posted on May, 15 2007 @ 12:06 AM
There are lots of great ways to begin remembering your dreams. Once you've become old hat at remembering what you dream, you'll find it's easier
to become conscious of the dreams you're having while you're having them. On the other hand, it's pretty a pretty tall order to go from not
remembering your dreams to lucid dreaming. Anyway, here are some tips that have helped me in my never-ending quest for a more exciting night of
Set your alarm to sound every hour. REM sleep starts at around 45 minutes, so if your alarm clock goes off an hour later, that's 15 minutes of
dreaming. The idea is to wake you up straight from your dream phase. You'll be more apt to remember your dreams this way.
Keeping a dream journal is probably number one. Just keep it by your bed side. No need to write anything flowery or make it sound pretty. Even if
you wake up in the middle of the night and can remember only one thing, like a sound, or a color, or a scent, write it down. It doesn't have to be
complete full sentences, fragments are just fine. The poing is that key phrases may help you more easily recall your dreams later on in the day,
especially if you write it down.
This one can be a bit more tricky, but try willing yourself to remember your dreams. As you go to sleep, try and keep it in your mind that you will
remember your dreams tonight. Try and remember to do this especially during those moments between waking and sleeping. Of course, this is when it's
most difficult.
If you're looking for something a bit more simple and don't have a problem spending a little money (not much), you may want to try something like a
hypnotic suggestion CD (the first one i ever bought worked like a charm) or even a brain wave generator. These are very curious bits of technology
that i personally think will become huge in the future.
Finally, i will say that recollection of dreams tends to rise and fall with the intensity of drug use. The more you smoke, the less you remember your
dreams, and vice-versa. This is key.
Take it for what it's worth. I set out in sixth grade to control my dreams to stop having nightmares. Started remembering all of my dreams within 3
months, lucid dreaming within 6. I haven't had a nightmare since, and i'll be 30 in August. So it worked like a charm for me.
On a bit of a more mysterious note, i've had some very curious dreams regarding an ex girlfriend who killed herself when we had just broken up some
12 years ago. The dreams probably started five years after she died, and had me convinced that i was either being visited via my dreams by her, or
that the mind is something to get lost in. or both.