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4 questions for 9/11 theorists to help to establish the truth

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posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 12:21 PM
1. Who drew up the plan (names and why) THe NWO or the Israelis
2. When was it drawn up? Most feel that is is related to PNAC or think tanks
3. Why was it drawn up? control
4. Who would benefit from a 9/11 type event? The NWO

This seems to be the majority so far, and this is something that is not unanticipated. The problem would be trying to find out who in the NWO would benefit the most. Here are additional thoughts...

1. WHO- Was it PNAC and the Trilateral commision who influenced certain individuals to make sure that this was allowed to happen? Could they in some way have financed Al-Qeada and the entire operation? If this is true, have any NWO type restrictions applied in the US?

2. WHEN DRAWN UP- PNAC seems to have the 'closest' agenda to what people feel is a NWO type strategy, but could all those people all be quieted? Have politicians found ANY information or leaks yet?

3. WHY- To control global resources

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 12:47 PM
I fail to see how any of your above answers could be considered the "majority" of any sampling group. Only 4 or 5 posters have responded and none really agree totally. Just some food for thought, if you are going to be so quick to write off Zogby... lets not try to create a sample set from such a small sampling.

Now, I will answer your four questions with my GUESSES...

1. Who drew up the plan (names and why): The PNAC or their "controllers" (don't know who that would be). Their goals include establishing forward operating bases worldwide (Control), controlling resources (profits, protection of US), funding the military industrial complex (Profits, Control)... and "Absent some catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor" this process was "likely to be slow..."

2. When was it drawn up: Prior to 2000 when "Rebuilding Americas Defenses was published.

3. Why was it drawn up: See Above. Being the worlds only Megapower requires "creative thinking and actions" to maintain said status.

4. Who would benefit from a 9/11 type event: See above.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 01:08 PM
Well, we know why the government would do it, but why would arabs do it?

Well here is was the government wants you to believe.

They want you to believe that radical muslims, operating out of caves and basement, financed orchestrated and carried out the attack, in complete secrecy without any intelligence agency in the world knowing (that has already been proven a lie). They got 19 people to hijack 4 planes, flying 3 of them into their targets, without any kind of NORAD or control tower help (a complete lie and completely illogical)

Now why did they do it? Well because they hate western civilization because its free and prosperous. They are evil radical muslims who want to take over the world under some kind of Islamic dictatorship, because they hate freedom.

That makes no sense at all, especially when all the proof shows its the people controlling the government media and banks who want to take away our freedom so they can control us more effectively. They are the ones using terrorism to spread fear and death across the world. They are the ones who are creating a fascist world government!

But you see, one of the main propaganda tactics they use, is to tell you what they are doing, but spinning it so you think its something else.

They didnt lie when they said "terrorists attacked America cuz they hate freedom" they didnt lie when they said "terrorists want to take over the world" its all true, but they know they are talking about them, the whole Al Queda arab extremist line is for you the ignorant masses, not for the people who know...

[edit on 11-4-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 02:32 PM
Opinions are like farts, everyone has them. Please Poot, try to be civil. Thank you for your answers, but it seems that most people who have replied feel that it is some sort of NWO/PNAC/Illumanati thing.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 02:44 PM
Thats because it is a PNAC\NWO\Illuminati Agenda, its not someones opinion, its their own writings.

There is one truth only. Some one did 911, and did it for a reason, the reasons were planned out in PNAC, they planned it before with Northwoods, these are facts not opinions, there should be no debate about this.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
1. Who drew up the plan (names and why)
2. When was it drawn up
3. Why was it drawn up
4. Who would benefit from a 9/11 type event

1. The plan was drawn up by Alqaeda years before WTC93 even happened.
The US detained Yousef, and obtained his laptop that was chunk full of information. If your under the understanding the US did the attack, I say they simply used his plans from the laptop.
As for Alqaeda, well, the plan was drawn up from within their ranks, thus they used it.

2. When? I think it was a varient of the Bojinka plot, to use various planes as missiles and so forth.

3. Because it was a spectacular attack, which on the front stage appears quite easy, half a dozen men screaming and yelling on a plane, after having slit someones throw wont get much resistance from the passengers. Especially when a shoe box is made to look like a bomb.. no ones going to even try and stop you. Its to hard to get explosives into the US, and FROM the US, so why not use something thats just as useful and provided for the cost of an air ticket.

