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What is the BIG deal with The Bohemian Grove ??

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posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Very lame, very predictable, very deluded and you confirmed what I said earlier that it is pointless to debate with such people. Are the masons proud of your literary skill? You haven't debated at all, just wrote claims you made up yourself, and you still haven't accepted the challenge from another poster to produce some kind of evidence to support your claims that Rivera and Zagami stories were hoaxed. I know you will post another tiresome response, I won't be replying to your thread as it is pointless and you aren't worth the effort, you only want to post childish lame insults and avoid adding anything worthwhile to the debate. Anyhow, you now are thinking to write another witless reply that still avoids the issue being discussed, go ahead, knock yourself out, just a shame I won't be reading your reply, I have wasted too much of my own time already.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Gee, I hope you're right. Now screw that tin-foil on tight, pilgrim...wouldn't wanna see your brain get warped by those bad old Jesuit gamma rays.

[edit on 15-4-2007 by Masonic Light]

So if Jesuits use gamma rays, does this mean Masons have X-Ray vision?

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by golddragnet

You haven't debated at all.

And yet again, the issue is not up for debate, any more than the world is round. The roundness of the earth is documented, just as Rivera's hoax is documented. To debate about either is a complete waste of my time.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

So if Jesuits use gamma rays, does this mean Masons have X-Ray vision?

Only those born on Krypton.

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by sweftl337
I'd be more than happy to get into this in more detail.

I'd be very happy for you to do so. My education has been almost purely secular - sunday school at the local methodist church but thats it - As I have never had any need for a 'religion', I find it hard to comprehend the 'good' side so I am sure you can understand that the 'bad' side is even harder for me to believe.

Another member has been very helpful and continues to be so. I can see many factions and it is confusing. I am very interested in any light you can shed on the Bohemia Grove practices etc.

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 03:15 AM
If people don't see anything wrong with people who basically control our lives taking part, on a yearly basis, the cremation of care ceremony, then you need a serious examination.

To purge himself of worldly concerns, a member of the elite Bohemian Club participated in a 1915 Cremation of Care ceremony—complete with candles and a robed and hooded comrade to guide him. This private club of influential men still meets annually north of San Francisco and uses this symbolic ritual to kick off its summer retreat. But today the ceremony involves burning a mummy-like effigy named Care at the foot of the group’s mascot: a 40-foot-tall (12-meter-tall) concrete owl.


Basically this allows them to do what they see as necessary, war, acts like 9-11 etc., without feeling guilty or be bothered with such Human emotions as caring. The fact that these people, even if they don't take it that seriously, are doing this is open to some serious questions. This stuff is not a joke...

Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove

Cremation of Care Bohemian Grove ritual

Alex Jones asks David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 05:24 AM
I've no clue WHAT these people do in the BG..and I probably do not want to know. However I would have to say that these things about the owl being moloch or some saint are most likely IMO

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 05:45 AM

While I certainly don't disagree with you, the symbology of the owl is quite complicated and can mean many things. I believe the owls of Athena were guardians of the necropolis (but don't quote me on that). There is also the aesop fable that the owls were punished for their pride and nolonger able to join the birds of the daytime - banished to night.

I have seen various explanations for the owl symbology and there are some common themes - the feminine seems to prevail.

That it is supposed to be Moloch is interesting to me but it all depends on whether it is the organisers of BG who gave it the name or others.

To say that the Owl is wisdom and then call the Owl Moloch could say a lot about the mentalities of the participants.

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
To say that the Owl is wisdom and then call the Owl Moloch could say a lot about the mentalities of the participants.

LoL...that's for sure

I've long been interested in this owl symbology relating to BG. Also that it appears on the dollar bill(paper). It does look like an owl. My problem has always been that many people keep saying that the BG/illuminati/Freemasons are all linked together, etc. I am a Freemason, and have never seen one scrap of evidence linking Freemasons to these other groups. In addition I never in all the time I've been a mason seen or heard anything "shadowy", "nefarious" etc.
However, i know some will say well, you just aren't "special" enough to have been privy to the info..bleh. I'm a Master Mason, and I saw no statues of Baphomet or any other such rubbish.

anyways, not trying to derail the topic so I'll stop there.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 08:14 PM
The whole thing sounds like a silly theme party and nothing else more . My frat used to have a country-western theme party every spring where we decorated the house to look like a barn and wore cowboy outfits.

