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"Illegal Aliens" are people too

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posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 11:04 PM
I haven't read all the posts, so I'm sorry if that has been posted already. I skimmed over it breifly, but I'd just like to say this -

I've thought about this subject alot. I think immigration made this country what it is. The people posting on this very thread have come from a multitude of ethnic backgrounds, which is what had made, and makes this country great, despite all of its problems. If this wasn't such a great country, people wouldn't be flocking here from all over the world.

That said - I disagree with rounding up "illegal aliens" or whatever you want to call them. I'm married to a Canadian spouse and I'm active duty military. Even I had to do the entire immigration procedures to legalize my wife, and it IS expensive. I have first hand knowledge of this. It cost us upwards of a 1000 dollars in fees / processing. It costs us HOURS of our time (even with the added bonus of me getting head of the line if I was in Uniform).

Legal Immigration is expensive and long. It's hard to understand - even for me, and I'm a reasonably intelligent person. You have to have your paperwork notarized (which costs money) you have to proof of birth certificates and other paperwork, that unfortunately these immigrants from Mexico and other countries might not be able to get ahold of.
Legal Immigration is HARD to do, even for someone like me just immigrating my wife. Imagine trying to do yourself or your entire family!

I propose now, and have in the past to ALL of my representatives and senators, another Ellis Island. You want these immigrants to be legal and pay taxes and contribute to America? LEGALIZE THEM Forgo the fees and paperwork of legalization (because obviously illegal immigrants aren't doing it ANYWAY) and legalize them!

I fail to see what the problem is here. Well, besides the problem of big companies and farms that WANT to hire illegal immigrants for cheap labor. Bastards....but come on guys...its the only GOOD solution in my mind, and frankly - Ellis Island was of the defining moments of this country - I think its time to re-instate it, fix our borders from further intrusions and legalize the current illegals we already have.

Would you rather have these illegal immigrants become legal and contribute to America, or spend your tax payer dollars to round em up and ship em out? The choice is yours.

If you agree with what I've said, please write your representatives and senators. Get the message out there!

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by LightWorker13
I mean what do u think? Do you think these people are coming here thinking "ooo yes we are gonna go thru illegally so we can screw the american people and take their jobs" come on....these people are only doing what they need to, to create a better life for them and their family.

What I think is that as soon as you start making lengthy excuses for people who knowingly break our laws, then you just lost your own argument. What part of "illegal" do you not understand?

As soon as those illegals cross into the USA, knowingly trying to dodge our border security, even their best sob-stories won't change the fact that they are breaking our law. Frankly, I don't care if José just wants a better life for his mamasita and his pregnant wife Leticia back in Monterrey, where they wait on the corner in the market every Friday for José to wire home that good American cash.

José and his personal strife is NOT the responsibility of U.S. citizens or our government.

But I'll tell you what is our responsibility — securing American borders against hostile threats. I don't care if you're throwing bombs or wrecking the economy through your illegal activity, it's still a threat to national security.

So, particularly during the time of this so-called "War on Terror," I think it would be entirely fair to classify everyone who enters our country illegally as a potential terrorist threat.

Why not? Illegal aliens have already displayed a blatant disregard for our laws, and I think that's enough to warrant the appropriate response from our highest law-enforcement agencies. Treat them ALL as terrorist risks, because that's exactly what they are. Let the word go forth...

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 4/8/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 11:21 PM
Doc Velocity,

I love how throw around the term law? I love it how people like you assume that stealing a car is the same as illegally entering a country and working and providing for your family. That is just plain wrong. You are so totally 100% soaked up into the fear of terrorism. Dude, its my opinion, and mine alone, that you need to wake up and free yourself from the grasp that fear has on you.

Do you really think that illegal aliens are a terrorist threat? First of all, it's been proven that 911 terrorists had a visa to enter the US, and for intents and purposes were allowed to be here, study and learn.
So what validity does your train of thought have? None.
I hate to say it, but you are totally ate up on the whole terrorist threat. If terrorists want to kill you and your family bro - they will. Accept that live life, or live in fear the rest of your life. The choice is yours.

