my ability is basicaly based on understanding some things that no one understands or care to understand. to understand how things work. but i can't
control it.
for example, i went to Bread King, a bread store, it was 4 pm something and the waiters there looked very upset. the cook from the kitchen shouted
something to the cashier and she took a tray and raced me to the bread display.
when i went to the cashier she looked angry and the other one just stuffed up the breads i bought hastily.
after i left i recalled the situation and suddenly understood this:
the owner of the bakery had a system: that all bread unsold until 5 O'clock shall be given to the employees for free.
the cook in the kitchen already told the cashier to pick a specific bread to bring home for his son but the cashier was afraid becuase it was not 5
yet and when i came, she was too late, i already bought the only one left. and the rest of the crew got upset coz i bought like 3 bread which means
less for them to share.
and i understood that they should be upset with the system and not particularly with me, i was as much victim as they were.
it used to be faster, almost instantly i understand things. but now sometimes it takes a week or a month. the bread king thing was quite fast.
of course i could porbably do that by perceiving information through my common 5 senses, sum it all up and make up a story of my own.
i can't tell the color of your shirt and what you have for breakfast but:
1. if we talk about the story of the deluge, without seeing you, i could tell you how sad and upsetting that story really was.
2. if we talk about the story of the deluge, if i could see you or at least hear your opinion, i could tell if you were alive during that time you
would be inside noah's ark or outside with your family around your arms screaming to the sky: "THAT IS NOT FAIR!"
3. if that guy with one million dollar ever wonder why the story was sad and upsetting, i can tell you this much and for free:
there are two kinds of people in this world: descendants of those who were on board noah's ark and children of those who were outside noah's ark. i
just understand how it feels like to have you, your world, your family, your friends, your home, drowned by the deluge because you were all had been
judged and there was nothing you could do about it.
because you have a sense of morality or you have a million dollar?