posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 07:52 AM
If you go to a psychic concerning these matters, how do you know if you're picking up the anticipated fears, hopes and/or projections of people or
the phenomena itself.
Time being not strictly a linear progression and not well reflected by a 24 hour clock that ignores circadian rhythms - (they are not on a 24 cycle) -
and certain aspects of human perception appear able to transcend those limitations or at least mirror a subjective interpretation of the sub-conscious
or super-conscious minds ability to predict based on speculation and/or imaginative models of information that may or may not be present in the
conscious mind - it's seems reasonable that even psychic predictions of (for instance) project bluebeam style deceptions, may be more a sensitivity
to human consciousness than any direct interpretation of oncoming events.
One friend of mine who is pretty good at 'channeling the dead' and has self published several books on her imagined paradigms of the afterlife, had
this to say of the cult like status of some groups and their concerted efforts at promulgating certain mind control or UFO ideas that seem more
focused on slavery than freedom - "They're full of #"
On the other hand, having witnessed an object in the company of another adult, who is a photographer and a reliable interpreter of visual stimulus -
one can know for certain there are at least mechanical objects that operate via laws of physics which exceed current human understanding as
promulgated by mainstream science.
At the same time, there is obvious promulgation of ideas and paradigms which invite humanity to despair in lieu of the imagined super advanced status
of an unknown specie's grasp on 'science' who are mostly promoted as having no regard whatsoever for traditional human models of faith and
compassion. Quite obviously conducive to eradicating traditional paradigms in order to advance ideas that encourage abject slavery in both a
spiritual and physical sense.
There appears to be a double standard, through which, the public is being encouraged to abandon hope. The fact that both psychic phenomena and the
UFO phenomena defy empirical evaluation, implies a similarity between both: Psychic phenomena has always been an uncomfortable mix of deception, hoax
and instances of unexplainable phenomena.
So if one were to have a vision of a project bluebeam style deception before conscious mind is aware of the hypothesis set forth by some people of
just such a plan, one might assume it is the spewing forth of sub conscious minds
consciously unnoticed absorbed ideas around the subject.
Being left with simply goobledygook that defies rational evaluation - it's easy to assume that said vision is more the result of internal conflicts
and imagined speculation or the sub-consciously noted speculations of other's fears and conflicts into a substrata which is filled in with meaning as
information becomes available and times goes by.
Or simply - St Michael most certainly does exist and he and his army of angels guard the church of man and one can refer to the rosary in his name.
(Oh lawdys - no wonder people go nuts.) To be human is to be at the mercy of powers and laws greater than human endeavor, and there is no reason to
despair - in spite of the invitation otherwise, nothing has changed. Rather, one can simply reassert whatever habits and faith have been reasonably
proven conducive to human happiness.
Habits which generally reaffirm a relationship with a loving higher power. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, swims like a duck, it's
probably a duck.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Better to turn it into a poem. After all - there has always been only one thing humans are capable of determining, themselves - in relation to other
things. Perhaps why the oft repeated answer related by experiencers of their captors to the question - "Who are you?" Is the answer - "Who are
Although the bets on the stakes may increase, one needn't gamble.
I really have no idea what any of this means, other than - you may judge them by their fruits.