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Popular Mechanics 911 Debunking was Dismantled & Dismembered

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posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 02:06 PM
In order to get a fair & balanced discussion, I believe the cover-up needs to be exposed as well. The 9/11 Commission and The Commission Report need to be discussed. This will show the obvious cover-up and will lead to the reason why we need to have a fair & balanced discussion. To me, 9/11 isnt just about the attacks. Its also about the events that lead up to the attacks and the response by our government. In my opinion, discussion about the collapses of the buildings will get us no where. Discussing the investigation into 9/11 will open the door. After the cover up and partnerships are exposed, then we can get into the actual 9/11 attacks discussion.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:04 PM
No, i am asking for something fair. Split it into 3 parts

1. Officail theory
2. Conspiracy theory
3. Alternative theory
4. Open forum

I am not asking for a scripted debate, I am asking for a standard to compare to so know one is caught off guard. I am sure that many so called experts would not be able to deviate to far from thier standard script of explanation. That is where the open forum would come into play.

Everyone has the cards on the table. It is ont to hard to coordinate, and the truthers should take some time and evergy to set it up, since THEY are the ones who want answers, THEY are the ones who do not believe and They are the ones who demand justice.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
No, i am asking for something fair. Split it into 3 parts

1. Officail theory
2. Conspiracy theory
3. Alternative theory
4. Open forum

There only needs to be one part: DEFEND THE OFFICIAL STORY OFFICIALS.

That's all that is needed. No alternative theories required. Reason? First they need to release the EVIDENCE.

Originally posted by esdad71
I am not asking for a scripted debate, I am asking for a standard to compare to so know one is caught off guard.

Only LIARS are afraid of being "caught off guard". Why do you think witnesses in a court of law are not told the questions they will be being asked?

Originally posted by esdad71 since THEY are the ones who want answers, THEY are the ones who do not believe and They are the ones who demand justice.

Yes... "We" want to ask questions. There is no need for "us" to answer a damn thing because we have no access to evidence, government funding... and on and on...

You want a WHIMPS farce of a nothing pseudo-debate... that is weak. The government /media needs to defend their stories and actions... not "us".



posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:48 PM
No, you want a onsided slaughter of the people who want the official story. Fair and balanced is what is needed. When I speak of blindsided, I mean having a true expert in that field to get a good answer. I would not ask a mechanic to diagnose a cancer patient even if he watches ER. Do you get the point. In order to find the answers you need to find the correct people now matter what arguement is supported with the replys.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 05:20 PM
Plus Davin admitted PM had access to 'Classified' pictures. Like WTF ?? Since when does PM have security clearance to view classified pictures ??

Whoever showed him those 'classified' pictures should be charged pronto !!! But then again it is probably the norm for Israeli spies like Chertoff to be able to walk around with any classified intel.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 05:21 PM
The piece about the DNA was interesting. Especially if they had no DNA to compare it too.

Here is some questions I have.

Did any of the terrorist have criminal records or a reason for their DNA to be in the police or federal system.

Wouldnt the DNA on the crimescene be contaminated with all those people and other elements around?

Why did it take months the police to identify some people via DNA when their family members provided them with the tools they needed (ie their DNA, toothbrushes, and othe DNA collection tools)

How can you argue with the report where one of the "hijackers" speaks to reporters after 9/11.

All the DNA and hijackign questions are good imho


I think the biggest piece of news on there is the withholding of evidence by certain agencies. I doubt any of this is a threat to national security and "should" only help the federal case. Why should they hide it? Why cant we see pictures that are "owned" by the NYPD. Doesnt the New York tax payers pay for the NYPD?? Hmm real fishy terrirory.

Tell me why they wont release all the evidence?? Simple question.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by amfirst
The truth movement is a fat lie...

Here is more evidence they pulled the teams out waiting for a normal collapse from fire...

Talk about "a big fat lie."