Mod note: Unnecessary large quote removed. Please realize that search engines penalize for repeat content, and therefore using large quotes, especially of the post immediately above yours, is harmful to ATS.

[edit on 9-4-2007 by The Vagabond]

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by zeeon
I love how throw around the term law? I love it how people like you assume that stealing a car is the same as illegally entering a country and working and providing for your family.

THAT is the classic socialist response — Oh, forget about the law! This is about people's lives, man. Feeding your family is more important than federal laws.

Wrong. Illegal advocates have tried to sell that socialist propaganda all across this country for years now — that we need illegals more than we need the law. But that is what we in America call a god damned lie.

Just because I can pay off any Federale in Mexico with a twenty dollar bill does not mean that Americans take our own laws so lightly. Until you can tell me why illegal activity is not illegal, then your argument has no legs.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 11:54 PM
I wouldn't worry to much about illegal aliens because if the corporate elite get their way, the President will grant amnesty to the illegals presently here, institute the North American Union, have a common currency and throw open the borders to unregulated trade. My prediction is that this will happen before the president leaves office.

I found this quite interesting............

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
THAT is the classic socialist response — Oh, forget about the law! This is about people's lives, man. Feeding your family is more important than federal laws.

Wrong. Illegal advocates have tried to sell that socialist propaganda all across this country for years now — that we need illegals more than we need the law. But that is what we in America call a god damned lie.

Just because I can pay off any Federale in Mexico with a twenty dollar bill does not mean that Americans take our own laws so lightly. Until you can tell me why illegal activity is not illegal, then your argument has no legs.

— Doc Velocity

Your calling me a socalist ! HAHA ! That's HELLA FUNNY ! Man you are seriously flawed. Not only am I a dedicated american, I serve our country as active duty military - for the last 8 years - served in two wars - and your calling ME a socialist !? HAH!

It's Americans like YOU that want to make this country a locked down, I'm an American and I'm so special obey my laws or DIE capitalist pig that you can't even see farther than your own two feet. It's American's like you that want the best for yourself, and forget everyone else in the world.

You're so LUCKY that you were given the right to be an American from birth - because if you weren't you'd sure as hell be talking a different talk.

You are the opitomy of an American that takes his or her freedoms and liberties for granted because you've always had them from birth.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by zeeon
Not only am I a dedicated american, I serve our country as active duty military - for the last 8 years - served in two wars - and your calling ME a socialist !?

I'm calling you a liar if you say you're a dedicated American, active-duty and sworn to uphold the Constitution, but you don't want to uphold the laws of the United States.

That makes you a liar somewhere along the way. Have you had this discussion with your superiors? And you're not facing court-martial?

You can sputter in righteous indignation all you want, scream slurs at me, but you still can't explain WHY breaking American laws is NOT illegal.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
I'm calling you a liar if you say you're a dedicated American, active-duty and sworn to uphold the Constitution, but you don't want to uphold the laws of the United States.

That makes you a liar somewhere along the way. Have you had this discussion with your superiors? And you're not facing court-martial?

You can sputter in righteous indignation all you want, scream slurs at me, but you still can't explain WHY breaking American laws is NOT illegal.

— Doc Velocity

Not only will I prove my service to you, and anyone else who questions it, but I also uphold the constitution. Are you so naive as to assume that all Laws are right and correct?

You're calling me a Liar? What have you done, in all your righetous indignation, to support your country? Besides post on a forum and spout ignorant propaganda on how the so called "laws" of our country are being violated. Dude, you need to wake up. As I stated before (assuming you read that post, which you probably didn't) immigrants formed this country, and made it what it is today. I'll bet your OWN family immigrated here, as well as mine. So who are YOU to sit there and deny other families from immigrating here. The issue isn't wether or not it's legal - it's what we do about it. Do we legalise them, or do we round'em up and deport them?

And no, I'm not subject to court martial, punishment or any reprimand from my "superiors" because like YOU, I have the right to free speech. Not even the Military can take that right away from me.
I may not be able to talk negatively about my Commander in Chief in public, I can't participate in public rallies, and I can't go on TV and say things that might be interpreted as a official stance on the US Navy - but I still retain the right to freedom of speech, and there is nothing YOU, or the Military can do to stop me from expressing it, especially on this forum.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by zeeon
Not only will I prove my service to you, and anyone else who questions it, but I also uphold the constitution. Are you so naive as to assume that all Laws are right and correct?

