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What is the BIG deal with The Bohemian Grove ??

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posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 01:44 PM
Ok, I may not be as well versed as some others in all of these conspiracies, but please tell me what is the major deal with the Bohemian Grove ?? (PLEASE, NO HISSY FITS). I mean from what I can see, all they do thats SO outlandish is stage a ritualistic drama that alludes to letting your cares go for the weekend, it maybe a tad ghoulish and I'm sure some will say it's tied to some arcane Babylonian death cult, but again.....who cares ?? Whats the big deal ?? Also, when you trot out the plans for world domination and policy shaping being done by its elitist members.....please show documentation. Thanks !!

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:07 PM
Ever read David Gergen's NYT article on the Grove? Do you know who David Gergen is?

The short and skinny of it is when he started working for Clinton he quit the CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission and most importantly he quit his membership of Bohemian Grove stating that he "didn't like to run around naked like the rest of the BG members". And thats no conspiracy theory thats his words.

I don't know but Christian Conservative leaders getting together wearing KKK garb and taking part in a mock sacrifice is pretty suspect.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:22 PM
I've never been to Bohemian Grove - although I'd take the oppurtunity if presented.

I aslo can't buy into the claims of debauchery and elitist wrong doing simply because I don't place much value on second hand information - I'm perfectly able to come to my own conclusions based on direct expereience.

Everything I've read about this group and it's activities seems suspect to me - from the perspective of third party people who didn't get an invite and feel the need to bash people doing things that are "unconventional".

Smear campaigns have led me to understand why this is a closed, "invitation only" organization and event.

The fact that it's run and participated in by some notable names means little to nothing to me. People in such positions are always suspect to some, and their activities are always under constant scrutiny.

Unfortunately, I'll probably never run into anyone who can offer an invite.


[edit on 12-4-2007 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:31 PM
What I don't like about the Bohemian Grove and it's highly esteemed members past and present (Prescott Bush- Industrialist that created Hitlers war machine and supplied much of it's war resources, Bush Sr, Bush Jr. Nixon, Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan...)

What I don't like about BG is that some of it's members were or are elected members of the Government and yet they cannot provide any transparency whatsoever to the public.

I don't know about you guys but I feel that if you want to become a member of the government, a congressman, a president even; You cannot take part in any secret societies whatsoever.

When I was young I learned that any person can be president. As I grew up I realized that that is a bogus claim. You can only become president if you are part of the right networks.

So just to recap I feel that secret societies are no place for elected officials. It's a contradiction to the America that was originally envisioned. (insert JFK secret society speech here...)

[edit on 12-4-2007 by Jotfish]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:37 PM
This topic has been discussed ad infinitum and ad nauseam. Use the search function and you will find lots of information, also Google and you will find info. One of the best sources I know can be found at:

THe Boho Grove is divided into a number of Camps. The Bush family are members of the Hillbilly Camp, which also includes Walter Cronkite, Don Rumsfeldl, William F. Buckley, and Mickey Hart, of the original Grateful Dead (go figure).

Here is a partial list of Hillbilly Camp members, taken off the website:

Hillbillies' Camp at Bohemian Grove

This is a partial list of George Bush Sr.'s camp - note it includes Don Rumsfeld and Mickey Hart. Please forward far and wide. Thanks to Bert the Turtle for doing the research. MM


Robert M Arnold, Philanthropist-Seattle FIrst National Bank, Yale Graduate
Paul Bancroft III, Bank of America Foundation ,Yale Graduate
Michael J Boskin, Professor of Economics, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Stanford University
William K Bowes Jr, Director at XOMA Ltd. Bermuda Berkeley, California
Wm F Buckley, Founder National Review Magazine, Yale Graduate
George H W Bush, Ex C.I.A. head and U.S. past president-spawned G.W. Bush & others
Brook H Byers, Genomic Health Inc., Venture Capitalist
David M Chamberlain, CEO/Chairman of the Board/Director at Stride Rite Corporation
A W Clausen, Past President Bank of America and World Bank
William K Coblentz, SF Lawyer and part owner of Mc Clatchy Newspapers
Walter L Cronkite, Former anchorman CBS Evening News
Alan M. Dachs, President and CEO, Fremont Group, Venture Capitalists tied to Bechtel
William H Draper, Venture Capitalist-Sutter Hill Ventures Palo Alto
William C Edwards, Hoover Institute Media Fellows Program
MICKEY HART, Grateful Dead sellout
Harold M Messner Jr, Robert Half International Accounting and Biz Services
John D Ong, Goodrich Corporation
George H Pfau Jr, UBS Financial Services-Paine Webber Yale Graduate
William A Prezant, Wells Fargo Bank
Sigmund Rogich, Rogich Comunications-Ambassador to Iceland Las Vegas Conv & Tourist Bureau
Tony Rosenblatt, President and Gen.Partner of Founders Inv., Ltd. Director of BlackRock Funds;
Donald H Rumsfeld, Current U.S. Secretary of Defense and very scary person
Frank A Sprole, Bristol Myers Corp
Paul H Stephens, RS Investment Management
James W Symington, Attorney, Yale Graduate, 8 years Congress Riggs Nat. Bank

