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The power of the Moderator

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posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond

I've been a member hear for almost 3 years and I can assure you that our moderators do not act malevolently.

Boy,I can testify to that one. If they did, my butt probably would have been bounced off of this site several times. Seriously, the moderators here are fairly lenient. Of course, I don't get into the name calling bit either that many people do who have problems with the moderators. So..

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:34 PM
On the subject of "the power of the moderator" and "lizard people", did you know that if you cut a moderator's tail off it will grow back?

Except for Mirthful Me- monkey tails don't regenerate.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:35 PM
lol Thanks i need that again thanks

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Why is it that some of you think that Mods are practically Daleks? They don't exactly drift through the boards screaming "YOU HAVE BRO-KEN THE T & C!!! YOU MUST OBEY THE AMIIIIII-GOS!!! BAN! BAN! BAAAAAAN!!!!"

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
They don't exactly drift through the boards screaming "YOU HAVE BRO-KEN THE T & C!!! YOU MUST OBEY THE AMIIIIII-GOS!!! BAN! BAN! BAAAAAAN!!!!"

Nah ... we typically stroll through the corridors Ooohing and Aaahing at the wonderous contributions, views and opinions posted by the diverse membership representative of the Comunity known as ATS. Occasionally, ya gotta give a wake-up regarding the T&C, quoting, censors, etc. otherwise it's mostly :claps: all around.

Close this thread!? Why?

The Power of the Moderator is with you Always ... [Luke] I mean, Everyone.

We're here to help ... questions, concerns, issues, etc.

Unfortunately , we're also tasked with having to guide wayward members back to the T&C when they stray.

A thankless job?
not always

[edit on 11-4-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:54 PM
I consider all the Moderators as Members first, the same as you and I.

They have proven themselves as Members, and they've volunteered to take on additional duties and responsibilities for the benefit of all the other Members.

I've been around long enough to see some excellent Members move up to Mod status, and get the extra buttons. I've also seen a few Mods busted to "Banned" status for abusing those powers.

As a community we police ourselves, and if you violate the T&C I'll send a note to a Mod.
If a Mod. violates the T&C I'll send a note to Admin.

I find the system works pretty good on these boards.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:55 PM
As much as everyone would like to believe we the moderators here do not sit in cosmic and decide threads to delete because we dont like them. I guarantee you if I as a mod went through and started trashing post i dont agree with it wouldn't last long because I would be called out by the other mods and prob. banned.

I have been here for a long time and have only rarely seen mods just strike threads out just because. When it has happened the other mods and admin have been quick to rectify the situation and get things back to normal.

And one last thing if anyone has a problem or a question why their thread was locked or trashed u2u one of us or use the complaint tool. Accidents happen sometimes and if it is brought to our attention we can fix it or give you a good reason why we acted.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:02 PM

Starting a new thread about something that already has 50 threads about it takes up even more bandwith on a site.

Are you kidding? Now I know we should not have 50 threads on one subject. I understand that.

But if ats was worried about bandwith. They would take off the sinceless crap on bts. Or take off old threads that don't get any attention, for years.

Or stop adding stupid stuff that they seem to add one month and take off the next month.

I wish newbies would quit griping and just accept the terms and conditions of being a member here.

newbies----how rude!!!!!!! Were not even suppose to say that word on here. Just because someone don't post stupid game stuff all day long to build up their points don't mean that they are new. He's been on here since 2004 and you 2006. Also, I have notice they have alot of contest on here where they give you 10,000 points all at once if your the winner. Seriously, do you think that makes that person better just because they got more points than you. I don't think so. Favoritism is rampant around here. Now that they post your thread and applause in your profile. I have notice this one particular poster who had 98 threads started and 98 applauses. Weird hu. To me it is. So no this site is not always ran fair.

I have also notice you can be the first one up with a post and two days later someone else puts up a post of the same subject and nothing gets done to it. Unless you call the attention to the mods. Which most of the time I know I don't. But it happens alot. I watch an arguement happen between 2 people and 1 person was trying to tell another that this subject was already posted. The current poster was saying well that was 3 days ago. The mods even posted on the current one and nothing was done about it. So to me and alot of other people there does seem to be different rules for whom you are.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Shar
But if ats was worried about bandwith. They would take off the sinceless crap on bts. Or take off old threads that don't get any attention, for years.

What makes something senseless? If it is no interest to you, does this make it senseless? In the 100,000+ members that we have, I think much of what is housed on ATS makes a lot of sense to a lot of people.

Originally posted by Shar
Or stop adding stupid stuff that they seem to add one month and take off the next month.

I'm sure the Amigo's appreciate that their hard work is being respected. All of their hard work is just "stupid". Yup, "stupid" indeed.

Originally posted by Shar
newbies----how rude!!!!!!!

Rude? ...Rude? How about ridiculing everyone who works hard to provide all of this for you at no charge? How about showing no respect to those who work their ass off every day to provide an environment where people can come together to discuss current events?

Seems to me we have a difference of opinion on what exactly "rude" is.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:19 PM
PLease will someone tell me where I can find the popcorn smiley?

I bought my ticket, and I am ready to watch the drama....

...Back from the concession stand,

What'd I miss?