If it's your split-level colonial, the fire dept. is waiting for it to collapse, but WTC 1, 2 & 7, as we all here know by now, were the first steel framed skyscrapers claimed to have collapsed from fire, ever.

So just what would make this "normal?"

The gall.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 06:01 PM
Funny how they did ID the terrorist when NIST DNA experts had to come up with new DNA resting just for 911. The new DNA testing was not ready untill 2002.

Due to the nature of the World Trade Center disaster, it quickly became evident that traditional methods for performing DNA typing were not likely to be fully successful in identifying all of the recovered remains. Traditional DNA ID methods depend on the presence of long, intact segments of DNA in order to accurately type the sample. The DNA in many of the samples recovered in this situation were so fragmented that these standard methods were ineffective.

In early November 2001, Dr. Robert Shaler, the director of the WTC DNA identification effort, contacted me and asked if I would be willing to develop some new DNA tests to help in the identification effort. I agreed to fast track our research efforts over the next several months and produce some test materials for his laboratory to try by January 2002.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Wonderful quote re: DNA ID.

How on earth can a kerosene fire and a building collapse fragment DNA? Unless you'd dropped the Towers from low earth orbit?

I mean, it takes your breath away, the sheer absurdity of the proposition that this was in any way something "normal," and then the deadpan NIST delivery, not even hiding the staggeringly obvious implications.


[edit on 9-4-2007 by gottago]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by gottago

Wonderful quote re: DNA ID.

How on earth can a kerosene fire and a building collapse fragment DNA? Unless you'd dropped the Towers from low earth orbit?

[edit on 9-4-2007 by gottago]

Well heat destroys DNA. They did not have the DNA testing back then to test DNA that had been subjected to great heat. If the fires at the twin towers were hot enough to weaken the steel they would have destroyed DNA.

If the plane at the Pentagon was destroyed in a fire the fire would have been hot enough to destroy DNA.

[edit on 9-4-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 07:11 PM
We've got so much evidence that tears appart the official story. We don't need a debate anymore. The facts are what is needed. We allready know the official story is a crock. Any person with decent observation skills and some mental computation could probably do a decent job of debunking the official story.

So, the official story is dead. It has been disproven time after time, yet we still have to run in circles trying to explain the same things over and over. Hell, we know a steal frame building isn't going to collapse like that, with airplanes alone. Think about it. A controlled demolition makes more sense, period.

Popular mechanics was caught off guard? What? Aren't they the experts? Seriously.


posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
Well heat destroys DNA. They did not have the DNA testing back then to test DNA that had been subjected to great heat. If the fires at the twin towers were hot enough to weaken the steel they would have destroyed DNA.

If the plane at the Pentagon was destroyed in a fire the fire would have been hot enough to destroy DNA.

Certainly true for the occupants of the aircraft and those in the immediate vicinity of the impacts, but still, officially these were collapses, you did not have 3000 people burned to death in two raging infernos that then collapsed.

That there were no recognizable fragments corpses (or even of contents)--and not all that much rubble--but micronized pulverization of building materials and contents, and that shock wave described by survivors as a blast furnace/tornado that swept people off their feet and threw them yards forward, cannot be explained by a conventional building collapse, even of one (two) so high.

[edit on 9-4-2007 by gottago]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Yes, maybe just a coincidence, but then again? the bush crime family has it fingers everywhere it seems.

Here is a little bit of history about PM.

Perhaps it is merely a coincidence that just prior to 9/11 Cathleen P. Black, who has family connections to the CIA and Pentagon and is president of Hearst Magazines, the owner of Popular Mechanics, fired the magazine’s editor-in-chief and several senior veteran staff members and installed James B. Meigs and Benjamin Chertoff, a cousin of Bush administration factotum Michael Chertoff. It was Meigs and Benjamin Chertoff who produced the Popular Mechanics report that Griffin has eviscerated.

