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After Income Tax and Sales Tax the Govt. Takes Half Your Money!

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posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 09:20 PM
I just received a check that had nearly 40% taken out of it. Of course i knew i would be taxed but i was taken aback when i saw how much was taken out. I went to eat lunch after i looked at my paycheck, and my meal came to a little over 10 dollars and the tax was somewhere along .89. I get home and my mortgage payment is in the mail, i open it up and then smack in my face is a 1200 dollar escrow (tax and insurance) payment. I was never happy with the tax situation but if finally occurred to me that more then half my money goes right to the Govt.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:24 AM
Quite an eye-opener, isn't it?

My wife and I had a shock like that courtesy of my employer not withholding as much as I had requested....our Federal income tax was almost enough to cause me to have a cardiac episode. Oh much for the savings account

You shouldn't be too surprised at the tax bite, though, given all the things our government is asked to pay for (and no, it's not just "that war" in Iraq...or even the Defense Department). A four-lane highway can easily cost a million dollars per mile...medical care for the indigent / elderly...defense subsidies....congressional salaries and all adds up, and most people don't even notice. They just look at the 'bottom line' on their pay stub, and go on, until somthing like your experience or mine catches their attention.

It might be a good thing if there *was* no 'payroll deduction' for taxes. If we had to sit down and write a check every month (or every quarter), we might hold our elected officials (in both / all parties) more accountable.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:35 AM
come on guys ,ur lucky up here in Belgium they take around 65% of my annual income Every day i pay like 55 euros to them fkers and we pay 21% tax on luxury products 18% on things u need like soap and clothes and 12% on food . and we dont have Black budget stuff to put our money in !! our defence sucks . but we have the best social security in the world! (and we pay bigtime for it 2)

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Spartannic
come on guys ,ur lucky up here in Belgium they take around 65% of my annual income Every day i pay like 55 euros to them fkers and we pay 21% tax on luxury products 18% on things u need like soap and clothes and 12% on food . and we dont have Black budget stuff to put our money in !! our defence sucks . but we have the best social security in the world! (and we pay bigtime for it 2)

wow! now im curious of the taxes other countries have to pay!

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:52 AM
I could be wrong here. I thought we were not allowed to be doubled tax here.

However, we are. You cannot first take money out of one's paycheck and then retake it out of gas, grocerys, fast food, home, dog, and livestock that you own, farm equipment you may own. Boats, campers. They take it out of your check then when you buy it and then again year after year. Is this not being more than doulbed tax? I ask why are they allowed to do this?

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:57 AM
belgium is known to have 1 of the highest taxation in the world
i'm pretty sure u aint gonna find 2 countrys who steal from their ppl like ours

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 11:50 AM
They can "do it" because they are the government and we the people have lost our voice. I hate tax time, it pisses me off to see all my hard earned money being stolen by our government. I dont mind paying taxes, but I am one of the believers of our governments job is to deliver our mail and protect our borders. Doesnt take half of someones paycheck to do that.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:02 PM
Man, why bother working? Just quit your job and live off of the government. You can spend all of your free time panhandling and getting drunk!

Im seriously taken aback. 65%. Geez.

I always figured if my taxes hit the 50% mark Id either quit working or become a bookie or sell crack to the real bums to make some tax free money. I dont know what Id do if I woke up and 65% of it gone. Whatever I did Im sure it would invole an awful ot of ammunition

I like the notion of making us all write that check at the end of the year. Witholding lets us all be ignorant of just how bad it is. Hell, the dumbest of us get excited when they get a "refund."

Another idea would be to allow each taxpayer to pay the full 30-40-50 or whatever % but each payer would have final say as to what programs get the money.

Otherwise its time for another tea party.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:07 PM
up here we have 4800 soldiers on active duty (libanon,afghanistan and kosovo) so dont blame an army to take ur money (if ur not US)
up here everything aint that bad. I pay a extra monthly fee of 12 $ and for that i get a full covered medical health system !!! When i lose my work, i have for 6-8 months 85 % of what i earn now. Love the belgian way of thinking!!!! We earn tons more than alot of countrys
I work 40 hours a week and i get like 700 $ for that (minus some 300 $ tax) but for that 300 i get a safety no1 up here can claim he has . So my conclusion is : I love paying taxes, as long as they don't use it to pay for black budget # ,Wars on terror and al the crap the US is doing with the money. come on recently u guys lost 3 trillion $ . and the US lets this pass , if it was up here there would be riots like never before!!

