posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 11:31 AM
I would like you all to read this article, which supports what I have said on many posts:
What I mean as to the statement "Nothing has changed" is the complete self serving burocratic crap that our Civil Service is riddled with. How can
we trust our own government with our security when we are the pawns of a system that does not function? It seems to me that all of the high ranking
individuals involved with this are into self glorification at any cost!!! We were never asked if we wanted a department for homeland security, we
have no say in who becomes the care taker of our security, okay, alot of you might see this as a only a rant, but we are talking about our own
security and trust here. I, for one, do not trust any thing that is being exponded as official information. I have said this before, nothing has
changed, the people in charge of ur safety are only interested in retirement points.