4. The US Government, the Neo-cons and the Finatical Arabs.
The Government, because obviously they wanted to hit Iraq, and this would be the perfect trigger to convince the world action is nessecary.
The Neo-cons, for the same reason, they couldnt hit russia or the M.E previously because the public had no cause to back it.
And the Arab terrorists, because it would create an idol within the terrorist community, it would bolster support, and as soon as the US started bombing in response it would drive more people into Finatical fashions.
After all, once you lose your family in a US Air strike, you dont exactly want to conform to 'democracy'

The question id like to ask people, Is does it REALLY matter who hit us on sept11? seems regardless of the overwhealming evidence these days, people would of gone into Iraq anyway, no matter who or IF something hit us.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 03:34 PM
Hi Esdad, I think you need to look at the bigger pitcure, yes one can talk about profit etc. but that is small change to the bigger scheme.

Yes at the end of the day there could have still been terrorists on those plane's but employed by people within the US secret services. You say people will talk but they dont in every country on this planet there are patriots who will do anything for their beliefs or their country, you only have to look at comments on ATS to see that.

Lets start With PNAC, the broad outline is that its about a new century, An American one, it sets out its aims, objectives and goals to reach that point, but it also sets who who is friend and who is foe.

Whilst many here on ATS disparage China's or Russia's ambitions and frequently state their decades behind the US they miss the point that if you want to be top dog and run the world for the next hundred years then someone coming along in 20/30 years to challenge that then you need to build countermeasures into your future plans.

Look at the British Empire our naval fleets ruled the world but that could only be achieved by certain means which where, pro BE nations, land we controlled and numerous coaling replensihment staions. That is exactly what the US is doing now. The PNAC planners know that Russia/China are future challengers, the planners know they will have to have friendly bases close to their theatre of operations hence all this activity in the ME.

In reality 9/11 was a smoke screen to cover the real intentions of PNAC, and whilst we all spend years arguing over 9/11 the PNAC plan slowly creeps forward with everyone looking the other way.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 03:46 PM

Make it simple and basic. People decided and have no need to feel that they have to 'spill the beans' on the 'secret' because they have been convinced they are achieving a 'greater good'.

That is at the most basic level. I alluded to this earlier. It isn't that there are other things happening when we dig deeper, but I think if we want to keep this from getting too complex then what I have mentioned is highly plausible.

Just ask yourself the question, did the President loose any sleep over Hiroshima? Lives are not considered when Governments move toward what they see as the greater good.

I think we can overcome complicating this. I do feel personally that the Illuminati and the NWO are involved, but remember they only have to initiate this, the rest just takes over.

Convince people they are avoiding a GREAT EVIL and they are willing to do almost anything. Think about it.

[edit on 11-4-2007 by talisman]


posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 07:24 PM
In my earlier response, I wasn't blaming anyone in particular. I was simply answering the only question i feel can be answered: Who benefitted? I wasn't saying this group did it or that group did it. I was just giving some examples to look at.

Can anyone deny that Israel benefitted the most from 9/11? It seems every Muslim country in the Middle East has issues with Israel and would love to see them not there anymore. Who was the biggest beneficiary of Saddam being removed? Israel. Who was the biggest beneficiary of the Taliban being removed? Israel. Who would benefit the most if Iran was invaded? Israel. How about Syria? Israel. Every "terrorist" that dies is one less enemy of Israel in the region. So who is benefitting the most from the Iraq civil war? Israel. Anyone who is willing to blow themselves up is a potential enemy to Israel. And while all this is going on, Israel then kills some more of their enemies in Lebanon.

I agree with Agit. 9/11 was being planned long before the PNAC Rebuilding America's Defenses papers were written. WTC 93, Oklahoma City, USS Cole, the embassaies in Africa were all part of this plan. WTC 93 showed an attack was possible and put the spotlight on the Towers. OKC showed it could happen anywhere, anytime and by anyone. Evidence was brought out in the trial linking McVeigh and Nichols to Al-Queda in the Phillipines. Don't forget the US sent troops to the Phillipines immediately after 9/11. The FBI blocked a massive amount of documents from the trial. Convicting McVeigh put out a message that anyone who disagreed with the government was a potential McVeigh ("You're either with us or you're with the terrorists"). USS Cole and the embassies put the spotlight on Al-Queda. So when 9/11 happened, slam dunk, it was Al-Queda. If you don't agree you are a potential McVeigh, because if you dont support the administration, you are a terrorist.

I believe the people who made the plans for 9/11 are people who have no allegiance to a certain country. Their allegiance is to power, greed and to protecting each other to make sure their dream can continue.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 09:40 PM
Thank you for your posts.

I feel that there is something that controls it all, what we call a NWO and that there is a bigger picture. This has been shown throughout history. However, part of my theory is that they did not expect Al-qeada to actaully do what they did. It was something to use as fear mongering maybe as long as they kept them in check. Not controlled, but watched. That is my main arguement with the insdie job angle.

If Mossad had a hand in it or ISI it would not surprise me in the least bit, but I feel that they may have also underestimated the terrorists themselves. Double crossed so to speak. There is nothing worse than not being in the know. From what I ahve researched, many in the intelligence community knew it was coming, jsut not when.

