posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 01:23 AM
Alright, this is freaking me out, makes me really paranoid to go to this site or anything. I found out some stuff about the government a while back
that everybody on this site already knows, it is old news...and i told my friend about it, we were just re talking about it. Well, i was at my friends
house today and we were talking to our other friend on the phone. Well, my friend hears a strange beeping in the backround of the conversation, and
asks me if his phone is tapped. The beep sounds off every 15 seconds or so, and it's just a simple, quick beep. We think his phone is being
Earlier that night, a crimson colored SUV pulls up right before my driveway, and puts/takes something out of the bush in my front yard. The
vehicle just stops, the driver gets out, runs to the bush, reaches in, and runs back to his vehicle. After he left, i went to check if something was
in there, and there was nothing as i could see, so i assumed he took something out of it.
Later that night, while im still at my friends house, someone walks up his drive way. He freaks out and runs to the living room and jumps
down. I go up to the window to check, and theres nobody there. After i went home that night, he calls me and says there is something in the bush that
the person walks up to. He says that the object is a dark silver, and that it is sqaure with a hole like shape in the center pointed at his window. He
thinks it's a camera.
Ever since i found out about things, things like that have been happening to me and my friend. It did not just start tonight either. Some
of the other things that have happened to us is that there has been strange cars parked near our house, some lady going around and taking some picture
of my and his house, without taking pictures of any others, and a middle aged man walking our street at night, stopping at me and my friends house,
watching, and looking in our windows, and only our houses too, we watched him.
Do you think me and my friend are being followed or are we just being too paranoid? is there any way to know for sure if were being
followed, without risking our lives?