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Honey Bees Disappearance in US Mystery UPDATE

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posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 03:34 PM
I've heard of birds dying off in their thousands in certain places. Now this might be a jump, but if bees and birds are adversely affected, and both use the Earth's EMF for navigation, could HAARPA be influencing things. One of the stated aims is to apply "perterbation" to the magnetosphere/ionosphere and monitor how it "eventually bounces back".

I've spoken to a few UK Naval guys (a couple of them have private boats in the same marina as me), and they tell me that the reason whales have been beaching more over the past few years is a combination of the effects of electromagnetic experiments and the developement of hugely powerful sonar equipment. they wouldn't comment (speculate?) on the source of the EMF, though.

The arrogance of my species appals me, in manuipulating systems they know so little about.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:01 PM
Just to add my personal perspective of the Bee Crisis of 2007.

The Weather here in New Jersey has finally broken away from Winter this week as I have finally seen people wearing shorts and driving convertibles with the top down.

What i saw yesterday in my back yard was 2 queen bees ... I'm not sure if this is unusual? But those were the only 2 bees that I've seen sofar and they were both queens and both in my back yard at the same time. Is this strange behavoir? I have no idea, its just what i've seen.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 08:03 PM
Bees vanished in Taiwan.

The US, Canada, Europe, Taiwan... we're in for a hard year on food. There will be high prices on almonds, peaches, soybeans, apples, pears, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, and strawberries.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 09:59 AM
let's have the USDA fund a 'StUdio Study',

I use the premise that the honey bees have reached a certain plateau
and their own nuclic acids or enzymes or whatever is causing the
high-profile Colony Collapses.

review how Locusts of different 'families' are born then swarm for a period of time...some swarms are born on a 8 year cycle Locusts,
some swarms are born on17 year cycle Locusts...there are several others.

Most all over the world, there are maybe 12 different family lines of
european honey bees which are used in honey-farms & pollination
in muptiple thousands of colonies all over the world.
I'm suggesting the current Bee die-off is because of the lack of diversity in the bee population...with too many colonies having ancestery in the same Bee equivelent of it's Adam-Eve progenitors.
And these particular genetic line of bees have gotten to the mysterious 'trigger' that causes the die-off, extermintion...
about like Locusts die-offs

the natural die-offs do have beneficial results....
# new territories are available for new lines of honey-bees
# the surviver bees that have a different gene, will migrate to newer territory creating new coloniesas theymigrate And source differnt pollens.
# the natural die-off affords free-range bears and other honey eaters a
unexpected bounty, to perhaps survive a future harder winter that Nature has a way of forecasting & preparing for.

all the speculations of GM plants, nicotene insecticides, cell-phone frequency...are all engaging stories.
but the Natural cycle with a engineered depopulation intended to result
in migration and colony diversity in any geographical zone,
seems to me the way of the mysterious 'Mother Nature'

this is just a personal theory,
not meant to be a FYI or a BYA


[edit on 27-4-2007 by St Udio]

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 01:30 AM
Hope this hasn't been posted already. This is from the Coast to Coast site.
Video of dying bees...

Dying Bees

Source and story

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 07:10 AM
There have been quite a number of reports on this subject as it is a cause of major concern. Some have speculated that Cell phones are to blame, but this is a very weak argument with little evidence. What does have a great deal of evidence to suggest as being the culprit, is Nosema ceranae, a single cell fungal parasite. It's presence has been found in the "Collapsed Colonies."

60 bee researchers gathered together in Washington DC. to examine the problem.

Historically, bee losses are not unusual. Weather, pesticide exposures and infestations by pests, such as the Varroa mite, have wiped out significant numbers of colonies in the past, particularly in the 1960s and 1970s.

In case of the current colony collapse disorder that is affecting bees on several continents, things are more severe. In the US alone of the roughly 2.4 million commercial colonies across the United States, about 25% have been lost due to colony collapse disorder since this past fall. A great deal of research is being done to discover the root cause and it appears that this fungal parasite may be the culprit. One great tool that we have to uncover the problem is that scientists have completed sequencing of the honeybee genome. This allows them to better understand the processes at work in colony collapse disorder. The honey bee is one of three insects that have had their genome sequenced. The others being the Malaria carrying mosquito, and the fruitfly.

Dr. Charles Wick of the center had used a new system of genetic analysis to identify pathogens in ground-up bee samples from California. He found several viruses, including members of a recently identified genus called iflaviruses.

It is not known whether these small, RNA-containing viruses, which infect the Varroa mite, are pathogenic to bees.

