posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 08:08 AM
Originally posted by Terran Blue
1: There are people on the internet who, if I am honest, are so bloody STUPID, I am surpised they haven't tried drinking bleach yet...
2: Christians tend to lack a sense of humour.
1: Everywhere you turn, there is something obscene (porn, expletives, trolls, gore, viruses, trojans, spyware, advertisements, pop-ups, scams,
2: Spreads rumors, hoaxes, scams and frauds faster than wildfire.
3: Sucks up your life.
4: Gives people a false sense of security when bitching someone out. (I always confront them in real life afterward and make them cry)
5: Gets people raped and murdered because they believe everything they read.
6: Getting addicted to World of Warcraft is just as good as being dead. (No, I didn't learn from EXPERIENCE. I watched my cousin go down that path
7: People seem to lack basic knowledge (1st-5th grade stuff) even though they're 18+. They spell like they're 5 (ex. wuts ^ did u lissen 2 da radyio
last nite?)
Etc etc.
I've learned more from the internet than I've learned from school. It's just solid, raw information without sugarcoating or simplifying or making
it cleaner.