Yeah, yeah, three cheers for the red, white and blue...

Have you woven such a lie that you don't know you have to uphold the law when in service of the U.S. Government? Pardon, troop, but you don't get to question orders NOR the law of the land. That's not your job. And if you dis military authority the way you dis America's immigration laws, I'm not sure you should even be entrusted with the duty of serving this country. Too much of a risk.

And.... You still can't explain (nor even begin to explain) WHY illegal immigration is NOT illegal.

You can't answer it, and you're wasting everybody's time and bandwidth trying to make excuses for illegal activities.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 01:13 AM
I got this to say...

To the people who cant empathize with others, and think these people should be locked up for being criminals because what they did was 'against the law", then why dont you go down to the post office and salute a flag...

I cant believe some people, I mean seriously, I heard someone here say how they are ruining the country, try spending one week without 12 million of these workers, youll see how fast the country falls into ruins. And we are defending them with our "socialist propaganda"? Give me a break.

And I ask, whats the alternative? Round them all up and ship them back home. You know whos gonna pay for that dont you, thats right, you are! The taxpayer. Are you willing? Your gonna put them all in jail, for what? Coming here to try to help their family?

Oh but its Illegal! Well, its illegal to commit purjury to a grand jury isnt it, but your government officials have been caught doing it. Its illegal to illegally tap your phones without a court order, yet your government has been caught doing it. Its illegal to outsource American jobs to China and India, which is doing far more to destroy the middle class than these workers are, yet your government is doing it, saying they dont care, this is globalization, get used to it.

I mean I can go on and on with that, you want to do something about criminals ruining your country, do something about the crooks in power and leave these workers alone.

[edit on 9-4-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
I wouldn't worry to much about illegal aliens because if the corporate elite get their way, the President will grant amnesty to the illegals presently here, institute the North American Union, have a common currency and throw open the borders to unregulated trade. My prediction is that this will happen before the president leaves office.

I found this quite interesting............

Well I predict your prediction will be wrong, there is a plan for a North American Union, but it will never succeed, any thought otherwise only fuels it. People gotta learn how energy works....

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by LightWorker13
this is globalization, get used to it.

[edit on 9-4-2007 by LightWorker13]

I bet Thomas Freedman could not agree with you even more.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by LightWorker13
And I ask, whats the alternative? Round them all up and ship them back home. You know whos gonna pay for that dont you, thats right, you are! The taxpayer. Are you willing? Your gonna put them all in jail, for what? Coming here to try to help their family?

No, I'm going to arrest them and deport their asses because they're breaking the law. Apparently, you people can't even hear yourselves"Oh, our government is corrupt, therefore we should ignore our immigration laws."

What sort of blithering, idiotic logic is that? If your government is corrupt, then you prosecute it and clean it up. If people are breaking the law, you prosecute them. What is so difficult for you about legality and illegality?

You socialists remind me of Celine Dion back during the Hurricane Katrina mess. Here were thousands of scumbag looters in the streets of New Orleans, ransacking every business, and Celine Dion was publically defending the crime: "So these people are stealing TVs, they won't get too far with them, let them touch these things."

No, Celine, you arrest the looters and throw their asses in jail, because what they're doing is illegal. Same thing with illegal aliens — You arrest their asses and deport them. Only a complete idiot would make excuses for criminal activity and this mass invasion by illegal aliens.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 4/9/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by zeeon
I think immigration made this country what it is.

LEGAL immigration made it what it is.

Would you rather have these illegal immigrants become legal and contribute to America ...

Go back to page one and read my links. Illegal aliens aren't all warm and fuzzy. They aren't all here just lookin g to escape poverty. Go back and read about the gangs and the crime rates.

If amnesty were offered that does NOT mean that they would contribute to America. Some would. But take a look at the crime stats ...

