posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 07:37 PM
I know this is a sensitive issue, so just to let you all know, i am taking this very serious.
The break down of how it is possible to control the consience and actions of a human through external influences is a very ancient art. The idea of
controlling forces or a controling force, has always been at the forefront of those conspirital geniuses
Symbolism is one of the main peices of evidence when trying to identify the action. The virgina school shooting wreaks with symbolism.
Nothing happens in virginia that isnt connected to a conspiricy. The very first american state, and also holds the record for the worst school
The name blacksburg is lined with symbolism, is has that slight creepy feeling.
Norris Hall is an intimidating ancient looking castle like building, straight from the crusades, litterally.
Archetectually the buildings represent symbols. Crosses, swaticas, siefrot trees, guns, suns and dicks
(similarly to the cabbalistic design to the building in the montreal school shooting, and scince im referencing judeism and school shootings, i should
note, that the amish school girl shootings landed on yom kippur(oct 2) the holiest day of the jewish year...
The symbols in the numbers.
33, obviously for those who study the orders and the jesuits,
the date. April 16 was the last day of the ides of april.
the time 7 1 5, and 9 1 5 too are symbolic.
over the door of the killer was a fish....
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