Military contracts will be there if there is a war or not. There will always be uprisings and conflict, but it is war that we want to avoid. War that would come to our shores. The powers that be sacraficed religion for money, and Islam is the opposite. You have millions of people who need something, and are given the right by their religion to take it.

The one with the most to gain to me is Radical Fundamentalist Islam not the NWO. The NWO will alsways make money. After 9/11 no one stopped using their Visa or buying Starbucks. Instead everyone bought a flag, hung it for a few months and forget about it.

Again, thank you for all your comments.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Lets start With PNAC, the broad outline is that its about a new century, An American one, it sets out its aims, objectives and goals to reach that point, but it also sets who who is friend and who is foe.
[...] The PNAC planners know that Russia/China are future challengers, the planners know they will have to have friendly bases close to their theatre of operations hence all this activity in the ME.

In reality 9/11 was a smoke screen to cover the real intentions of PNAC, and whilst we all spend years arguing over 9/11 the PNAC plan slowly creeps forward with everyone looking the other way.

Excellently put! (neat avatar too - it looks familiar... ah 90s)
I'd like to add I don't like using vague phrases like NWO, or illuminati - or even elite. There clearly is a "they" lurking back there, but I don't know who exactly - who pulls who's strings? Even the PNAC could be a smoke screen - the 9/11 - imperial mobilization process didn't NEED them - the people involved did help shape it, but PNAC is largely a media presence/PR thing - its mission is now basically over. It was to a certain extent theater, to some degree a psyop.

And again, no matter the mechanics of the attack, the loose lips factor, etc. it comes down to motive. Who benefits. And we must honestly ask that - it's not that a terrorist group wouldn't want to hurt America, but they should not have succeeded - that's big clue no. 1 - we can also see how clearly they failed to "frighten our nation into chaos and retreat," as Bush put it. Duh! Some terrorist mastermind. It seems designed, in retrospect, to rile us up and open a can of whoop-ass rather than to frighten us into submission. We played right into their hands, or our representatives and the multitude of elites who stood to benfit played in for us, and now indeed the New American Century has its basis.

Des anybody here know they're now calling this the "Long War?" It's against a loosely-defined axis of Arab/Muslim bad guys, and via the Axis of Evil precedent, possibly beyond the ME - and it will last for at least two more DECADES. How does any of this make sense again? Oh yeah, that little "catalyzing event." Better safe than sorry...

[edit on 12-4-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 04:19 AM
I read a very interesting article at by F. William Engdahl who analyses a recent speech by President Putin in Munich.

He says that Putin's words suggest the real belief of the US is that the cold war never ended and that the only country capable of stopping US supremacy is Russia with her still large nuclear arsenal.

He cites the gradual surrounding of Russia's borders with US bases and especially in Eastern Europe with missile defence systems. He believes these missile systems show what the US is really striving to achieve and that is Nuclear Primacy, i.e. it can make the first strike without fear of reprisal.

The old cold war and its doctrine of mutually assured destruction is a strange way kept the peace. The idea of nuclear primacy could very well endanger it.

So maybe the war on terror was the first step on the road to this goal?

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by uknumpty
The old cold war and its doctrine of mutually assured destruction is a strange way kept the peace.

So maybe the war on terror was the first step on the road to this goal?

Better to have an enemy that you can see than an enemy that you can't.

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 05:46 AM
Hi, I am new here and have my own theories and ideas. I hope by my comments and questions here I am not deviating too much from your thread.

'Why would anyone do it?' Maybe the fact that I am not American and not so patriotic makes me see things a little clearer. Besides the 'insurance payout' what was the result of 9/11? Invasion into Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq. Who knows what is next. Maybe Iran? By putting the blame on terrorism it gave the USA an excuse to go to war. Sometimes I think America is lost if they are not involved in some war. After all its what gives them their "Super Power" status. Sorry if I offend anyone by my comments.

A previous comment on another thread - "There is no way our government or any other group within our own country could have been behind this". One thing I have learnt and which is repeated over and over in history is that if a leader or government wants something bad enough they will do anything to create a situation to make it happen. Read a book called 'Day of Deceit'. Very enlightening. Its about how Roosevelt and his chief military advisors knew of the impending attack on Pearl Harbour well in advance but allowed it to happen because they wanted to enter the war and this attack would give them the means to do so. Very scary I know.

Also another comment from an older thread - 'I still fail to believe that anyone could "pull off" something of this magnitude & keep it secret'. JFK's death is still a secret isn't it? But besides that, if the military was involved (referring of course to the Thermite/Thermate) do you think they cannot keep secrets. Between certain elements of them and the CIA they are probably one of the most secretive groups of people I know. I think they will even run circles around the Freemasons.