By way of credentials, here's mine: I lived 4 miles from Boho Grove and knew lots of waiters, etc. who worked there. I organized a protest one year at the Grove and my father and a friend's father used to attend. There are lots of drugs and drinking and prostitutes. But the main thing is that they discuss issues and MAKE DECISIONS at the camp, away from the public eye. There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about this group.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
But the main thing is that they discuss issues and MAKE DECISIONS at the camp, away from the public eye. There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about this group.

Oh dear.

I'll make it a point to speak very loudly about my plans for my weekend recreations and business plans in front of complete strangers from now on.

Nothing is more fun than going to my favorite clubs and having the atmosphere ruined by the general public and their "party time" agendas - not to mention having my business deal fall through because word gets back to my competitors through the loose lips of some random person.

[edit on 12-4-2007 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:22 PM
A - I dont know and DONT CARE who David Gergen is !!
B - I dont care how many times something has been posted, I was asking for my own clarification

For my own edification, someone, ANYONE please tell me why people have to be all pissy and whiny in their replies, especiall yif its something they dont like !!???!! I mean the tone is ridiculous

All I did was asked a question, if you dont like the topic...heres a clue, ignore it or dont answer


posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:25 PM
I don't know what your definition of throwing a hissy fit is but you are definately throwing one. Chill out.

Look up David Gergen and try to find his article from 1993. He quit because he didn't like to run around naked like the rest of them. thats his words not mine.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by PrinceHall06
A - I dont know and DONT CARE who David Gergen is !!
B - I dont care how many times something has been posted, I was asking for my own clarification

For my own edification, someone, ANYONE please tell me why people have to be all pissy and whiny in their replies, especiall yif its something they dont like !!???!! I mean the tone is ridiculous

All I did was asked a question, if you dont like the topic...heres a clue, ignore it or dont answer


I assume you're speaking to me? I wasn't meaning to be rude, it's just that I've been on this board for one and a half years now, and there must have been at least 20 threads during that time asking the same question- What is the big deal with the BG? I try to share from my knowledge and I probably know alot more than the average Joe because I've been studying this topic for 30 years. Read my post and you will see that I do have some connections to the Grove and therefore have more info than most.
I also posted some resources for you. My question is: Why didn't you just Google it? Or use the search function on this site? If people get irritated because a topic has been threaded to death, don't blame them - you are supposed to check the ATS search function first.

BTW, after seeing some of the derogatory posts here in response to the info I posted, do you now understand why I don't like to talk about my research/knowledge on BG any more?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:37 PM

What is the BIG deal with The Bohemian Grove ??

Who is the real SAINT of the Grove? Go and find out yourself and you will then know the answer to your question. And it is not Molech!

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:45 PM
Forest Lady brought up my big objection to the Grove.

I honestly do not care if elected leaders wanna run around buck-naked pissing on trees, or dress in drag or silly looking robes and burn effigies to a big stone owl in the middle of the woods to a sound track from nightmare on Elm Street. Nor do I care if it is a boys-only club where these homo-hating conservatives can get spanked and sodomized by local leatherboys hired for the occasion.

My objection is: they are sitting there in their woody enclave with all their elite buddies discussing policy and making descisions that direct the rest of us, away from the public eye, and mostly unelected officals. All gathered around the bonfire in their halloween costumes discussing and making descisions on such important issues as nukes, foreign policy, economy, war, ect. So basically, they are running our government institutions behind closed doors without the consent of the rest of us.

Thats my objection. Beyond that, so long as they arent sacrificing live humans or animals to their big owl buddy, I honestly could care less what a bunch of closet homosexual/misengynist perverts wanna do with their spare time. However, when they are doinmg things that are gonna concern me and the rest of society, then I most strongly object.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:52 PM
Paul Bonnaci (who won aa $1million in a court case against a US politicain) tells of rape and murder at the Grove, that is quite a BIG deal

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

My objection is: they are sitting there in their woody enclave with all their elite buddies discussing policy and making descisions that direct the rest of us, away from the public eye, and mostly unelected officals. All gathered around the bonfire in their halloween costumes discussing and making descisions on such important issues as nukes, foreign policy, economy, war, ect. So basically, they are running our government institutions behind closed doors without the consent of the rest of us.

