posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 04:00 PM
I don't know about a non-jamming, totally silent gun which can instantly neutralize a target, but I do know that the Air Force has created (and is in
the processof testing) a gun which is designed to force its targets to run away. This may already have been posted and discussed, but I am going to
post about it regardlessly. This gun uses UV rays (I believe), and is completely no-lethal. When fired, the target feels as if they are on fire,
causing them to flee in both fear and pain. This gun has proven highly effective in tests, with all test subjects fleeing in (I believe) less than 6
seconds. Only when the subject was wearing wet clothing, did it cause (slight) 1st degree burns (that is, if 1st degree is the least serious.) This
gun has the potential to cause mass chaos and riots to be broken up very quickly, in a matter of seconds even. The weapon has not yet been approved
for official military or civilian use, but when it is, I believe that we could all be in a position of great vulnerability. I mean, imagine if
someone decided that they wanted to take control of the country in a complete and total manner similar to the despots of old (Bush?). With a weapon
like this, they could put down all revolts, militias, or coups who would attempt to displace this cruel and vicious (possible) dictator of the future.
This weapon would cause all enemies of the weapon-holder to flee from the battle almost instantly. Imagine what would happen if one side of a war or
revolution was unable to fight back, simply turning and running away before the fight even began.