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Forest on Mars !?!?

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posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Much love and oneness to you zeeon!!!!!!!

[edit on 8-4-2007 by selfless]

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Fiverz
Our logic says that oxygen and/or water is needed for most organic life. Assuming that's true,

Oy listen up a sec folkes though they do need water... trees and other vegetation take in CO2 something which Mars has in abundance and GIVE OFF Oxygen

Lets at least get our facts straight on that issue

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Oy listen up a sec folkes though they do need water... trees and other vegetation take in CO2 something which Mars has in abundance and GIVE OFF Oxygen

Lets at least get our facts straight on that issue

Pretty sure someone already said that on this thread.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by selflessPretty sure someone already said that on this thread.

Yep it was mentioned once and ignored LOL

Edited to Add...


I read all the thread and I see a lot of bickering over this.... but no one yet figured this out, even thought its all over the internet... (oh yeah you have to know where to look
) Try Geysers Mars in Google

Here is a picture of the Polar Ice Cap... not hard to find really...

THIS ice is mostly CO2 ice ergo "dry ice" and VERY COLD

Here is a crater with a frozen lake of Water Ice... taken by an ESA Satellite NOT NASA Oh yes they do have one up there right now so expect a lot more photos soon...

But the black "trees" in this case are GEYSERS of SAND [for those who never follow links here is a picture...]

Now stop bickering and look at those truly Alien geysers coming from levitating field of Carbon Dioxide Ice... it doesn't get more Alien than this

Oh and check out the shadows they leave in close up...


Oh yeah almost forgot... the stuff on the craters edge of the water lake in that crater.... ESA is saying they think its snow

[edit on 9-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:45 AM
Those look like Banyan trees (like in Hawaai'i and all over the south pacific) on Mars only probably giant versions. The roots go deep into the ground and are fed by below surface water. These are excellent pictures and this is a nice thread. Thanks for the post!

[edit on 9-4-2007 by carnival_of_souls2047]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 01:00 AM
Well that nearly explains it all for me. I had no idea that these geysers were so abundant on Mars. Now that you mentioned it I can see how the majority of these 'anomalies', viewed in these photographs, fit the description.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by laiguana the majority of these 'anomalies', viewed in these photographs, fit the description.

Always glad to help out a Reptilian...

But seriously when looking for anomalies the only way to have any credibility is to look at all sides... and not be afraid to speak up when new data comes along...

But never stop searching or questioning.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by mikesinghRemember this one which you colored? Or is it the true color of Mars???

HEY I missed that one!! Seems that thread got lost on the favorites list... see what happens when you jump all over the place? LOL That is as good as the true color River that John Lear posted...

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by David2012
This does not mean that I don't agree on some points like people who see something in everything or link everything to grey aliens. But still I don't lash out at them. Actually I listen. At the very least it says something about the human psyche, and who knows, a lot of ridiculous idea's have been proven correct in history.

I have been active in most of these anomaly threads but I don't see much where the OP's link anything to Aliens, especially the greys LOL. I think debunkers just naturally assume they mean Alien

As to ridiculous ideas and wasting ones time looking at images to seek life perhaps someone should explain this to NASA...

Now for a bit of news....


Yeppers and it seems that NASA thinks that life on Earth started there...

And you though we were crazy? HA!

Venus seems bland. It's a featureless, cloud-covered orb about as interesting as a billiard ball. But if that same telescope is fitted with an ultraviolet filter, a mystery reveals itself. Venus' clouds are cross-crossed with fast-moving dark bands...

The bands are the mystery. Some unknown substance within them strongly absorbs UV light, accounting for almost half of the solar energy trapped by Venus. Whatever is in there, it plays a big role in maintaining Venus' hellish climate; the average temperature on the surface is about 460° Celsius. Astronomers have been studying the bands since Mariner 10 spotted them in the 1970s, but decades later no one knows the identity of the "UV absorbers." Candidates range from gaseous chlorine and sulfur compounds to alien life using UV radiation as a source of energy.


"There is some reason to believe Venus may have been the best haven for life in the early solar system," he said. With 900 degree Fahrenheit surface temperatures and an atmosphere permeated by carbon dioxide, chlorine and sulfuric acid clouds today, Venus seems inhospitable to "our kind of life," he said. "But we really don't know much about life -- its requirements, it's differences and how to recognize it."

It is even possible that life on Earth may have evolved from life forms provided by Venus, Grinspoon said: "Pieces of planets were blasting off of each other all the time early in the evolution of the solar system, and microbes from Venus could easily have wound up on Earth."

While the standard scientific view is that life requires water and carbon-based molecules, it cannot really be said if that is the only chemical system that can make life, said Grinspoon, who has been studying the surface, atmosphere and clouds of Venus for 10 years through NASA-sponsored programs.


Soooo seems NASA thinks we are all Venusians

And they base this on some dark bands on Venus in the UV range...

[edit on 9-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

As holes appear the black sand is whooshed out the holes by the gas pressure making awesome geysers of black sand...

Thank's zorgon for nice picks!

About geysers - and dark spots as a result, was imaged before by NASA, and they called them 'SEEPS' / Suspected Evidence of Erosion Process Sites/ but at that time call was that it is evidence of underground ice melting!

**Here is reasrch paper "Martian Water Stains or
Dust Slides?" // lots of images //

Here are some more images from SPACE. COM:

But these images of ELONGATED dark spots are not the same in appearance, - as those 'branching' images that - reassembles 'trees'  .

* from original image

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 07:29 AM
In fact, if you are looking into this narrow strip NASA image: you can see, this smaller dark elongated spots - which could be geysers, but totally different in size an shape.

And they also differ from this image:

* orig. img. NASA

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Here is a picture of the Polar Ice Cap... not hard to find really...