I also have some question for all to think about.

1) How easy do you think it would be for the CIA to get someone to infiltrate OBL or any terrorist organization for that matter and make them believe they could create an act of terrorism such as the WTC.

2) What about the so-called hijackers. They were trained to fly planes in the USA. The CIA is aware of everything. Do you not find it strange that all of these terrorists (at least 16 - I can't remember offhand exactly how many there were) were not on any watch lists and that the CIA was not aware of their movements and the fact that they all boarded airplanes at approx the same time?

In a roundabout way I have expressed certain feelings to some of your questions.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by SpunkyOne
One thing I have learnt and which is repeated over and over in history is that if a leader or government wants something bad enough they will do anything to create a situation to make it happen. Read a book called 'Day of Deceit'. Very enlightening. Its about how Roosevelt and his chief military advisors knew of the impending attack on Pearl Harbour well in advance but allowed it to happen because they wanted to enter the war and this attack would give them the means to do so. Very scary I know.

Scarier than you think. McCollum's 8-point memo of 10/7/40 - which FDR acted on, points A-H - was to PROVOKE the attack, place the fleet in striking distance, and then know about and allow the attack.
The book was the first and only ever revalation of the McCollum memo - it was by Robert Stinnett, released 1999, re-released just before the "New Pearl Harbor." Stinnett is an old Navy buddy and onetime biographer of none other than GHW Bush.
And this leads to other twists and turns to myriad too go into here and too interesting to ignore: ml

And excellent post too. Great points.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
If 9/11 was an inside job, lets first look at what it would take to make this happen. First, you would need the plan drawn up and the right people contacted. For me, this is where some of the conspiracy theory starts to lose it’s credibility. We have to ask first

1.Who drew up the plan (names and why)
2.When was it drawn up
3.Why was it drawn up
4.Who would benefit from a 9/11 type event

[edit on 10-4-2007 by esdad71]

Well the main input i have is who do you believe could pull this off, who has the trained personel and resources to pull off something like 911. Al-Qeada, the US government, or both ?

Which brings up more questions,

*Who did the airline hijackers meet as they spent months in the U.S. planning -- and traveling to places such as Las Vegas and Los Angeles?

*What was the ultimate source of money for the terrorist operation?

*What motivated 19 relatively well-off Arab men, all Muslims, to become such horrific suicide bombers?

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 02:29 AM
I know I am deviating from the original question but its interesting to note when the mind really starts working how many questions and thoughts actually start forming.

For instance, Was it coincidence that FEMA had arrived in NewYork Monday night ready for a bio-terror drill and went into action Tuesday morning? Why the power black out in the buildings the weekend prior to 9/11. Do you need to shut down the power to upgrade internet cables as people were told by "workman" in the buildings that weekend? Were Al-Qeada just guinea pigs in an elaborate plot? Were the terrorists just "hi-jacking" the planes or did they have specific plans to crash the planes? Did "homing beacons" within the WTC "draw" the planes to the buildings causing them to crash? How come the so called "watch lists" didn't prevent anyone stopping the terrorists yet they were all identified after the fact?

The more I reason the more the questions start coming.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by esdad711. Who drew up the plan (names and why)

an elite group of marines commissioned by george bush senior as head of the CIA.

Originally posted by esdad712. When was it drawn up


Originally posted by esdad713. Why was it drawn up

continuing policy of 'engulf and devour'. this is the second time you asked 'why?'. amnesia?

Originally posted by esdad714. Who would benefit from a 9/11 type event

george bush and his bloodline and cronies, and all the globalists who need chaos from which to create the new world order, a totalitarian police state. this is the third form of the question,'why?'.

these (two) questions(why, when) do little to shed light on the rampant 'coincidences' of 911.
however, those ARE the answers.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 11:01 PM
Just to many coincidents to be just that. Air defences nonexistent, Inteligence ignored, President reading with school children while knowing America is under attack! What excactly was he thinking for 7+ minutes? 30+ minutes between 2 WTC plane crash and Pentagon crash, and still no plan for defence?

Somebody please defend the responsible parties for their incompotence.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 12:43 AM
These are good qeustions so I will give quick answers.

*Who did the airline hijackers meet as they spent months in the U.S. planning -- and traveling to places such as Las Vegas and Los Angeles?

Operatvies who are in those places, like the attack that was to happen in LA during the millenium to name one.

*What was the ultimate source of money for the terrorist operation?

Drugs that the everyone from the CIA to the ISI to the Mossad run and control to charities in the good ole USA. Plus Saudi Oil money.

*What motivated 19 relatively well-off Arab men, all Muslims, to become such horrific suicide bombers?

Religion and ideology that we cannot understand unless we are there

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