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by LightWorker13
To the people who cant empathize with others, and think these people should be locked up for being criminals because what they did was 'against the law", then why dont you go down to the post office and salute a flag...

To the people (you) who can't understand something very simple and that think these people are all warm and fuzzy and huggable .. and that they all are 'just trying to escape poverty' ... Go back to page one and read the links I provided about crime rates and illegals.

You can keep your 'go salute a flag' drivel ...
You can take your quotes off of "against the law" .. because it IS against the law.

Go educate yourself on the crimes and cost to this country that illegals bring with them. :shk: Start with PAGE ONE of this thread and actually read the links that people have provided to help educate you.

[edit on 4/9/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:03 PM
Get off the weed!
'Like wow man, these are like real people dude who are just like trying to survive and 'the man' is like holding them back dude and it's like waaaaaay wrong for like people to not be like more sympathetic man.'

BS! We have a LEGAL process to gain permanent resident status or citizenship! When you circumvent that you are doing something ILLEGAL. If you do not belong here, then you are an alien. Aliens here ILLEGALLY are rightfully called ILLEGAL ALIENS!

Shut down the borders NOW and escort every single one of them back to where they came from! Sadly it won't happen because the corporate elite are too interested in the slave labor that they provide while the socialist MORONS in this country are too stupid and sympathetic to understand how these illegals are being 1.) exploited and 2.) taking legitimate jobs from Americans. That doesn't even begin to address the fact that every illagal alien costs the tax-payers of America around $22,000 per year in welfare, subsidies and health care. Take the UBER conservative figure of 12 million of these ILLEGALS and you have a whopping $264 BILLION dollar bill to pay for them EVERY YEAR!

Wake up! If YOU want them here, the YOU pay for it! Give them YOUR house, job, healthcare, food etc... But dammit, don't aske me to take it off of my children's plates to pay for it
Damn, stupid ignorant dumb people!

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Go back to page one and read my links. Illegal aliens aren't all warm and fuzzy. They aren't all here just lookin g to escape poverty. Go back and read about the gangs and the crime rates.

If amnesty were offered that does NOT mean that they would contribute to America. Some would. But take a look at the crime stats ...

Honestly, your ignorance, I can smell it from all the way here. Yes they are illegal, yes they did not ask for you permission, so what are you gonna do now? Cast a vote so that Mr. Bush can enforce the laws he follows strongly? You insist that people look at your links but your links are not all that reliable and in fact, you have singled these people out just by the fact that they are illegal. Crime exists, crime exists everywhere. It is human nature. Using your logic, why don't we just take every single criminal in this country and deport them! Maybe should just build more prisons so you can put them all in there. Hey, you should build some underground! The ignorance is prevalent in here, look at what Kozmo said,

Originally posted by Kozmo

That doesn't even begin to address the fact that every illagal alien costs the tax-payers of America around $22,000 per year in welfare, subsidies and health care. Take the UBER conservative figure of 12 million of these ILLEGALS and you have a whopping $264 BILLION dollar bill to pay for them EVERY YEAR!

Seriously, you and anyone else who wants to see some real change should start campaigning for the Presidency. Hey you are smart and educated, you guys would do some real change!

[edit on 9-4-2007 by souls]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by souls
Honestly, your ignorance, I can smell it from all the way here... The ignorance is prevalent in here...

And yet I don't see you contributing to our enlightment. Come on, disprove the rising crime rate due to illegal aliens, disprove the cost to America of hosting these illegal parasites. Face it, it's your own ignorance on this subject that is convoluting the issue.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:00 PM
Yo, Mexicans! Come on over. Just do it LEGALLY.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by souls
Honestly, your ignorance, I can smell it from all the way here.

Right back at you. :shk:

Cast a vote so that Mr. Bush ...

Oh freak'n brother. Get a grip. The title of this thread is 'illegal aliens are people too' ... not Bush/Kerry/Clinton or whoever.

your links are not all that reliable

The links are accurate. Deal with it.

and in fact, you have singled these people out just by the fact that they are illegal.

Are you for real?? Hey, guess what the SUBJECT of this thread is ... ILLEGALS. THAT is why they are being singled out in this thread and discussed. Because they are the topic of it.

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