THIS ice is mostly CO2 ice ergo "dry ice" and VERY COLD

Now stop bickering and look at those truly Alien geysers coming from levitating field of Carbon Dioxide Ice... it doesn't get more Alien than this

"Giant Pool of Water Ice at Mars' South Pole"

Mars is unlikely to sport beachfront property anytime soon, but the planet has enough water ice at its south pole to blanket the entire planet in more than 30 feet of water if everything thawed out.

With a radar technique, astronomers have penetrated for the first time about 2.5 miles (nearly four kilometers) beneath the south pole’s frozen surface. The data showed that nearly pure water ice lies beneath.


“This is the first time that a ground-penetrating system has ever been used on Mars,” said the new radar study’s lead author, Jeffrey Plaut of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


The reflected beams revealed that 90 percent or more of the frozen polar material is PURE WATER ICE, sprinkled with dust particles. The scientists calculated that the water would form a 36-foot-deep ocean of sorts if spread over the Martian globe.......

* rest of article:

So - for a long time it is no secret to scientists that Marth south pole - conteins CO2 ice, BUT >>>"Measurements in recent years found strong evidence for abundant WATER ICE BENEATH, and that it gets exposed during summer melts of the overlying carbon dioxide."

[edit on 9-4-2007 by blue bird]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:52 AM
Well Zeeon.

I replied like that mainly because you came across agrevated.

The "why are you...." was not intended as an attack and I'm sorry if it came across like that.

Your comments still don't apply to why I'm watching this thread.
Has me a bit frustrated lol.

I'm guessing we both have/had the wrong idea about each other.
Maybe a chat would clear things up, if you wish.

Ah well back to reading comments.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by blue bird

So - for a long time it is no secret to scientists that Marth south pole - conteins CO2 ice, BUT >>>"Measurements in recent years found strong evidence for abundant WATER ICE BENEATH, and that it gets exposed during summer melts of the overlying carbon dioxide."

Yes but C02 ice thaws at -109.3 °F or -78.5 °C so its going to need to get a lot warmer on Mars before that water ice will be ready for taking a dip...

And I don't buy the 36 feet of water over the entire planet if the pole melts... As ice expands when it freezes I just don't see the quantity of ice at the poles to cover that much..

Some here have talked about the scarcity of water in the solar system... we know there are electric storms on all the planets... if you have ANY oxygen and hydrogen in the air sooner or later the result will be water molecules so I would hazard a guess that water exists in a lot more places than most expect...

I see a lot of images posted on the color issue on Mars... NASA shows what they call "real color" which are usually dark with a brownish reddish tint...

The CP crowd shows us images where the scenery is as bright as any on Earth...

Well they can't BOTH be right...

NASA says... the enhanced color images are shown "as they would appear in Earth level light..." Okay I can buy that... if you had the same amount of sunlight on Mars as you do on Earth, then those images that show blue sky etc would in fact be true color... This makes sense ...

But pray tell me how if you were standing on Mars that you would get the same level of light on Mars as you do on Earth? Last I checked the Sun was a LOT further away and appears a lot smaller in the Martian sky....

Do we just ignore this minor annoying detail? I can deal with that... as soon as you show me where the extra light comes from....

Yes the SKY IS BLUE on Mars... but it is darker because of the lack of sunlight, and because there are planet wide dust storms almost constantly... and its colder for the same reason... and unless we can add a new source of heat and light, nothing will change...

Sunset on Mars..

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

And I don't buy the 36 feet of water over the entire planet if the pole melts... As ice expands when it freezes I just don't see the quantity of ice at the poles to cover that much..
I see a lot of images posted on the color issue on Mars... NASA shows what they call "real color" which are usually dark with a brownish reddish tint...

Talking about images - deserve a completely new thread, my friend.
//I am not 100% sure either in 'raw' images not to edited by NASA - for example, you have right and left camera on rover, both of them are one unit and should have the same angles when shooting, and than you have - one with sky and other without...not to mention colors//

Speaking of 'dry' Mars. does this look dry or rather pretty muddy and wet:

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 01:00 PM
I find it plausable that NASA and other space agencies are hiding the fact that there is a breathable atosphere with oxygen on Mars.

The sky is blue on Mars. It just looks red in many photos because of NASA photoshop artists. I think NASA even admitted there was a blue sky at one point and said that it looks red in the photos because of the dust from dust storms (damage control).

Why would they hide this information? To prevent 3rd world countries from desiring to start a space program. Why would you want to explore a desolate planet? But if it had oxygen and water... many countries would want to start colonies there.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by curiousbeliever]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by blue bird
Talking about images - deserve a completely new thread, my friend.

Nah too many threads on Mars images already hard to keep up to date with all the finds LOL
We need one giant thread for all of them...

Breaking News.... Must see Video

NASA shows absolute proof of Alien activity on Mars...

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 06:31 PM
zorgon - great animation...for a moment I was landing on Mars!

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by curiousbeliever

The sky is blue on Mars. It just looks red in many photos because of NASA photoshop artists. I think NASA even admitted there was a blue sky at one point and said that it looks red in the photos because of the dust from dust storms (damage control).

[edit on 10-4-2007 by curiousbeliever]


posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 06:42 PM
blue became red.
what's the color conversion for that!
(goes off to tinker with negative color
examples in graphics program)

it's the negative opposite!
if red is on white, when the pallete is
changed to a negative, the red becomes

if red is on black, when the pallete is
changed to a white negative of the black,
it becomes blue.

depending on shade of red, the blue may
be more aquamarine or turquoise than the
royal blue in the picture, but that may be the
result of something else.

red is negative blue.
blue is negative red.
all depending on if the background
is white or black to begin with, but
it's consistently the opposite of what
it started out as .

now that's interesting!

[edit on 10-4-2007 by undo]

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