Skowronski forwarded the samples to DeRisi, who also found evidence of the viruses, along with genetic material from N. ceranae.

"There was a lot of stuff from Nosema, about 25% of the total," Skowronski said. "That meant there was more than there was bee RNA. That leads me to believe that the bee died from that particular pathogen."

Experts may have found what's bugging the bees

mod edit: fixed link

[edit on 2007/5/2 by Hellmutt]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:36 PM
No worries, the bees have been found. Apparently they were just sick.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A swarm of bees clustered outside the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Medical Center shut down the emergency room Monday, as officials waited for a beekeeper to come vacuum up the 7,000 insects.


posted on May, 2 2007 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by testrat
No worries, the bees have been found. Apparently they were just sick.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - A swarm of bees clustered outside the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Medical Center shut down the emergency room Monday, as officials waited for a beekeeper to come vacuum up the 7,000 insects.


7000 bees out of billions that are dying is nothing. - they already know that they are sick.

Their is still plenty to be worried about.


[edit on 2-5-2007 by Orion_grey]

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:34 PM
my earlier post where i explored the possibility that the strain of honeybees
are basically self destructing, is not so remote an answer after reading the article linked , after the refresh the memory of anyone who actually read the post:

Originally posted by St Udio

I use the premise that the honey bees have reached a certain plateau
and their own nuclic acids or enzymes or whatever is causing the
high-profile Colony Collapses.

It seems that bee colonies from Australia ar shippin to the US
as a possible measure to repopulate the needed pollenators
in the agriculture industry.

in the article, it is noted that studies show that the bees immune
systems are being compromised....thus making the bees susceptable
to just about anything that is harmful , where the bees previously had
some level of defense against pesticides or nicotine agents and did not
die off as the bees are doing now. Some 20-25% of US bee colonies
are having a sort of bee-AIDS & dropping dead from most any ailment.

I still say, the scientists should trace the lineage of these strains of bees,
I still say there are too many colonies that have too small a variation from
each other, thereby making a greater dieoff.
A die off that is coded into that strain of bees DNA,
perhaps every strain of bees is naturally designed to self extinct after 1,000 generations of Queens for one strain
While another strain of bees are triggered to self emoliate after 2,000 generations of QueenBees.

Oh, here's the link & article;

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:58 PM
Interesting article here about organic bee keepers suffering no losses

One of the main points the article makes is that they've been combating the varroa mites by not letting the bees grow to an artificially large size - which apparently is quite effective.

The article suggests that the bee die-off is a result of pesticides, artificial food, antibiotics and stress from frequent transporting.

Not sure that it covers *all* the cases of bee colony collapse disorder, but interesting reading nonetheless.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:44 AM
I have heard otherwise...

I'll see if I can actually verify this.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:55 AM
Wanted to add this to this thread as an aside, regarding the Einstein quote...


Found some information this time from an Einstein 'expert', if you can define an Einstein expert as being someone that wrote six books on the scientist. Her name is Alice Calaprice and among the books is one called "The quotable Einstein".


Also on the Internet is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein on how humans would die off in four years if not for honeybees. It's wrong on two counts.

First, Einstein probably never said it, according to Alice Calaprice, author of "The Quotable Einstein" and five other books on the physicist.

"I've never come across it in anything Einstein has written," Calaprice said. "it could be that someone had made it up and put Einstein's name on it."

Second, it's incorrect scientifically, [U.S. Department of Agriculture bee researcher Jeff] Pettis said. There would be food left for humans because some food is wind-pollinated.

*SNIP* Alice Calaprice, as author of "The Quotable Einstein" is probably in a better position to know an Einstein quote when she saw it.

So does this throw the final nail in the coffin on this possible internet myth? In my view it certainly does. Would need to get a verification from the author personally though... Not only this evidence against, but the shear LACK of evidence showing that Einstein DID in fact state this quote and the dubious showing of the quote at an opportune time coinciding with a bee dieoff.

[edit on 10-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 09:14 AM
Wanted to post this for all that are interested:

On Coast to Coast TONIGHT (C2C) Saturday:
Richard C. Hoagland -Hyperdimensional Bees-

Art Bell will be joined by Richard C. Hoagland, who'll discuss solar system changes, weird sun activity, and the disappearing bee problem.

Starts I think at 11pm PST with Art Bell Hosting!
Should be interesting to hear his view on the bee problem. You can listen for free BTW to C2C by linking to a streaming version of the show....

