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Pelosi Trip to Syria Violates the Logan Act?

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posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 01:56 PM

Even IF she violated some law (after reading some of the other posts here, I guess she is exempt from the Logan Act?), why didn't you even at least mention the fact that she supposedly went there to try to get us on better relations with Syria? Instead, no, let's just immediately point out a potential wrongdoing in her visit and say she should resign... Is there something wrong with trying to ease tensions in the already volatile area? Or do we really have to label half the countries in the Middle East terrorist states with or without evidence?

I would look to our own president, as well as a considerable proportion of the administration, and add to the list of those who should resign, unless you feel that this country should be run by a bunch of thugs who have no interests for the American people, their own congress, or real important issues at hand in our own borders.

I dunno maybe she did go there with some other agenda in mind. Who knows. Politicians are all bogus anyways...

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

And while you're looking for hypocrites, does your criticism ever extend to dems as well as Republicans?

[edit on 4/9/2007 by centurion1211]

Of course it does. I don't have an ideology or dogma that discriminates when I see corruption. Corruption and Lies have infected conservatives and liberals alike. Most people can see thru the transparent cheerleading on both sides. But the blinders on some won't allow them to see anything but a very narrow view of the world. The world isn't just black and white; it is more complex and wonderful than we can imagine. Sorry your hate for others different than yourself causes you such misery.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 02:31 PM
What ever happened to "Politics ends at the water's edge" philosophy that ruled America's foreign policy for over 200 years?

When either private citizens or opposition party members seek to undermine the stated policy of the current administration in their dealings with foreign powers it diminishes the effectiveness of such policies.

If you disagree with a policy, seek to change it. By doing an end run around the administration in power you both hurt the current foreign policy, and undermine any future foreign policy that could be put in effect by basically saying to anyone with ears, "If you don't like what we are saying now, don't worry, someone else will come and talk to you and say what you want to hear."

This isn't a question of what the opposition party's ideas are. It's a question of America having one voice when dealing with foreign powers.

Peace in the Middle East, and I think everyone can agree on this, would be a wonderful thing! No one is against peace in the Middle East. But this game of "Mommy said, Daddy said." has got to stop. Politics NEEDS to end at the water's edge to be effective. That doesn't mean we can't debate and disagree, but we must speak to the world with one voice when that debate is over, and even while it is occuring. One should step up to the plate and say, "I disagree with the United States' stated policies regarding country X, but it is the current United States' policy toward Country X is as follows....and therefore that policy will be carried out."

That doesn't even mean you can't talk to these foreign powers, but you can't do it in an official, policy making capacity. I fail to see why this isn't obvious to everyone! If you can broker a deal with a foreign power, bring it back to the administration and give it to them to deal with. (If we do X, then they will do Y, and everyone will be happy) If the administrattion disagrees, then start debating it! Debate is the way to get these things accepted, not making up your own foriegn policy as it suits you.

Some might complain that the administration is doing just that, making up foreign policy that suits them. You may be right, but that is their perogative for having been elected to that position. When the shoe is on the other foot, the same standards apply.

You may have noticed that I have avoided using the words Democrat, Republican, Bush or Pelosi, etc, etc. This is because no matter who is in power at the time, the same things apply!

Dealing with foreign nations is like dealing with children. If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you say there are consequences, make sure they happen. And if Daddy says no candy, then Mommy better say no candy too! Otherwise.......chaos!

Anyway, just my two cents worth....Have a great day!

[edit on 9-4-2007 by BomSquad]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by el_madmaster

Even IF she violated some law (after reading some of the other posts here, I guess she is exempt from the Logan Act?), why didn't you even at least mention the fact that she supposedly went there to try to get us on better relations with Syria?

Simple. Because that is not Pelosi's job to do under the laws of the United States. She should be taking off her subserviant muslim scarf and getting back to work in the Congress.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
She should be taking off her subserviant muslim scarf and getting back to work in the Congress.

He, he, centurion you are so funny, I think that she is doing what the Bush administration is not, she is using the power of foreign policies and talking to what the Bush administration has called evil nations.

But in any case she is not part of the Bush administration so Bush can not tell her what to do. . .

Now what is eating the present administration away is that their agendas has not been fulfilled to the end and this demonstration of friendlessness is making difficult to sell to the public another war against the middle east.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 09:08 PM
This is illuminating:

Newt Gingrich's 1997 trip to China

Interesting that there could be such a direct comparison to the Pelosi situation.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Centurian, as USA burns, Bush fiddles!

Or maybe you remember this one, "Don't just stand there, do something"

Or here is another one "If we ignore the problem it will go away!"

Or here is one of my favorites, President Bush hands Condi Rice a note at the UN "Is it OK to go for a bathroom break?"

Or lets see more bull, Repulicans investigate Clintons for 8 years straight and find hanky panky! That is fact finding!

Oh and what else, yeah that's it, that's ignore the fact that Republican Congress members meet with Syria a few days later!

Finally, get your news from some one other than druggy Limbaugh and the rest of the other neo-con Chicken Hawks!

Didn't mean to rant, but it is what it is!

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