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Who will go after the Al Sharpton and Jessie Jacksons of the World??

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posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:13 PM
After Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson made racist comments that would have gotten them fired from CBS to the Duke players when they were thought to be racist rapist. Where is his apology now that its been proved that they were telling the truth. All you here about now is the Imus thing. The evil of whitey who called a girls basketball team "Nappy headed Ho's". These two are constantly given a pass on the things that they say and do.

These two rant and rave about racism and injustice, what about the racism and injustice that these two spread around the world like butter. No one bothers to call them on what they say about anyone. Is the fact that they are "Black", "African-American", the right to a free pass to do what ever they want? These two are hypocrates who are bigger racist than Imus ever thought about being. How many times do African-American's call white folks, cracker, Honky, or anything else, but yet, one guy calls a team of women, nappy-headed ho's, and that white guy gets rung through the ringer. No one is saying that Imus said the right thing.

Maybe its time that some one ran Jessie Jackson, and Al Sharpton through the ringer for all that they have done to promote racism rather than stop it.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:30 AM
Agreed. Both of those guys are complete scum-bags. They are recluse has-beens who hide behind pictures of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, and only come out when an incident gets a massive amount of press.

I'll tell you who will go after them, though. Bill O'Reilly. In an interview last week, he called out Al Sharpton for his "selective" activity. He also blasted him for not going after the African-American rappers who not only use and glorify, but make a profit on using words like "nappy-headed hos." Al Sharpton was too much of a coward to even engage in the debate, despite previous claims that he was going to crack down on rap. He came out of the shadows to put himself and the NAACP on a high-horse, not to do anything meaningful. He is a coward and a liar, Bill Cosby should have his job, because atleast he has the where-with-all to stand up against the real source of black oppression: the blacks themselves.

I bet MLK is rolling in his grave. He gave his people hope, he opened the door to opportunity. Of Course racism and adversity were and are still issues, but atleast he gave blacks a realistic chance to follow their dreams. He would be deeply saddened at the rap that influences younger generations to use and deal drugs, glorifies killing, glorifies jail time, popularizes derogatory terms for women, legitimizes gross mis-appropriation of funds, etc. I'm sure he would be shaming Imus, but he would have jumped on the "gangster" sect of rap a long time ago. Its a travesty that the hip-hop culture has evolved into what it is, and its a travesty that the leaders of the African-American people have stood by idly for this long.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:01 PM
Nice post, collie.

I like some things about Sharpton (mostly political) but definitely don't like the way he victimizes black people for his own gain. I have no use for Jesse Jackson.

I personally think the only people who can effectively "go after" these guys are the very people they're taking advantage of. They make their living off of black people's misfortunes and victimization and I think as long as black people feel that what Sharpton and Jackson do is a favor to them, they will go on.

I personally don't care about their racism. I mean, yeah, it's a double standard and yeah, white people get fired for saying some of the same things Jackson, Sharpton and other blacks say, and it's not fair... But life isn't fair. And it doesn't hurt me when they practice racism.

I do believe more and more black people are seeing the truth of these guys. Unfortunately (in my opinion) the exposure of the truth is coming from a political point of view (conservative) instead of a social point of view (accountability) but if that's who ends up exposing these guys for who they really are, then I support it. There is a growing body of black conservatives who I think will end up driving the charge to run these guys out of town on a rail. And I'll be right there cheering them on.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 04:08 PM
There are very few people with the stature neccessary to go after much as we might want someone to. To go after them is to be branded, rightfully or wrongfully; depending upon who it is, a racist or bigot, Uncle Tom, or any of a wide range of socially unexceptable epithets. Until they screw the pooch on their own dime, not much is going to happen to them. IMHO.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 05:41 PM
Also, drawing all this attention is so ridiculous. When something like Imus happens, you don't go crying foul and look for sympathy from everyone. That just legitimizes the incident. You didn't see the Jews losing it, and demanding Mel Gibson be blacklisted in heavily Jewish Hollywood. Everyone knew Mel Gibson was an idiot for his words, and no one gave any creedance to his rants. The Jewish don't have to respond and cry about things like that because their actions speak louder than words. Unfortunately, the blacks don't have that. They have a 70% illegitamacy rate among new children, they have 15 year old girls getting pregnant, and they more than half of black americans are dropping out of highschool. Imus is a moron because the girls he commented on are exactly what the NAACP should be proud of; educated young women who excel in extra-curricular activities. But thats another reason why Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton shouldn't have even left their homes over this. Let the incident be what it is, an inaccurate judgement that is so illegit it should be ignored (as Mel Gibson's rant was). I can't believe they make a circus out of a few words, when it was only a few months ago that a group of 3 black teenage girls videotaped themselves beating a white girl up, and it was last Halloween that a group of African-American girls and boys hospitalized a group of white girls just for walking past their party. I didn't see the KKK holding rallies and pursuing news coverage.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 06:07 PM
We don't need someone to go after them. We need EVERYONE to go away from them.

If responsible people on both sides will embrace moderate, selfless communicators who can constructively address these problems, that will marginalize Jackson and company eventually. Given the choice between a reckless, self aggrandizing demagogue and someone who is chooses his battles based on the weight of the facts and social need, and who is able to get results through intelligent and measured exchange with the other side, I believe people will choose the latter.

But that's not going to happen while we keep feeding Jackson's relevance and going on the defensive. Next time, ignore Jesse Jackson and invite a less known but better qualified mediator with solid credentials and a uniting rather than dividing approach, and play fair with him, with no defensiveness or spinning.

In the words of Michael J Fox in The American President, "they don't have a choice because he's the only one doing the talking."

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 12:40 PM
Punch line from Leno last night "When told of CBS firing Imus, Al Sharpton was like No, No...I have rallies, and pickets already planned. Don't these people know how to handle a witch hunt".

I honestly think this is how they really think.

I honestly think most people are afraid of saying anything. Its obvious in the lack of post on this thread. Most are too PC, too afraid of even appearing a tiny little bit racist. This is where these two get the power from. People too afraid to do the right thing

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 05:24 PM
You hit the nail on the head. Untill Rev. Sharpton stops helping the people that can stop what he is doing. Then it will go on for as long as the people that are being protected from being "FREE" let it. Otherwise there will always be some kind of Opression on blacks and other MINORITIES. As long as people are making comments like this and getting away with it ...
Nagin apologizes for 'chocolate' city commentsCHOCOLATE CITY ... You've got to be KIDDING ME !!!

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Nice post, collie.

I like some things about Sharpton (mostly political) but definitely don't like the way he victimizes black people for his own gain. I have no use for Jesse Jackson.

I personally think the only people who can effectively "go after" these guys are the very people they're taking advantage of. They make their living off of black people's misfortunes and victimization and I think as long as black people feel that what Sharpton and Jackson do is a favor to them, they will go on.

I personally don't care about their racism. I mean, yeah, it's a double standard and yeah, white people get fired for saying some of the same things Jackson, Sharpton and other blacks say, and it's not fair... But life isn't fair. And it doesn't hurt me when they practice racism.

I do believe more and more black people are seeing the truth of these guys. Unfortunately (in my opinion) the exposure of the truth is coming from a political point of view (conservative) instead of a social point of view (accountability) but if that's who ends up exposing these guys for who they really are, then I support it. There is a growing body of black conservatives who I think will end up driving the charge to run these guys out of town on a rail. And I'll be right there cheering them on.

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