OK... Asala.. I have no idea why I posted that picture, but I hope it makes you SMILE!
You don't look a day over 21! .. such radiant beauty, warm spirit, kind heart .. your friends have missed you Asala! The chat room simply is not the
same place with you gone.
Get well soon.. party hard on your birthday and enjoy!
Asala feel better soon. It really sucks having the flu but to have it on your birthday really really sucks big time! Well just make sure that
everyone promises to celebrate with you when you are feeling tip top again.
Happy birthday Asala. Hopefully you feel better soon! I'm sure you will be up and kicking very soon. Remember to drink plenty of fluids
and get lots of rest!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY asala hope u get well
drink lots of water,eat more fruits when u dont have apetite it should return
if its a flu then....whatch when u dont have a fever then put ur legs into hot water with salt....that cured me for 3 days and i was dead sick....with
the nose and the eyes watering
heres a pic of a tuned bmw with a kitty vinyl,i maked for valentines day but still u gonna love it img392.imageshack.us...
Hi Asala. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, and on your birthday too. Bummer! I can relate cause my birthday falls into the height of flu
season every year. I've been sick almost every birthday I can remember. Try some chicken soup with lots of garlic. Garlic is fabulous for getting rid
of viruses.Just don't breathe on anyone for a day or two. And skip the cake for now cause sugar suppresses the immune system.You'll be up dancing in
no time.
Hi Asala, Hope your feeling a lot better, Im glad your temps dropping and you no longer feel like this
Hope you feel well enough to go and enjoy ya Birthday!!!!
Best Wishes!!
Oh No sick with the flu, and on your birthday too? That's just messed up :bnghd:
Don't eat the chicken noodle soup...it will make you WANT to Just mentioning it makes me want to Take it easy, and get better soon.
You have to be well when I come to visit you