posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 02:45 PM
NOT A CHANCE!!! whos going to do it? Isreal and palestine? more like a civil war, not a major conflict.
Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, UAE, Egypt are all western allies. so they arent likely to do anything.
Yemen is too isolated and just plain incapable. they tried it on with Oman in the late 80's and were sent packing.
Iraq, currently under american occupation, nothing going to happen there,
Syria and Iran are the only likely aggressors in the region and they would be dealt with im nuch the same fashion as Iraq was.
Even Lybia is bowing down to the pressure of the west!
If anything was to happen, and i dont discount that possibility, it wouldnt become a major all out war.
if you want to look for a likely source of war, look to Asia. Pakistan v India, possible, though they risk isolation from the rest of the world, as
both are western allies, and west would not tolerate it. Then, of course, there is the China, Taiwan, Korean triangle! thats the most likey hotspot
at the moment.
[Edited on 31-12-2003 by Knowsstuff]