[edit on 12-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 21 2007 @ 07:36 AM
2007 Cicada Mania


consider that this, blown out of purpotion, bee die-off/ColonyCollapse
is just a cyclical and ongoing Ebb-&-Flow of life found in Nature...

if you click the "2007 Cicada Mania" link above you'll read that;

BROOD XIII,...the name of the billions of cicadas expected to emerge this month in parts of the Midwest after spending 17 years underground...

?? Might the Colony Collapse Disorder be intricately timed to go along with the emergence of the Cicadas=Locusts?

...The last massive emergence of periodical cicadas was in 2004.
When BROOD X emerged after 17 years underground in parts of 15 Eastern states,
some Broods emerge after 13 years...

would someone go back & check the records to see if bee-die-offs
were puncuated during the 2004 Eastern Brood X emergence...
as the current 2007 bee-die-off is climaxing during this 2007 Midwest
Brood XIII emergence...
then check whether the 13 year periodical cicada emergence
has another punctuation of bee ColonyCollapseDisorder.

Torsion Fields or planetary resonance causes, just seem way too outfield & woo-woo , for me to take seriously...i focus on the more mundane,

but for the esorteric mind, there's a page link in the 'source' linked at the opening of this post [same adress...] /folklore.html [drop the /index.html]
which has this;

The cicada nymph burrowing out of the ground has been a symbol of
rebirth or reincarnation in a number of societies...

also remember that,
in the apocalypse, there will emerge a brood of locust/cicada that will have scorpion stingers & hurt mankind for 5 months...

also recall that honey is considered a food for prophets, etc
put 2 & 2 together, draw your own scenarios on what might be happening
with the honey source becoming scarce & the swarms of cicadas on the horizon


posted on May, 21 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Just out of curiosity, have there been any recent spikes in the number of known bees that have been infected with the tracheal mite known as Acarapis Woodi over the past few years or so. I know this particular mite lodges itself into the thorax of a carrier bee, which is responsible for the locomotion and flight ability in bees. Although I see nowhere that this particular mite could be deadly to bees in large numbers and particularly only shortens their life by a few days or so, but had any mutations occured in the genome of the mite due to other factors it may explain their disappearance.

Could there have recently been a spike in the number of bees infected with this mite within the last few years? Maybe there is a more natural explanation for the loss of the bees...natural diseases or other predators. Maybe the Wax Moths have been a little more busy than usual...any recent spike in the known population of this particular moth?

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 08:52 PM
So this thread is almost a year old now and I thought I'd ask if anyone had heard any updates to this situation. I did a search on google news and found a couple recent articles here's one but it doesn't really say anything about why it happened last year. It does say that bee numbers are expected to keep dropping though.

Any news about last years mass disappearance? Did they find a cause? Are populations on the decline still?

This news had me pretty concerned the first I heard it, just hoping someone out there knows something new.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 12:59 AM
I'm thinking stories will start popping up again this spring when bee season arrives. There isn't much demand for pollination during the winter. I saw very few bees of any type last summer.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 01:19 AM
Well, actually, there is more bad news. Apparently, another pollinator is in trouble - the bat.

They are sick and it's apparently spreading. They are calling it "white nose syndrome" because those affected have some sort of fungus on their little noses. There are a lot of articles if you go to 'google news' and just type in "bats dying."

Associated Press Article

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 05:41 PM
Just watched a programme on National Geographic called the "Silence of the Bees", this was a fascinating and deeply worrying show which painted a very clear picture of just how big a deal this is on a global scale. Now I'm not a big one for end of the world conspiracies but one word jumped out in this programme and that was the name and possible source of the likely 'aids like' virus that could be wiping out the bees is known as the Israeliacute paralysis virus (IAPV), named due to it's discovery in Israel. A 2 minute google for the name Israel and the end of times will provide thousands of web pages.

Perhaps this is the connection to this area of the world rather than some religious or political war.

Food for thought for the Doomsayers here. 2035 was the estimated date for when the bees of America would be completely gone by at the current rate of disappearance - might be worth encouraging our kids to develop a taste for corn and rice now. as that is going to be the only thing on the menu.



posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Myrtales Instinct
Well, actually, there is more bad news. Apparently, another pollinator is in trouble - the bat.

They are sick and it's apparently spreading. They are calling it "white nose syndrome" because those affected have some sort of fungus on their little noses. There are a lot of articles if you go to 'google news' and just type in "bats dying."

Associated Press Article

Yes, bats are in trouble too, and the White Nose Syndrome is very scary. I can't help but think this is related to the bees.

Bat Conservation International has a link on their site to donate to the research of WNS - Bat Conservation International

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