posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:58 PM
FYI - mobiles don't interfere with aircraft systems.
The aircraft itself is flying through a sea of mobile phone communications that are
stronger than any mobile phone can produce. Some airports even have masts on the airport itself. If anything, it is a ploy to get you to use the (more
expensive) sat phone. I know several pilots who often forget to switch their own phones off, so they are on in flight.
Interesting experiment.
I know down here on the ground that a good signal strength indication doesn't mean I can make a call. The base station
transmitter is stronger than my own phones transmitter, so whilst my phone may be receiving a good strong signal (that is all that indicator actually
means), it doesn't mean the base station can receive my transmissions (especially as the battery starts to go flat). The base station doesn't tell
my phone how good its reception of my phone is.
I read recently that base stations select the station with the strongest signal, and that the reason you have to switch you phone off in flight is
because if several stations get a similar strength signal, this results in a cascade failure of the network as the stations can't decide who should
take the call, so they "shut down".
This doesn't happen.
Imagine you are in your car, and you drive 500 miles. We already know that multiple base stations overlap to provide uninterrupted coverage as you
move. This does NOT create a "cascade failure" in the network, although you could feasibly be in equal range of up to 5 base stations at once,
because they vote on who is to take the call. Once the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) drops below a certain threshold, a poll occurs again as to which
station will take the call. This is all completely transparent to the user, and never results in a failure of the network, or the ability of anyone on
that base station to connect to it, although if you get 5,000 people trying to connect to a single station at the same time, it won't work due to a
lack of bandwidth on that particular station to handle all the calls.
[edit on 14-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]
[edit on 14-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]