[edit on 2007/4/11 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:22 PM
I'm a member of lots of different communities and none of them are as fair and lenient as ATS. Many turn a blind eye towards racism, political bickering and the bullying of members. We don't.

p.s. disagreeing with Nerdling is a punishable offence.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:24 PM
this thread is not against the modirator but all the stuff that goes on here
there are times that topics are hijacked and a new thread is needed
and i agree some topics should bee closed but on a topic that is current it should not be, there are subjects that are dead here and should be closed but at least contact the person first. and give him a chance to express him self

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:33 PM

What makes something senseless? If it is no interest to you, does this make it senseless? In the 100,000+ members that we have, I think much of what is housed on ATS makes a lot of sense to a lot of people.

I didn't say that. I'm responding to speakeroftruth who seems to think that ats is concerned about there bandwidth. I was saying their not. I happen to like bts and hang out there alot.

I'm sure the Amigo's appreciate that their hard work is being respected. All of their hard work is just "stupid". Yup, "stupid" indeed

Yes, some stuff is stupid like taking away the view column or putting up a tag it for a month only to take it away. But for the most part they do well. As you can see I'm on here daily all day usually. So I must love this site. And speak about it often to people, I don't even know. Like I'm advertsing for the ats. However, upon request I was not told what make the new bar grow. I asked with no response.

Seems to me we have a difference of opinion on what exactly "rude" is.

Yes everyone does. I have seen over and over mods telling people not to call people newbies. Yet people still do. These people usually have alot of points themselves. Such as in this case speakeroftruth with a lot of points and only been here about a year. When people whose been here for 2 plus years with no points hardly gets called newbies more.

Usually I never get fussed at ever. At the same time I get no attention to any of my threads, by mods or anyone else who can applaud me. Where I have notice that the trouble makers who seem to get warned alot gets applauded alot as well. Even people whose been banned has more applause than us regulars. And they were on but only a short time usually. And what about the poster who had 98 threads started and 98 applause's? Yes, this site can be unfair. But, it's also the site that I like. It's a good site or I wouldn't come here. The mods do correct things when it's called to their attention. That I have noticed. However, I know I u2 3 of them one time about a problem I had with my points being taken away for changing my color. Explained it all out and how it came off the wrong place not the place I asked it too. Nothing was done about it. I didn't get even one response back. So there is times when they do nothing also. Again, I'm not saying anything bad about my ats. I am saying though things do get over looked. Not every site is perfect. Nor can this one be.

No I love this site. Checked it out for 2 years before joining. But I have also notice that some people get over looked alot also. That is the truth.
Sorry if you get upset about that.

[edit on 11-4-2007 by Shar]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Shar

newbies----how rude!!!!!!!

I know what you mean Shar, I hate that.

It's n00b! n00b n00b noob!

Take a deep breath and listen to that song that you Loved so much yesterday.LOL..

You know, the one with the screaming blonde?

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:36 PM
Reminds me of the old Nazi mod scare back in 2003-2004

after hitting the complaint/suggestion button

"Members are encouraged to provide frank and honest feedback to forum staff. However, please be realistic, juvenile rantings about "nazis" staff will be ignored."

[edit on 4-11-2007 by CPYKOmega]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by cmaracing
I have been here longer than you.

That doesn't matter much at all except that we may afford new users some leniency in areas such as large-quotes, 1-liner/minmal posts (like yours here), and such.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:58 PM
I have had plenty of threads closed, the reason was simple... That dead horse had already been beaten, stomped to mulch, graded into fragments, set on fire and buried. The thread that was already open or discussed.

It's nothing to be ashamed of, or to get angry about it's just got to get annoying to read the same exact thing over and over again. Thats all it's about. The moderators have nothing personal against you at all. They are just trying to keep this HUGE MASSIVE discussion board from over repeating itself too much.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
I have had plenty of threads closed, the reason was simple... That dead horse had already been beaten, stomped to mulch, graded into fragments, set on fire and buried. The thread that was already open or discussed.

Thats all this forum is now..... the same topics brought up over and over again.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega

Thats all this forum is now..... the same topics brought up over and over again.

Now that would be a partial explanation for why threads get closed.
But thats not "all this forum is now".

You've been around here for quite a while, So have I. And yes some of the same things are brought up repeatedly.
But for New members, it might be NEW information. So a lot of those threads
stay. After all, it IS about sharing knowledge. Not just stashing all the good info somewhere, where nobody can find it.

So, it's all out there, waiting for new people to discover it, with as few repetitions as make sense.

Of, course you also have an opportunity to start a thread of your own.
Something that hasn't been covered yet, or at least, recently.

Did I mention that it's all for FREE? not even a covercharge.

[edit on 11-4-2007 by spacedoubt]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
Thats all this forum is now..... the same topics brought up over and over again.

... that's NOT, a one-liner!

How can that be, CPYKOmega?

While some of the forums may seem a bit redundant at times (for some), there are Current Events happening ALL Over the boards.

Your mileage may vary mind you, but I would highly recommend removal of any governors or restrictor plates ... if only to ensure you get the full view/experience.

Who wants to ride "THE RIDE" at half throttle? or with their hands over their eyes?

Limits are typically self-placed ... are yours?


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