posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 09:52 PM
xtr3m3paranoia, as well as many others here.
Wow! I am actually misty eyed as I write this reply.
BTW thanks mirthful - I appreciate, more than you know, your intervention.
I must say that my sons condition is not my "dirty little secret". I am not embarrased, or ashamed in any way WHATSOEVER. He is my son, my blood,
and literally my best friend.
For those who've asked more about him, perhaps asking about symptoms, here goes.
He is extremely focused on several things. Vacuum cleaners being one. At 2 years of age, he could tell you everything about every vacuum there was.
Although not yet able to read he could tell you the name of a particular vacuum if you showed him the logo. Although he loves vacuums, he will cover
his ears and scream if you turn one on. Hypersensitivity to sound.
Music. Oh man is he gifted. I play guitar (not very well) and was a lead singer in a popular local band for many years as a younger man. Literally,
when we have the radio on (all the time) he can tell you what song is coming on with less than one second of it playing. It's eery. From Jimi Hendrix
(my personal hero), to Nickleback, to Frank Sinatra, to Carrie Underwood, and EVERYONE in between - he KNOWS them! I'm trying to teach him guitar,
and piano, but his motor skills are lacking. He has a little microphone, and the boy can sing! Not always, well not usually on key, but he knows the
words, often times after hearing it just once.
He's very clumsy. He can walk and run, but it is more than obvious that he's different.
He needs to smell everything. For whatever reason he attaches the smell (and I mean of everything) of things to whatever he will consider likable, and
non likable.
He believes that everything, both animate, and inanimate objects are the same. If he pinches his finger in a door, he wants to punish the door. Trust
me, that's not a laughable small affair. To him it is extremely real.
He is extremely shy when around those he's not familiar with. To the point he will try and hide. He will try and copy his friends when they do
something which is "athletically" superior to him. He tries so hard. God I love this kid SO MUCH!
I've never really believed in a photographic memory before, but I'm starting to wonder. He can go somewhere once, and tell you specific details of
the most minute details. Things I would have never even see. We'll drive by a place where we visited when he was several months old, and he'll throw
out some fact that I frankly forgot about, but is dead on accurate.
He arranges his toys in perfect symetry. Perfect lines, same number of pieces on each line. When something excites him, he jumps up and down, flapping
his hands uncontrollably.
I've said it mre than once here in this thread, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU all. I'll take some of you up om your offers to have
Allright, time for me to go read 'Goodnight Moon' for the eight billionth time. Awesome goodnight story.
Goodnight everybody, and I'll catch you around soon.