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If You Don't Like Something, Leave it Alone!

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posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
If they all choose to drink from the bottle, then that's what that family has chosen to do.

Not in this family... The parents make the rules.

So, no matter where you go in that house you're sharing, you CANNOT avoid the sound of the child's screams and pleas for help.

That wouldn't be a victimless situation, would it? I don't care what kind of movies he watches, but if it imposes on my life and I can't live with it, I'd either talk with him about it and make some sort of agreement or get another roommate. If he watched them quietly in his room, I couldn't care less.

If not, maybe you should amend whatever it is you believe people should be free to do.

I believe people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as they're not imposing on another's rights or hurting someone.

Originally posted by Dock6
please do NOT attempt to inflict such sexual immaturity and deviancy upon me or my community. Keep it to yourself.

I'm sorry. Is someone forcing you (or anyone) to watch sexual movies? "Keeping it to ourselves" is exactly what we're advocating.

Check out OMS's source on the straw man fallacy.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 08:39 PM

What is happening now is an agenda by the slime to CORRUPT the majority and spoon-feed them filth posing as 'the right to watch and read and listen to anything YOU want'. The slime are promoting individual selfishness. Because they know this will result in DIVISIONS. And they HOPE it will result in the hated 'sheepies/goyim' becoming utterly corrupted and groin-centred to the point they are insensible to decency and oblivious to their own destruction.


Someone here has problems dealing with race and with dealing with their own sexuality. Keep your rasist slurs and your sexual repression to your self. Keep it away from me and my community.

So, if YOU want to watch OTHER people taking off their clothes or having sexual intercourse, by all means DO so (although if that's what rocks your boat, why not film YOURSELF getting undressed and having sex? Or why not just install mirrors in your ceiling?) but please do NOT attempt to inflict such sexual immaturity and deviancy upon me or my community. Keep it to yourself. The majority has higher standards and that's nice.

Gee more sexual repression. I am beginning to think you have sex issues. How dare you accuse others you don't know of being sexually immature and of deviancy. Your "higher standards" reek of organized religous censorship. How dare you to decide your standards are the best for one and all. There is nothing "nice" about that.

All censorship does is eliminate responsibility. Responsibility to talk about sexuality. Responsibility to talk about rasism. Don't have to deal with it cause it is censored. Soon you won't have to talk about anything; then again you won't be able to do anything either.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
Ok. One one side we have junior and his beliefs in his 'speshul-ness' --- and on the other we have two adult parents who are PAYING for that juice and for everything else that junior takes for granted. Also opposing junior are three other children of the family.

That means junior and his beliefs and 'rights' are in opposition to five other family members.

Who should 'win'?

If so, why?

You provide a unique scenario but in reference to what the OP is talking about a better frame of reference would probably be:

Junior wants to read a book, by himself in his room, about a cat that swims in the ocean. Big Sister hates cat and is scared of water so she doesn't want Junior to own this book let alone read it.

So Mom and Dad take away said book and donate it to the library. After all we don't want Junior infringing on Big Sisters rights to be subject to his reading a book to himself that she doesn't like.


My point it the topic was about if you don't like a certain music / tv show / movie ... then simply don't watch it. If you're worried about it being damaging to your children ... they make all kinds of wonderful rating systems for these now a days. They even make tv's that will block certain channels/ratings.

The answer is to make sure your children know what is acceptable to your standards, to monitor them and to hold them to that standard with some consequences if the disobey.

The answer is not to remove from the entire world all the material that you happen to find objectionable.

[edit on 4/11/2007 by SmallMindsBigIdeas]

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Dock6

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Dock6 - And I suppose if there were 6 children and they all voted to drink from the bottle, the whole family should comply? Majority rules, right?

And I suppose if there were 6 children and they all voted to drink from the bottle, the whole family should comply? Majority rules, right?

YES. Exactly. If they all choose to drink from the bottle, then that's what that family has chosen to do. Further, if one family member objects to such a habit, then that one family member is required to find a way which suits him/her. This may require that family member to eliminate juice altogether from their diet. Or it may require them to have their own juice bottle, with their name on it, secreted under their bed if needs be. Because they are 'odd man out' and in choosing to be so, must bend their lives to suit the rest of the family.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by Dock6]

I'm not sure if your being sarcastic in your post here or you truly feel that the family unit would operate in such a strange fashion.

In this method of madness 4 kids could get together and decide that instead of paying bills they should spend all the money for the month on toys!!! Or they can vote to stay home from school every day ... majority rules.

A family is not a democracy ... mom and dad have ground rules and framework that must be followed. There obviously are times when children can/should be allowed to make decisions for the family unit but it's not a majority rules situation.

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