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Conspiracy theories abound in 9/11 probe

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posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 08:58 PM
WASHINGTON -- One theory contends that the Bush administration was warned about the 9/11 attacks but did nothing to stop them. Another says an American missile fired by the U.S. military struck the Pentagon, not a hijacked jetliner. Yet another hypothesis says the Israelis orchestrated the attacks to force the United States into a war against the Arabs.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 09:41 PM
Yep, I believe we will never know what really happened on September definetly goes a lot deeper than what we have been told.

Interesting 9/11 Theories

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Shoktek
Yep, I believe we will never know what really happened on September definetly goes a lot deeper than what we have been told.

Interesting 9/11 Theories

We will probably find out what happened when all the people who covered up the event are dead.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 09:54 PM
Quite possibly...or it could be as your own article mentions:

"....conspiracy claims have long been 'part of American history.'

While some are fostered by paranoia......many are stoked by 'those who distrust government and are skeptical of power.'

......if significant information is kept secret because of national security concerns and questions remain unanswered, the more troubled people will be about the 9/11 commission's findings, and the more conspiracy theories will grow.

There will no way to persuade the hard core...."

Maybe Time will tell?


posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 10:19 PM
seekerof, even you have to admit that there are a lot of unanswered questions following 9/11 ...who knows if they will ever be answered

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 10:27 PM
Yes, I will agree to that, and have always agreed to that.
I hope you had a great holiday season and am hoping you will have a great New Years as well.


posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 01:03 AM
All those theories have run through my head. I would not be surprised if the Bush Administration has known about the attack before it happened. ...and that kind of goes with saying that perhaps there are no weapons of mass destruction. But then again...woudn't the Bush Administration have done something to protect the Twin Towers or at least prepared for the worst? is still un-answered.

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by UnknowntoYou
But then again...woudn't the Bush Administration have done something to protect the Twin Towers or at least prepared for the worst?

Not if it would serve to create a war, further his political career, and push freedom-robbing legislation through congress.

Everyone watched videos of those planes hitting the buildings. Yet, the "plane" that struck the Pentagon cannot be seen at all in the one video that is known to exist. What ever it was, it was traveling much faster than the other planes (which were going at top speed, even OVERSPEED). The impact on the Pentagon is not consistent with an airliner impact and there is a shortage of eyewitnesses that can say for sure that it was a plane.

I'm leaning more towards "orchestrated" rather than "knew about".

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