You could "read into it" and think we were somehow symbolically acting out the drama of White American Hegemony by donning the costume of the cowboy, a symbol of White Americans conquering the west and that we were acting out a symbolic take over of the banking institutions by hording large quantitites of beer (a gold liquid) and only sharing it with people inside our house. Or you can read it as a bunch of silly frat boys getting drunk.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
The whole thing sounds like a silly theme party and nothing else

Is it usual for young boys to be raped at silly theme parties by elite politicians and businessmen!!!
Paul Bonnaci was brought to Bohemian Grove where he was repeatedly raped and it is reported some of the children have been murdered in Bohemian Grove

[edit on 28-4-2007 by golddragnet]

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 04:08 AM
Well that's one extremely popular 'silly theme party'...

Bohemian Grove Attendees

How can so many world leaders, and prominent media people, getting together every year not bother you?

People who claim to be Christians doing mock Human sacrifices, and worshipping an owl, is not something I'd expect Christians to do.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:44 PM
Well, I just watched a video that was made about 2 years ago, and since I haven't seen it posted anywhere else, I think I'll post it in here:

Google Video Link

It talks more about the Bohemian Grove, some footage inside the owl, some footage of "counter" rituals (I just skipped over that part for obvious reasons), a small interview with David Gergen (where he cusses, lulz), and more stuff.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
Well, I just watched a video that was made about 2 years ago, and since I haven't seen it posted anywhere else, I think I'll post it in here:

Google Video Link

It talks more about the Bohemian Grove, some footage inside the owl, some footage of "counter" rituals (I just skipped over that part for obvious reasons), a small interview with David Gergen (where he cusses, lulz), and more stuff.

I've only just recently watched this video as a friend recommended it to me. I've got to say I'm quite shocked by the whole thing
It makes no sense to me why they would all be dressed in hoods and gowns and worshipping this big owl?

Obviously someone out there knows what is going on? But have they got the "balls" to come out with it

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
Well that's one extremely popular 'silly theme party'...

Bohemian Grove Attendees

How can so many world leaders, and prominent media people, getting together every year not bother you?

People who claim to be Christians doing mock Human sacrifices, and worshipping an owl, is not something I'd expect Christians to do.

It is very sad to say but in all reality Ignorance RULES the MASSES, people are all to ignorant to even comprehend on a reality level and you can tell by most replies to this thread how ignorance has out flourished the truth, people seem to find it easier to disregard or discredit facts rather than comprehend them because as we all know, it is much easier to forget.

Like I said before The Grove is guarded by secret service police, the people that go there claim to be christians, followers of the lord jesus christ but yet decieptfully they have mock ceremonies where they seek info from a giant cannite deity named moloch and then use the eternal flame to burn the effigy of a human being ?

the members there talk about the same things bilderbergers talk about at their secret meetings,The agenda is quite simple its a place for them to hang out and shoot the #, talk about capitail gain on a grandular scale, its a good place to have meetings about globalization, the lakeside talks is what i would be most concerned about.

Lakeside Talks
Entertainment is not the only activity at the Bohemian Grove. For a little change of pace, there is intellectual stimulation and political enlightenment every day at 12:30 p.m. Since 1932 the meadow from which people view the Cremation of Care also has been the setting for informal talks and briefings by people as varied as entertainers, professors, astronauts, business leaders, cabinet officers, future presidents, and former presidents...continues

The only Big Deal about the grove is that It is now possible to see real life proof of decietful people, and the bad part is that some people let these individuals rule their fates.

You'll live your entire lives never knowing how you've been had. It is what
sheep do.

[edit on 053030p://upThursday by seridium]

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