Sorry if some of the links posted below are now dead.

posted by Sauron

Popular Mechanics' & Other CIA Front Organizations
From Peter Wakefield Sault
[email protected]

I have just read Jim Hoffman's response to Popular Mechanics 9/11 article that tries to debunk the truth about 9/11 by the use of the 'straw man' tactic. Although everything in his response is quite correct and exposes the straw man for what it is, I feel Mr Hoffman was dealing with this particular issue at the wrong level. Approached from a different angle the article tells us who really was behind 9/11 and who is still desperately trying to cover it up. This is how it works:-

Popular Mechanics' is published by the Hearst Corporation, proprietor (chairman of the board). George R. Hearst grandson of William Randolph Hearst, sometime would-be builder of large aeroplanes.

The president and CEO of Hearst Corporation is one Victor F. Ganzi, since June 1st, 2002. Mr Ganzi is also an officer/director of the Hearst Foundation.

Click for a full size view

A close look at the titles of the books on the shelf behind Mr Ganzi in the photo (GANZI_2003_2_BW.jpg) reveals that some part of Mr Ganzi's early career was spent working for the owners of the Atlantic City Boardwalk and associated hotels and casinos; sometime friends of a certain Mr Frank Sinatra, as I recall.

Victor F. Ganzi is on the board of directors of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA), alongside Columba Bush, wife of Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, brother of George W. Bush, President of the USA and son of George H.W. Bush, former DG of the CIA.

Victor F. Ganzi is a member of B.E.N.S. - "Business Executives for National Security" wherein we learn that "When it came time to evaluate In-Q-Tel, the CIA's innovative technology development enterprise, Congress turned to BENS"
In October 2002, B.E.N.S. received a "CIA Agency Seal Medallion" for its work on the In-Q-Tel program.

In-Q-Tel? It is described as "A new partnership between the CIA and the ‘private sector’(my apostrophes),” making it a classic front for traditional fascism and other American-style old-fashioned family values

A look at the names involved in In-Q-Tel quickly reveals it as a front for Zionism Central.

Reposted with the permission of the author Peter Sault [email protected]

So when it's all said and done I would not trust a single word from PM


Popular Mechanics 911 debunk workings of a Bush Cabal cover-up!

[edit on 9/4/2007 by Sauron]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 07:56 PM
Now we were talking about the highjackers DNA and how our wonderful
CIA and FBI found DNA in hotel rooms and cars. ( Like, what hotel room!!)
Here is a link that needs to be read some great stuff on the Highjakers.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Here is my take on the living Highjackers. They should all get together and have a press conference, then publish a collaborative book and have a website.

Wouldn't this be a logical solution?

Originally posted by cashlink
Now we were talking about the highjackers DNA and how our wonderful
CIA and FBI found DNA in hotel rooms and cars. ( Like, what hotel room!!)
Here is a link that needs to be read some great stuff on the Highjakers.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:01 PM
If the secret government wants to save his ass he should use the good old terrorist card and say that there was controlled demolition in the world trade center but it was done by the terrorists.

Yeah, I'm sure the debunkers and the majority of the brain washed people would eat it up like they haven't eaten in 2 weeks :0

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:15 PM
You know what's pretty funny...

A guy who worked for a book specially written to ''debunk'' 911 and he doesn't know jack about any of the 911 incident...

I got to be honest and say that the majority of the people on here knows more then that chump did.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:19 PM
Here in this link 7 of the 19 Highjackers are still alive.
How did they get there DNA

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:52 PM
On the one hand the people supporting the official theory want us to believe that fires raged hot enough to warp Steel of incredible size equally at about 40 inches of warping, but then want us also to believe that the bodies of the hijackers were not consumed??

How on earth did they find the DNA in all of that? That is not even believable, there is no way that they found all the DNA for all the hijackers, and then to blindly be matching it.

I see a fireball, total destruction of a building in what is close to a free fall speed, hot spots for weeks and I am then expected to believe they found their DNA?

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 09:42 PM
There were also the personal effects and the rental car with the DNA of these men. At Logan they were selected for extra screening and their luggage was withheld. This would be one source of the DNA.

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