I DO believe something is going on here. I have spent a great deal of timelooking at and researching this area and the situation there. I have the
tendency of over-doing things sometimes. Anyway, Their was a prevalent, but now "officially" inactive program in this area called the M.A.P program.
This program was designed and run by the Department of Defense. The variables of the program were different than most in theat M.A.P was a "Military
Assistance Program" This program found assistance as deemed in areas of strategic priority. Amazing this programs initiatives coincided with much UFO
activity in the area. For Example:
On October 7, 1998 at 15:45 hours, residents of Paihuano, a small village in Valle de Elquí (Chile) underwent an extraordinary experience which keep
its 2,500 residents on the edge of their seats. A flying object described as having a metallic color and measuring some 15 meters across remained
motionless over the Las Mollacas hill, from which the entire town could be seen.
Amazingly following this:
Defense Secretary William Cohen made a May 1998 trip to Chile.
There were numerous High-technology weapons sales
Documents projected a nearly 7,000 percent increase in Foreign Military Sales deliveries to Chile from 1998 to 2000, a two-year jump from $2.1
million to $147 million.2
Cohen added that Chilean purchases of U.S. weapons “would help solidify our long-term relations with Chile as we continue exchange programs with
our military-to-military contacts.”3
Although this information is interesting it in no way prooves anything other than coincidence, however:
At roughly the same time populations in Chile suffered from chronic Arsenic induced skin lesions, these were rumored to be caused from "new" methods
of mining.
BHP COPPER had a "new" sytem for mining that used A weak acid solution is injected into an ore body and then pumped out after copper from the ore
body has been dissolved into the solution. BHP Copper has connections in chile and according to one article mining was meeting politics at different
Chemical mining company Claims:
Corporate purposes
Our specific purposes, which appear on article 4 of our By-laws, are to: (a)
perform all kinds of chemical or mining activities and businesses and, among
others, those related to researching, prospecting, extracting, producing,
working, processing, purchasing, disposing of, and commercializing properties,
as applicable, of all metallic and non-metallic and fossil mining substances and
elements of any type or nature
These are all seperate issues:
Politics. mining. and UFO's maybe this will help tie it all together.
It helps if you believe extraterrestrails exist, and have treaties with our governments.
(from 'Technology and Public Particpation',
ed B. Martin, University of Wollongong Press, 1999)
This treaty is "official" and although it does not claim to be active with extraterrestrials the belief is that the principles work both ways.
Meaning, Extraterrestrials can also "take" what they Mine here.
This might seem to indicate clearly that no one is allowed to claim any particular bit of the extraterrestrial Solar System for themselves. However,
many space lawyers and prospective space industrialists that hail from space-capable nations [7] interpret the Outer Space Treaty to mean that while
areas of the Solar System bodies are prohibited from being claimed, any material removed from such a body becomes the rightful property of the
remover. Under such an interpretation an industrial space colony cannot own the surface upon which it settles and opens operations but as soon as it
removes any material from that surface the material becomes the property of the colonial operators.
If one believes that the Free Market will then adequately disseminate these extaterrestrial materials throughout the world via the normal pricing
systems then there seems no problem with this interpretation of the Outer Space Treaty. However, since the operators can only get into the position of
running an industrial colony on another world through massive state support and investment of public funds it seems incredible to class such
extraterrestrial endeavours as operating according to Free Market principles.
So there it is, no collaborative proof, but a lot of loose ends with a timely factor of coincidence?
I hope our poster shares more of his information on this post, because I am beginning to salivate at the prospective possibilities here.
_______________________ Just for fun check this out as well_____________________
Northern Chile has begun witnessing a new wave of UFO sightings
Chilean informant also goes on to describe the circumstances experienced by another mining prospector who was returning from the Andes with his three
children asleep in his vehicle. It seems that Mr. A.G.D. was intercepted by a UFO and its occupants. He described how the E.T.s roamed around his
truck with "laser type guns". They fired at rocks, resulting in them achieving a transparent look. The visitors seemed to jump, walk or float
rapidly. His engine died and he tried to move down hill with the aid of gravity. Looking in his rear view mirror he became the unfortunate recipient
of a "laser' blast. This resulted in him becoming blind for almost six months. Mr. D. was only able to negotiate his way down the mountain by
touching the edge of the hill with his truck wheels.
Santiago times:
Since the early 1970s, Chileans have been reporting one particular type of unidentified flying object that seems more sensational and astonishing than
ordinary flying-saucer stories.
[edit on 15-4-2007 by theutahbigfoothunter]