posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 02:36 PM
One of the things I really like about my recent membership in ATS is that I have the opportunity to ask about some of the weird stuff one encounters
in life. This one comes from my wife. She is a well-balanced, down to earth type and wouldn't make this one up...
Some years ago, she was using a polaroid instant camera...her camera, new pack of 'film'. She took a picture of her daughters in an indoor setting
(no mirrors in sight).
When the picture 'developed' before her eyes, it was a different picture...the people and setting were entirely foreign to her. The key elements,
then, are: new film; her camera; image developed in front of her; no resemblance to picture taken.
I talked to a photographer about this, and he says that there is no way that it could have played out in this manner. Personally, I figure the only
'mechanical' explanation would take it back to the manufacturing process, and someone creating a stunt. Still...the photo 'developed' in her was not a developed one that emerged from the camera. The shot she did take never turned up.
Comments? Similar stories?