian wave attacks. You would run out of ammo and FAST! Not to mention they would probably just put up enough flak that any aircraft are going to have one heck of a time and then they would just kamikazi their airforce into the USAF. Want bloodshed: A coop invasion of the USA by Russia and China. THAT would make Stalin blush in shame when it comes to body count.

Edit: altered 1 word.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by Vekar]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 02:44 PM
Vekar as Napoleon once said "an army marches on it stomach." Can you imagine the logistical nightmare of supplying both the Russian and Chinese armies combine feeding along with fuel and repairing tanks, apcs, helos, fighters, bombers, etc?

[edit on 19-4-2007 by deltaboy]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
Blueridge if you ever get a game like that published TELL ME! Heck that sounds interesting to say the least.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by Vekar]

This is for you then....

World in Conflict

West Germany, 1988. To avoid certain collapse, the Soviet army boldly advances into Europe. NATO responds only to be met on a second front -- a diversionary attack on the American homeland. You are a field commander, leading the era's most powerful military machines in the campaign to retake America's cities and suburbs.

World in Conflict is under development by the leading creative and technical minds at Massive Entertainment, creators of the innovative and award-winning Ground Control series.


* Superpowered Warfare
Unleash the arsenals of the great military superpowers in the gripping single-player story created by best-selling author and Cold War authority, Larry Bond.
* MassTech Engine
The latest version of Massive's proprietary engine allows for a full 360 range of camera control, allowing you to get right down into the midst of battle.
* Demolish Everything
Destroy every object in the game - crush cars, destroy buildings, burn forests!
* Drop-in Multiplayer
Join on-going games and immediately help your team take control of the map.

* Fast-paced Teamplay
Master four different battlefield roles; Air, Armor, Infantry and Support, in the ultimate online teamplay experience.

* Super Weapons
Unleash ground-shaking artillery barrages, napalm strikes, and awesome tactical nukes that turn the tide of battle.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 03:47 PM
Blueridge, yeah I know I have been watching that game buildup for over 3 months now and I cannot WAIT for it to come out. I liked your idea better though: invasion and no one knows who is attacking. Your scenario was far more interesting and intreguing. There are so few good games out there anymore with a darn good story too them it is truely sad.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 03:55 PM
Yea......I would buy that too! It would make a good book also...hmmmmm

To bad I'm in college! Thanks for the compliment though.


posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 04:27 PM
Yeah this game looks pretty cool, but would it work in real life? NO.
Just because the cold wear ended does not mean that we trust each other. If Russia started loading a large force on to boats we would notice we still have a hell of a lot of satellites and the NSA and CIA spends a lot of time their looking at pictures. This attack is not like the Russian attack on Afghanistan back in the day were they just acted like regular passenger flights and launched a sneak attack, that was all light equipment, no tanks, mobile air defense, BMP’s or other heavy equipment were used in the sneak attack. An attack on the US mainland would require a lot of heavy equipment and we would see it coming well before it got here and we would have a nice welcoming commity set up in the form of a division or two.
As for an attack through Alaska and Canada I don’t think that would work, we’re talking over 2000 miles. To put that in perspective Kuwait too Baghdad is about 300 miles and that took the US army Vs. the Iraq army several weeks. I think that Canada and the US fighting a defensive war against Russia would fair a bit better then the Iraqis did against the US army.
Mexico as a path to invade the US like in Red Dawn? If you find this plausible then you know nothing about US foreign policy. In the movie Mexico was an ally of the USSR. The minute that Mexico started to look like it was going to join with the greatest enemy of Americas, the American government would send the CIA in and start a revolution. And that would be the end of that.
There are just some countries that there is no real attack that would work, namely Russia, China and the United States. Russia’s to big and has a powerful military. Chinas population makes any idea of invasion just ludicrous. And as for the US, they have the most powerful military with a well armed population, with a lot of taritory.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 04:46 PM
So how is Russia suppose to get all that equipment across the Ocean without us zapping them out of the water like shooting ducks on a pond? If they try to come through Alaska then they will be moving all their equipment through a narrow strip of land that would prove disastrous for them.

Nope, no way they invade us. Wont/Cant happen. They know this and thats why they have their they dont have to invade us.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 04:52 PM
IT is possible that a sneak attack could disable the eye's of the United States. Try fighting with a blindfold,it doesn't work that well.... Also the Russian spy agency has reached pre 1991 levels. They are concentrating on U.S. military planning and personal instead of technology as they have done in the past.

So lets say the scenario bellow occurs as well as the command and control of the U.S. military is taken out with precise assassinations at or before the surprise EMP pulse by the Russians/Chinese. The joint chiefs could by taken out by a smuggled in nuke in Washington.....while other top officials could be taken out with Russian or Chinese special forces already in place for some time. It IS possible for someone to do this.

Ok...let's say its the year 2012
. The United States has been in a 5 year occupation of Iran + 9 years in Iraq after an extensive air war with the use of bunker busting nukes to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons program. The air war was not as successful as hoped and a ground war became a necessity to change destroy the program and change the leadership. Russia and China take notice of what some would call "American Imperialism" after the Iraq invasion and begin to rapidly modernize their military through oil/gas money and trade dollars.

A new crisis emerges as Pakistani and Egyptian governments are overthrown by Islamic extremist. The U.S. being stretched to the breaking point acts by invading both countries.

China in response to the America's invasions detonates a low earth orbiting E.M.P satellite over Kansas City, Kansas causing the destructions of 99% of all electronics and blinding or destroying American/allied satellites......America is blind and ready for the taking with no clue of who is attacking.......This is where you pick up..............