I obviously can't speak from experience, because I've never been there. Nor would I go if invited: I seem to make neo-cons a wee bit uncomfortable.

However, from I've read, discussion of politics and business is banned while they are in session. I have no doubt to disbelieve that, although the same thing is true of Masonry, and there are plenty there who break those rules too.

Regardless, I think conspiracy theorists make way too much out of it. The Grove was originally a left wing gathering, which brought together various bohemian and avant-garde artists, poets, playwrites, ets. They all left when the conservatives took it over, but comically, the conservatives maintained the pagan rituals of the original real (and most importantly, cool) bohemians.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 07:24 PM
Its not politics as in left vs right they discuss per se. Its politics as in the running of the business of the world, as in their lakeside chats that they discuss. Hell, they were discussing the embryonic stages of the Manhatten project there.

Conspiracy theorists make a big deal out of the wrong things about BG, like the rituals and stuff, which they shouldnt. Nor the general depravity that goes on there. After all, there are elected officals that do attend, and i'd be more surprised if they WEREN'T into wierd, bizarre, kinky stuff.

But in the incoherent ramblings of some of the more fanatic, you find bits and pieces that demand notice. You have a gathering of the world's most powerful men who are there for alot more than just some Bohemian style recreation.

If Henry Kissinger wants to climb a redwood naked with a peacock feathered buttplug up his rear while making howler monkey noises, thats certainly his perrogative. However, when Henry Kissinger wants to get together with the biggest names in world domination and discuss better ways to make our lives even more miserable, I must lodge a complaint.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 07:32 PM
You are all being double-crossed and Red Dawn will soon be reality in North America.

Nepomucene is the real Saint of the Bohemian Grove. Alex Jones has you hoodwinked into looking for Molech instead.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by sweftl337
You are all being double-crossed and Red Dawn will soon be reality in North America.

Nepomucene is the real Saint of the Bohemian Grove. Alex Jones has you hoodwinked into looking for Molech instead.

Where was that pic taken? It looks like the Cross of Lorrainne with hexagrams at its edges. is that from BG? And who the hell is Nepomucene?

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:56 AM
John Nepumocene was a saint from Bohemia. He is a symbol of Bohemian nationalism.
I've never heard of this saint being associated with the Boho Grove. You do know it wasn't founded by actual Bohemians, right? The took the name Bohemian because of the then popular term "Bohemian", meaning people who were creative, left of center and well, they were that day's hippies.

I know of no saint whatsoever being associated with the Grove and I have never seen that symbol before. I highly doubt that there is a patron saint of the Grove. Can you tell me where you got this info from?

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by forestlady
John Nepumocene was a saint from Bohemia. He is a symbol of Bohemian nationalism.

Thanks for the background information it is nice when someone can provide a little information besides -Nepumocene is coming, your all doomed!
Those who hold wealth and power will always meet in exclusive manners. If you take your family out to eat, would you go someplace where homeless people could sit with you, watch you eat and complain about their misfortune?
I'm not saying that the grovers are all good people, I bet their good/evil ratio is about like the rest of the population, which is to say that not many of them are very good

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 11:46 AM
The Club's patron saint is John of Nepomuk, who legend says suffered death at the hands of a Bohemian monarch rather than disclose the confessional secrets of the queen (this of course, is not historically accurate). In reality, John confirmed Archbishop John of Jenštejn's candidate for Abbot of Kladrau against the wishes of Wenceslaus, King of the Romans. John was thrown off the Charles Bridge at Prague on March 20, 1393. A large wood carving of St. John in cleric robes with his index finger over his lips stands at the shore of the lake in the Grove, symbolising the secrecy kept by the Grove's attendees throughout its long history.

From wikipedia

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 12:07 PM
Thanks Kilgore. But do you have any other sources other than Wikipedia? I mean, anyone can add anything in there, it's not exactly the best reference for things.
The original slogan of the Bohos was "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here", meaning no work should be done there. But throughout the last century, as the Bohos membership became more conservative and made up of politicians and captains of industry, that rule really isn't followed any more.
The Bohemian Grove is also where Ronald Reagan and Nixon got together and decided that Nixon would run in the next election and Reagan would run for the 1980 election. Which is exactly what happened. They circumvented the whole democratic process.

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