posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 02:40 AM
Ok, first off this is not intended to be a slight on the USAF so no kicking off one one please! My observations come from years of attending UK
airshows, particularly Fairford Royal International Air Tattoo.
I would be interested if anyone can comment on the following observation:
USAF aircraft demonstrated at (certainly UK) airshows are subject to a very formulaic display pattern, which tends to be rather uninspiring. This is
often accompanied by some USAF officer giving us a rather bland monotone commentary over the PA.
However, these same aircraft (e.g. F-16, F18) when placed in the hands of export countries, give absolutely superb displays, pushing the aircraft much
closer to their flight parameters (computers permitting ). The Finnish airforce presentation of the F-18 I saw a few years ago made it look like a
far superior aircraft to that the USAF demo'd last year.
Likewise, the non-US aircraft are usually given a good showing, especially the ex-soviet block aircraft (ok, we don't need another argument about
practicality of exotic manoveurs).
(Sorry must add - loved the Typhoon at Kemble 2 years ago, stood on its tailpipe and pretty much pirouetted around a small area between taxi
So the big question is... are the USAF 1) deliberately holding back for overseas airshows, 2) not allowed to "over-present" the aircraft, 3) very
unimaginative, or 4) have I been watching seagulls by accident.
P.S. Looking forward to seeing the Thunderbirds at Fairford this year, lets hope I am proved wrong.