[edit on 19-4-2007 by BlueRidge]

[edit on 19-4-2007 by BlueRidge]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Russia would win because we will be too busy playing this game to defend ourselves!

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by BlueRidge

A new crisis emerges as Pakistani and Egyptian governments are overthrown by Islamic extremist. The U.S. being stretched to the breaking point acts by invading both countries.

China in response to the America's invasions detonates a low earth orbiting E.M.P satellite over Kansas City, Kansas causing the destructions of 99% of all electronics and blinding or destroying American/allied satellites......America is blind and ready for the taking with no clue of who is attacking...

…an emergency meeting with the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff determine that the Chinese and Russians are preparing an attack by wiping out the communications and infrastructure of the Continental US. In response they order a full scale nuclear attack from the EMP shielded missile silo’s in North Dakota, causing the Russian to respond and ending life on Earth. The end.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
.............Texas is home to Fort Hood, largest Military Base in the USofA.

Kr0n0s hate to correct you, however, Ft Hood is the largest ARMY base (340 sq mi), the largest base in the USA is 29 palms (USMC) , where tank warfare school is, it's the largest military base 931.733 sq mi

oh and the Russian invasion may still be in out future

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 06:28 PM
Basic Military stratergy requires two(2) things in any battle/war Money and Logistics. With out these you are dead in the water.

Russia and China have very little of either. All America would have to do is up set there economies. Louis XIV faced this problem with all his little wars. It costs a lot of money to keep a country(s) subdued. Case in point Iraq today.

Even in a time of war you always need the support of the people and an economy that can provide both consumer goods and military hardware. Destory this ability and you win everytime. So America just threatens russia's and China's oil supplies and refineries.

WWII, Germanies infrastructure was crippled so badly it struggled to resupply its troops etc.

Gurrellia warfare would also be a major headache as in the movie (Red Dawn).

History reveals the truth about the dominant nature of logistics.

The bigger youre army the harder it is to maintain them.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 06:35 PM
Thank you for that correction, I meant to say Army but military came out lol

Originally posted by thedigirati

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
.............Texas is home to Fort Hood, largest Military Base in the USofA.

Kr0n0s hate to correct you, however, Ft Hood is the largest ARMY base (340 sq mi), the largest base in the USA is 29 palms (USMC) , where tank warfare school is, it's the largest military base 931.733 sq mi

oh and the Russian invasion may still be in out future

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 06:38 PM
If you want more let me know....

Background story on China: The Chinese communist party feels that they are loosing power to the rising bourgeoisie class of China; out of desperation the communist hardliners switch from U.S. dollars to Euros as it's preferred currency for imports/exports...etc., there by causing a complete shift in the global currency system. This event wrecks the U.S. economy by causing the dollar to loose 80% of its value and bring Chinese bourgeoisie class to its knees due to the loss of trade revenue. China notices America’s weakened economic state as the U.S. is in the midst of an attack on Egypt and Pakistan after the Islamic extremist take over. China seeing country after country fall to the United States can take no more. The heads of the Chinese government meet in secret to devise a plan to destroy the United States capacity to wage war. The first part of the plan is to infiltrate the command and control facilities of the U.S. to ensure that any ICBM/Air Strike launch orders are never given. The plan involves the detonation or multiple detonations of nukes in Washington D.C. to take out all top officials. The plan also involves Chinese Special Forces infiltrating the U.S. many months ahead of time and taking out anyone who has not been neutralized after the initial attack. This would all coincide with a EMP burst over the U.S. that would disable 99.9% of electronics. With no set leader to command, the U.S military is blinded, leaderless, and spread thin.

[edit on 19-4-2007 by BlueRidge]

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 07:10 PM

[edit on 20-4-2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 12:21 AM
Alright I guess iam going to add my opion agian on a couple of things here, one i have heard talk that the Chinesse were offloading all sortos of millitary hardware in to Mexico form containar ships, now weather its true or not it i dont know, but if say you being China could pull off something like this under the noise of the US then yeah you could have everything you need mount a ground campain, I also belive that if this were to happen there going to use nukes and bio/chem weapons before advanceing so they can cripple any opposition they might have to deal with before hand, also China probly wouldnt need to mount a land invasion on the US to bring it down they have a large chunck of our national debt and alot of american money so say if they were to sell it off or destory it that would casue the economy to crash and burn without them ever fireing a shot.

Secondly the whole thinking this wont happen is rather dumb, rember that the US thought that no one would attack there fleet while docked (ie Pearl Harbor) and look what happend they got attacked and it changed there tune about that sort of thing happening for awhile, this is something that should be considerd you never know what a counrty or its leaders will do, this is something that should at least be considerd, that it could happen in the rather violent world we are living in, and o yeah with useing nukes they wont end life on the planet just form haveing to use several of them, if ya want to worry bout it Russia has bout 500 of them on trucks that move around, so in the event of one side pushing the button they will still have some that are mobile they can use were as the US has most of theres in silos in corn fields, so just rember it could happen dont get it in you that it cant, you must always be ready for the unexpected to happen

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 12:42 AM
I also heard, through conspiracy sites, that China is and has been for years, massing troops, weapons and logistical gear somewhere in Mexico.
I-35 highway, a huge 8-10 lane Interstate begins at Laredo Mexico and cuts right through the center of the country. An invasion force could literally drive from Laredo to Dallas Tx in a matter of hours, a distance of about 400 miles or so.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 11:41 AM
Yeah and not only is I35 a large interstate highway running north that goes though or near large cities and militay bases but it also concects to I10, I90, I80, and other major ones, that would be a best bet for China should they come north, they will use the interstate system to there advantage to move fast Blitzcreg style

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