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Proposed ATS paranormal project. Create a Thoughtform

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posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 07:13 PM
Hey skyblue.. Just leave it as I described you.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 08:35 PM
yeah, but it was nice hearing other peoples opinion!!

anyways, i normally don't do this, but i might have to delay posting up the image til saturday night.

I have a sketch drawn out, and i'm about to make a better version, but I don't think I have time to scan it tonight. I need to finish this 10 page report on global warming before I go to sleep. So, I would like to apologize for bringing everyone hopes up and delaying this experiment further than it really has to be.

I hope you guys understand my situation...again...i'm sorry!!

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 08:39 PM
Doesn't matter. Take your time man!

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by sylvrshadow

The above is a mandala for protection. I know because I own a framed print of it.

If I might make a suggestion...

One thing you all might consider doing in this endeavor to generate a thought form is in directing your efforts to aid someone in ATS/BTS who is suffering from a terminal illness. That would be a positive, selfless, and constructive project that would attract the right beneficent astral energies which are needed for success.

Then he or she can chime in with updates as to any progress in recovery.

[edit on 27-4-2007 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 11:16 PM
Well here you go:

I would like to apologize, for being late, I had to write a 10 page paper and edit another 6 page paper. What I'm trying to say is, college is a pain, lol.

Anyways, I'm sorry the lines looks like chicken stratch, I'm gonna use pencils next time, I used a ballpoint pen. I'd might need a little photoshopping, but I have no real experience in that, so I'll hand it over to the next guy. I forgot to label the jar, but I'll rescan in the image when I have the time, probably tomorrow, well later tonight after Heroes.

I can add more do-hickys if you want, but all I remember was someone wanted a ying-yang sign. should of done pez j/k

Anyways, I was trying to make it detailed as possible while trying to keep it simple. yeah..that didn't make sense, but thats what I was told to do, and thats what I did.

I will redo the image again, I felt like his legs are to short, but as long as you crop above the the shoes, no one could tell. But for now, lets just call it perspective drawing!!

[edit on 29-4-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by skyblueff0
I can add more do-hickys if you want, but all I remember was someone wanted a ying-yang sign

Great drawing by the way, I love the spiral connecting the mandala to his hand!

I would add our focus ("concentration/Focus" right?) to further solidify our purpose for this thought form.

Edit:Ok I reread your post and you mentioned the jar sorry.

Have we specified an amount of time we are going to focus on this, when, etc?


The man should be some color that will make it easier for us to picture (if I could draw I'd make a modification, but if you can shade the guy in and a little above his body like an aura?).

biggie smalls

[edit on 29-4-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 12:03 AM
oh you got me with the shading man, lol, definitely not good with that, and I'm gonna be too afraid to practice on the thoughtform I just drew. But I could do the aura, how would you suggest it though

But yea, maybe if you can like go on microsoft paint, and indicate what area you wanted shaded, then I'll have a general idea.

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 12:28 AM
Hey that's a great drawing skyblue! But I'm wondering how biggie wants it. Yep let us know!

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 09:41 AM
I'm a bit confused about how this is all going to work.... from reading this thread and the posted links, it seems that using a mantra, a sigil, or an actual illustration are methods for creating servitors/thoughtforms. Do you use all three, or only one?

Also, what is the actual procedure to instill the set of guidelines/programming into the thoughtform? And do you do this before or after you launch it?

Then what is the actual method for feeding/directing/maintaining/growing/increasing effectiveness of the servitor after you have sent it out to do it's work?

Sorry for all the questions, but I don't think any of these were discussed in enough detail in the external links provided.

(I know I won't actually have to program/launch this thoughtform we are working on, but I'd still like to know for future reference.)

Oh, but awesome drawing so far skyblueff0

[edit on 30-4-2007 by Yarcofin]

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 06:41 AM
We could create a simple ritual to evoke it for the first time, and some empower ones (like the fotamecus one :p)

And I'm sorry, my situation is a little worse than I previously thought, so I can't enter ATS too often, but I'll charge it everytime I get the chance...

^^ for now, bye

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
I'm a bit confused about how this is all going to work.... from reading this thread and the posted links, it seems that using a mantra, a sigil, or an actual illustration are methods for creating servitors/thoughtforms. Do you use all three, or only one?

Normally there will be used only one. However this is within a setting where people are together physically. When multiple people are working together from a far then they could use either way they see fit.

However. An illustration is only used to focus on and mantra''s are used to focus while sigils contain intent and/or binding of the egregore for easier summoning. So even though each method seems similar at first glance they are quite different.

Also, what is the actual procedure to instill the set of guidelines/programming into the thoughtform? And do you do this before or after you launch it?

Guidelines and programming occurs during the creation. You first agree upon what and how you want to program the egregore. By focussing and creating it you will also instill it with the qualities you want.

Then what is the actual method for feeding/directing/maintaining/growing/increasing effectiveness of the servitor after you have sent it out to do it's work?

Very good question. It depends on what you, or in this case the group, wants. Just like the guidelines and such you can also program it on what to feed and how to develop. You could tell it to hunt "negative" beings for food for excample. But what do you classify as evil/negative? Or tell it to feed of the energies of trees or whatever you want. Just keep the downside of everything in mind as well.

Sorry for all the questions, but I don't think any of these were discussed in enough detail in the external links provided.

