posted on May, 21 2007 @ 08:10 PM
It's like the "lucid" dreaming thing. When you can be in a dream and realise that it is a dream, you can choose what happens next. From
sub-consicous to conscious but still dreaming. Awake in your mind while your body sleeps.
If you have a recurring dream that you remember when you are awake, try giving it a progressive moment. E.g: a dream that you keep having about
opening an old wooden door, and in that dream, every time you open it, the dream fades or changes subject/vision.
While you are awake and remember this dream, picture something on the other side of the door or stepping through it to somewhere else. Give yourself
choices too, but let yourself know that there's more.
Next time you have that repetitive dream, your subconsious is jolted by a memory from your conscious and knows there's something more, somewhere
beyond that old door. You enter and continue, you are asleep but awake.
That's how I developed the "trampette" dream of mine. And the more I had it the more I remembered it.
It took a while but when I kept having it, it progressed until I earned my wings. (I still fall flat on my face sometimes, but I just keep bouncing
till I soar)!
Of course, my understanding of the reason and meaning for this dream was....well, sub-sub-conscious and took even longer to understand, but that's
another thread!
So I'm off to bed, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz boing weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
have fun dude
[edit on 21/5/2007 by nerbot]