My 0.5 cent

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Simply answer is tax evasion. There is no law in the us that states you have to pay taxes. It has been taken to court before and the people have won.

America Freedom to Fascism

Check out this video!

[edit on 4-12-2007 by CPYKOmega]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:16 PM
Im a little confused?

You posted twice complaining about the taxes, called it stealing, then you post that youre glad to pay them because youll get paid for 6 months if you lose your job?

Im sorry, are you multiple personality or something?

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:18 PM
We pay a lot of Taxes as Canadians but we have things that make the taxes seem logical like national health care. Plus this year I didn't make a lot of money but I was able to get a few 1000$ in taxes back because I didn't make enough and had a lot of expenses. I guess Canada is heavily taxed but we still earn good $$ and our taxes are used wisely for the most part.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:23 PM
dont get me wrong m8 ! thats called beeing an optimist!!
i h8 paying taxes , but when i'm looking at u guys i'm glad i pay them for myself and not for US gov!! u guys get # for ur money. sorry u pay for ur so called national security, for what i believe is crap!! The US is open to any attack from any country (so is mine) , oke u guys have a better defence!! So who cares??? in my eyez the US should first look for their own ppl , then start thinking about the rest of the world !!!

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Spartannic
dont get me wrong m8 ! thats called beeing an optimist!!
i h8 paying taxes , but when i'm looking at u guys i'm glad i pay them for myself and not for US gov!! u guys get # for ur money. sorry u pay for ur so called national security, for what i believe is crap!! The US is open to any attack from any country (so is mine) , oke u guys have a better defence!! So who cares??? in my eyez the US should first look for their own ppl , then start thinking about the rest of the world !!!

I think its a common misconception that our taxes are essentially used to wage wars and such. Have you seen this: Freedom to Facism?

Our income taxes arent used for wars or foreign aid. Theyre pretty much used to pay politicians and bankers.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:29 PM
Hey I just posted that video read the thread before posting thisguyrighthere hahaahah

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
Simply answer is tax evasion. There is no law in the us that states you have to pay taxes. It has been taken to court before and the people have won.

The only thing you will get are extremely heavy fines and penalties (no jail time if you're lucky) once they catch up with you. I have known several people who thought it wasn't legally required to pay taxes, or didn't think the rules applied to them. I definately wouldn't be bragging on the internet that you haven't paid your taxes.

At least here in Canada we have a chance of eliminating the National Debt at one point and possibly not having to pay income tax any more. America doesn't stand a chance.

I'm fine with tax at this point in my life. Not so much when I get a good paying job. But right now while I'm a student, I just got a refund on my taxes (basically got back all the tax I paid on my paycheque through the year, and didn't pay any extra), and I get a GST cheque 4 times a year for approximately the amount I spend on GST on purchases in a year.

[edit on 12-4-2007 by Yarcofin]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
Hey I just posted that video read the thread before posting thisguyrighthere hahaahah

My bad. I was too focused on Spartannic and not paying attention.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
Simply answer is tax evasion. There is no law in the us that states you have to pay taxes. It has been taken to court before and the people have won.

America Freedom to Fascism

Check out this video!

[edit on 4-12-2007 by CPYKOmega]
and by not paying ur taxes ppl in ur country pay more because of u! Hope ur proud about it !!!

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Spartannic
and by not paying ur taxes ppl in ur country pay more because of u! Hope ur proud about it !!!

This is precisly why we need everyone to stop paying.
Its harder to win a fight when sombody keeps pacifying the enemy.
As long there's a sap or two out there who'll work their fingers to the bone to make the government rich the government will be able to send their IRS SWAT teams to round up the rest of the Ed Browns out there. We need everyone to stop paying and be united for once.

Last time we got united we kicked an empire out. The last thing the government wants is for us to be united.

[edit on 12-4-2007 by thisguyrighthere]

[edit on 12-4-2007 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Spartannic
and by not paying ur taxes ppl in ur country pay more because of u! Hope ur proud about it !!!

Originally posted by Yarcofin
I definately wouldn't be bragging on the internet that you haven't paid your taxes.

First off I live in Canada and second off I pay my taxes. Nowhere in this thread did I say that I do not. This forum is about denying ignorance, is it not?

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