No need to be sorry. You're all still in the stage of coming to agree on what it looks like, what it'll do, what its purpose is, how it feeds. Questions like the ones you ask are common within this stage and a necesity.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 08:40 AM
Tried to post this yesterday, but my internet was messed up:

If the thought form is going to continue its life,
A).someone must keep feeding it energy by thinking about it
B). we program it to generate its own energy (I DON'T THINK WE SHOULD DO THIS ONE)

In case it turns on us, we must integrate a fail-safe which is mainly why I
want to do A instead. It will just die when we ignore it. Perhaps we need a more proactive approach to its termination I'm not sure.

For the picture, I was imagining the guy's body being colored in and a little color around the body (Shaded body, some lines surrounding the body) possibly an aura?

An example of an aura would be this

Aura 2
Aura 3-Etheric
Aura 4
Aura 5-Kirilian photography

If we don't want it just to be a male, but a male and female (there would have to be a female counterpart added, she could have the same mandala)

Aura merge male female

Depends which one you want to copy, no preference here.

I hope this makes sense.


posted on May, 1 2007 @ 08:40 AM
So say I now have the following:

*A name for the entity that represents it's purpose
*A sigil that represents the entity I want to create
*A more visual image/representation of how the entity will look
*A detailled list of instructions, abilities, and limitations I want to instill into it (it's about half a page long just to make sure that everything is exact, and the entity won't get out of control or do harm to anyone).

Tell me if this is how I would go about creating the thoughtform/entity, or if I am mistaken on a few of the steps (or missing a few steps.)

1. I would start by creating the following things listed above.
2. When I am prepared to create the thoughtform/servitor/egregore, I would basically stare at the image as I recite what I wish to program it with (if it were a sigil, I would symbolically represent it's program in the sigil itself.)
3. After the entity has been programmed, I would finalize it and send it off to do it's work by staring at the image while in a state of complete awareness and clear mind, or in a state of intense physical arousal such as bungee jumping or sex where the mind would be clear.
4. After the entity has been sent out to do it's work, I would regularly stare at the entity's sigil/illustration or meditate on it (say 15 minutes every day) to keep it alive and going.
5. If the entity was not programmed to self-destruct after it accomplished it's task, I would call it back or destroy it.

I feel like I'm still missing something in the programming stage, and also after the entity has been launched.

[edit on 1-5-2007 by Yarcofin]

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 09:46 PM
Hey Yarcofin,

I think that that's good method to start with in creating the thoughtform. Although for one person 15 minutes isn't enough a day (Enyalius is right there). So that's why my theory is that multiple people doing the 15 minutes a day will help greatly. We can also charge it with chi filled devices such as orgone generators. I have some, so when I get the chance I will print the image to place it on one of my orgone generators.

As far as letting it die out or not. Personally it's not my intention to let it die out, or else I would've created it myself with out trying to organize a group to do that. (Enyalius, for the other ones I created I didn't have the strong intention or desire at the time to keep them alive indefinitely)

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 09:16 AM
Thanks. I just wanted to make sure that I had fully understood what I had read, and that it would actually work if I put all that effort into it. There's nothing like going to all that trouble to find out you did a step wrong that ruins everything, or sends it on a giant rampage

This thread has piqued my interest and I will definately be making some thoughtforms of my own after I have my first try with this group one

[edit on 2-5-2007 by Yarcofin]

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:12 PM
Hey, I just wanted to bump this back up to the top in case people forgot about this project

Any idea when we will be starting this?

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 10:09 PM
As soon as we get the updated drawing, we can print it out and get started.

And also I am thinking of giving this name to the thoughtform.

Focuconco (word created out of focus and concentrate)

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 08:37 AM
o_O. Thoughtforms do work!

I am amazed by their effectiveness. While I have been waiting the past weeks for this one to get going, I have been working on my own servitor/thoughtform for wealth. I finally created it Friday morning before I went to work (after I created it there was a very weird, strong wind outside for about 20-30 seconds too, even though it was a completely calm day). I went to work, and when I got home there was a message waiting for me. Someone has offered me a job that pays $16/hour an hour (I'm currently only making $9.25/hour, I'm still a student), and I will get twice as many hours per week too. I still have to go for an interview and stuff so I'm not completely certain I will get it, but WOW. Out of nowhere. These things work fast. If I get the position, I stand to triple what I make in a week, and I can't help but tie it to the thoughform's work.

Can't wait to see how focuconco works out

[edit on 6-5-2007 by Yarcofin]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 08:44 AM
I have no idea what everyone me to added, by I try to comply!!

p.s. when I looked at the image, i thought it would be cool if he had like some wings...anyways im not gonna add it because its irrelevant to the thoughtforms purpose, well no asked for it, lol but it would look pretty freaking awesome.

p.s.s. lol, yeah sorry for the week long delay, the printer at my apartment in college works like 20% of the time on my sister's new laptop, i guess everyone just hates vista!!!

[edit on 6-5-2007 by skyblueff0]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:57 AM
OK thanks skyblue!

We can get started! Just try to focus on the drawing as much as possible or try to see the image in your mind. Do this for at least 15 mins a day. Doing it longer will help more of course...

While you're meditating on it, whisper to it it's name, and it's duties. Tell it to make you concentrate and focus better, to train your mind etc...

p.s: Yarcofin, congrats on your success!!!

[edit on 6-5-2007 by TheBandit795]

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